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Everything posted by rabidninjawombat

  1. Those look great Cosmic_Farmer! Yea I ran into the bug your talking about, and as far as i know its a stock issue (happened on an install without CivPop installed) If you need any help with those modules/textures holler at me I always appreciate any contributions folks send my way. To be honest i need to add you as a co-author on the first page, with all of the contributions you've made. I've got a few more parts in the work myself
  2. I would completly agree with them I wasnt paying to unlock em till i got a contract to use them.... not realizing i had to have them unlocked before the contract would generate!
  3. Sorry for the double post..... I dont appear to be getting any station science contracts. Ive declined probably over several hundred contracts trying to get one to pop, and i haven't seen any. Have most of the Station science parts unlocked and nothing shows up. Not seeing anything in the output_log regarding station science. I am using Contract Configurator and the Space station contract pack.. not sure if there is an incompatibility. Any tips or pointers to fix it? Second Edit: IGNORE all the above, i am an idiot. (and not afraid to leave my train of shame behind for folks to learn from) I totally forgot i was playing with part unlock on this time (where you pay funds to unlock parts, and the station contract wouldn't pop till i actually purchased the experiment parts LOL)
  4. These looks pretty great! will