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Everything posted by rabidninjawombat

  1. Out of curiosity. Are the Karry Kans and the .625m Karboelectric generator designed to go on the PackRat? Playing around with it, ive found the Double Karry Kans are just a tad to large to fit side by side on a row in the PackRat using the bottom attach nodes., same goes with the Genny.
  2. Everything still looks like it should be operating smoothly (though if you use WaveFunctionsP's InterstellarLite, you'll need to update some of the KSPI configs for thing to work right)
  3. For cost of simulations you may wanna check the MissionControler mod code, He has a big red button that you click to revert, which costs you a 1000 credits. May give some insights on how to accomplish that. (no expert coder myself sorry )
  4. I think ive seen HAL-MechJeb done several times, but this looks like the most well designed version i have seen yet. In regards to the configuring it.. do you just need a part config, or do you need help exporting it through unity?
  5. Good idea.. I like the concept of having to choose before hand if its a Sim. =) ill throw this on a test install before i put it in my main install, but i think id totally use this.
  6. Put any thought into adding a sound effect for the thaw and refreezing process? Im sure there are plenty of royalty free effects that could fit the bill. edit: https://www.freesound.org/people/urupin/sounds/192415/ <--- example
  7. Yup if thats the case, then delete the WarpPlugin, and OpenREsourceSystem and Treeloader folder and then install either the one that Forsaken just linked, or The KSPI .12 Experimental version. There a few differences, but i like the new Lite version. Both can be found here https://github.com/WaveFunctionP/KSPInterstellar/releases
  8. What Forsaken1111 said. Also if its just a strait crash to desktop during or right after the loading screen, the first culprit is usually a running out of memory issue. How many mods are you using? Bring up your Task manager while the game is loading, and see how high the RAM usage goes. If its over 3.4gb , You'll probably want the Active Texture Management mod.
  9. Then it might be the version of interstellar that you are using. Are either WaveFunctionP's .12 Experimental Version? Or KSPILite? Both of those should work fine with MKS/Karbonite. If you are using the .11 version from FracktalUK that would be an issue. If you want, you should always post a screeny of your gamedata folder, maybe i can see something thats conflicting in there.
  10. this is an ORS error, happens when you have a duplicate resource defintion in your GameData Folder. Couple Questions: Did you recently update your Karbonite installation? And are you using Interstellar? If you recently updated from an a pre-3.0 version of Karbonite, the resource defitions moved to the CommunityRecoursePack Folder, and if you didnt delete the USI folder when installing that will cause that error. Try a full reinstall of Karbonite( with deleting the UmbraSpaceIndustries folder) and see if that helps first. Delete the OpenResourceSystem folder as well (if your not using Intersteller) Karbonite will re install this as well when you re install it.
  11. Not sure if i'm gonna use the ship it self (it looks awesome btw) But the spacedock.....just what ive always wanted! instant download! +rep for you good sir.
  12. Nice! Cant wait for the release =D looking forward to the playing with the smaller parts too. They look awesome for probes.
  13. OCD much? (I feel ya though, ive noticed that)
  14. Everythings already integrated, not much really required. All parts have costs, thats about all thats really neccesary. Yea i saw! Love all the new updates =) Will make sure everything's hunky dory.
  15. No parts were changed with this update so it should not affect your craftfiles in anyway.
  16. Woooo! Downloading now..... The HX parts and the new IVA's look simply amazing.
  17. Man! Im gone on vacation for a week and i missed this launching! Grabbing this to give it a whirl. Thanks Roverdude
  18. The Productivity only effects the the production of vessels, it doesnt factor into processing ore or metal. I tested the orbital workshop, and with 500 metal, i get about 7k rocket parts before i run out of metal and scrapmetal, so im not getting infinite production, (make sure your updated to the latest version) Done! As far as the cost in the tooltip not matching the actual cost: This is because the Tooltip shows the cost of the part if it was full of the resources it was capable of carrying (is, had a full load of metal, ore,etc) The cost reflected in your build total is the part Empty. Not sure if there is a way to have these reflect the same. (As I obviously don't want this parts to start full) Doing a cost pass on all parts right now, will make sure they all make sense, lemme know if you think they need changing. Going 50k, 100k, and 150k for the smelters (by size) 100k for the RocketWorkshop New Version with the prices all updated has been uploaded.
  19. Sorry guys. I've been out of the country for the past week and haven't had access to respond to anything here. Will update and respond to any requests when I get home this evening.
  20. I like it! I've been making home made box sats (with panels, and Infernal robotics) for a while, this looks handy! Out of curiosity, in regards to Remote tech, how many antennas are included in the packages? (say if using it to setup a relay network)
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