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Everything posted by rabidninjawombat

  1. Most of the mouse movements can be controlled by the left stick, Right stick to rotate in the VAB? I dont see how they can setup action groups without some mean drop down menus. Id imagine they'll skip IJKL, HN, and just stick with Docking mode I can agree that the controls do feel like they would be a little funky, though some of the devs who've said they've seen an in house version of the playstation version have said it works very smoothly. cant wait to see a sample. I know right? If only they would do something like port the game over to the newly released Unity 5 engine in their next patch....... Oh wait.... i seem to remember them doing just that. Huh what do you know?
  2. Good point! And also true, (though i dont use any of those features)
  3. They dont have a very large catalog, it mostly seems to be mobile games and such last time i looked. But Squads devs have had alot of praise for them on the info they have released thus far, said they have helped them along alot in the PC unity5 conversion as well.
  4. Honestly the only difference with installing and playing via steam is that it tracks your hours played.... (even though in my case its more than i wanna know with how many hours ive dropped into it )
  5. Actually something along these lines is not a bad idea I'm into model rocketry in my space time. And a KSP branded version of Model rocket parts would be awesomely fun. Say in cooperation with Estes, or another manufacture... Id love to see alittle baby Mainsail fireing up into orbit. Squad Make that happen!
  6. I'm happy to see them going to XBone too. Kasper, please tell me they are adding Kinect support..... Building rockets with your hands! All Ironman/Tony Stark Style.
  7. I like that Is that your own work, or is there actually a texture replacer pack out there that does that?
  8. They should have used reaction wheels on the craft! it coulda righted itself! Its proof of the sense of humor of the OP,its supposed to be a funny post, not actually "proof" of anything
  9. Correct I took it over development from MichaelHester07 about 2 months back. (new thread is in my signature) and feel free to shoot me a forum PM anytime (or skype if more in depth discussion is needed)
  10. I would really love to here more about this Progeny (system? ) you are working on. Sounds promising, would be curious to see if its anything similar to what i have in mind for the future of Civilian Population. As far as that goes in Civ Pop, civilians are treated as resources (they are an actual defined resource) but they do consume life support, and will go and leave your colony base based on if are are in the positives or negatives in life support, they are also recruit-able as Kerbanauts with the right buildings. You CAN launch them from KSC to your colony, but they will also immigrate on their own as well. (and they will reproduce if you have a high enough population) On the Topic of OSE Workshop, I assume Obivandamme wouldn't have any objection to incorporation of a workshop functionallity(via MM) into a new part of Civ Pop (as Rover and Angel-125 have don with MKS/Pathfinder) if i decide to do so?
  11. Awesome! Another update.... that's an amazing looking part! If you get time you may wanna check out some new work by ThomasP http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/131370-WIP-Kerbal-Terrain-System Its a WIP, but it should allow real time deformation of Terrain. Might complement your ideas behind Mining and Processing (Munar Strip mining Anyone? )
  12. Haven't given up. But been really busy working on the Civilian Population Mod, so its taken a bit of a time on the back burner. Still plunk a few minutes into it here and there, though anything serious will have to wait till after 1.1
  13. Nice screenshot! I actually do that myself, Love that someone else does that as well with the flight school, Good idea on the surface mountable flight pad. Ill try to get it in in the next patch for you. (added to my to-do list) Thanks, will update the FAQ for ya. Also working toward a little more inter-operablity with MKS/OKS if you are currently using that too.
  14. yea thats honestly what i was thinking Thanks Necrobones. Called the part complete, and will let the user add the legs
  15. Thanks for all the advice everyone! Shadowmage, i tried the multiple ModuleLandingLegs, (each with their unique named transforms, using same animation) I get the 4 deploy buttons, but it still seems to only operate one leg (will double check my work ) @Lo-fi yea, that what im trying to do. Animating multiple legs driven from a single instance. Id imagine if i redid the animation and model in blender (with the legs) id have no issues. Was attempted to save time, as I already have the (individual) legs working as a part already. Basically imported the model onto my main part in Unity, (which is why they are separate objects like that in unity).
  16. Quick question for anyone who can help. Have a part all setup with 4 landing legs, they all use the same animation, and they all animate and work just fine in unity when previewed, Wondering if im doing something wrong with the setup in unity , or the config setup. When the part is imported into KSP and i use the standard. "ModuleLandingLeg" only one leg will work properly (so im assuming its a unity setup issue.) Here is the config part MODULE { name = ModuleLandingLeg animationName = Deploy wheelColliderName = WheelCollider suspensionTransformName = Piston suspensionUpperLimit = 2 orientFootToGround = true landingFootName = FootTransform impactTolerance = 20000 suspensionSpring = 100 suspensionDamper = 55 } And here is how its setup in Unity: Does all the gear need to be under one object? Any insight would be appreciated! (and if more info is needed just let me know what to provide. Thanks!
  17. Yup.. it was a very specific issue, But hotfix up ahead should fix, tested multiple times jumping back and forth between versions. Enjoy!
  18. Ok! I should have a fix for you. Thanks for the feedback and logs csmicfool. Apologies to everyone about the the update spam. This should hopefully fix the issue for anyone issue with rent. (no more updates for at least a week promise Hotfix: Just a small DLL update to issue with rent that folks may be having in certain situations. (Mostly existing bases that were already in the negative, this should reset the clock, and rent should work for ya. ) Update is on the front page of the thread as usual.
  19. Thanks. The Civilian docks already do something similar, (allow a steady stream of immigration in the background provided you have enough food) I was looking into making a vehicle, (more likely just a parts say similar to the mrk3 16 crew cabin) that would transport civilians at the whim of the user, while retaining the aesthetic of the other pieces. But i may very well implement something similar to that mod in the GUI (allowing user to pay an large amount of funds for an immediate influx of civilians to be transported)
  20. No Problem! I'm looking into it now, But im assuming this base existed before the patch right? I may have an issue in the code where it didn't reset the the rent timer properly for existing bases ( i knew it works fine for new bases, tested it extensively) If this is the case ill get it fixed for ya ASAP! In regards to any imbalance, dont forget that with TAC, your Kerbonauts use the same resources (and at twice the rate of civilians) so with more kerbonauts added you might need extra growing capacity. There is converter on the hydroponics that. will do that. And the farm as well.
  21. This should only happen if A: Your landed on kerbin, or B: Your in Sandbox/Science mode mode. If none of the above apply lemme know what situation your craft is in. Screenshots are helpful and any errors that are coming up in the KSP log (either alt +f2 to view it) or upload a link to your ksp.log file. In those two situations you wont get any rent, that was added in the last patch, Hopefully once i have the GUI built you wont even see that stat on that vessel if it doesnt apply to you situation.
  22. Yea that's kinda of the idea. I don't wanna have to write in configs for every planet/planetpack.
  23. Fixed! Update Download is in the first page. 1.7.3 had the the wrong install folder setup. Thats what i get for staying up till 2am coding and them uploading Forgot to mention it in the changelog but i did slightly buff the rent amount. For the next update once the GUI is up and running, planning on scaleing Kerbal rent based what planet then are on/around. Laythe super expensive destination spot anyone?
  24. Version:1.7.3 - "Land Lord Edition" Nothing flashy or new partwise, but a lot of necessary changes/fixes/balances to the backend plugin and parts needed for future plans! A complete refactoring of the code (the plug-in should be about 1/4th of the size it was before) This included any bug fixes I have come across or have had reported, as well as make the code ready for a toolbar based GUI that's in development for the next update! Full Changelog: Complete refactoring of the code! Alot more efficient (hopefully!) Bugs fixed: All Rent related bugs are finally fixed! Your kerbal tenants have stopped being deadbeats and are now paying properly! (Note: RabidNinjaWombat and Associatesâ„¢ are not responsible for any back rent not collected ) Note: Rent is only collected when you visit your ships/bases(but it does accumulate while the ships isn't focused) So Land-lords check in with your tenants often! Added a check to rent code to make sure player was in Career mode before trying to pay them money, avoiding null refs for those playing in Sandbox (thanks for the report Maraz!) (note for sandbox players, right click menu "Time Until next Pay" field will still go into the negatives but it can be safety ignored till I get the GUI up and running which will removed this field completely) Several code fixes eliminating Reeeaaaaly annoying log spam. (thanks for the heads up Oaktree42) USI-LS support should now properly cost you supplies for your Civilians. Add Placeholder IVA to Movie theater (to make it easier to access your recruited Kerbals) New IVA soon. Enhancements/Balance: Added a check to the rent code to see if your landed on Kerbin. (no rolling a CivPop Apartment just off the runway and raking in the cash, you dirty cheating alpaca ) Its not perfect, But works for now, will take another look at the rent code, once the GUI is finished. Buffed/Balanced the Laser Drill - was pulling far too little out for its size/cost and relatively high point in the tech tree. Lowered weight of landing legs, given their size, while large, compared to other parts they were still overweight. Rent Slightly Buffed Also a big shout out to Reddit user Faraway_Hotel for his permission to use the awesome Kerbal Icons he created, and that you see on Reddit as Flairs, within the CivPop GUI (licensed Creative Commons 4.0 BY-NC) COMING SOON! Download link in the first post as usual!
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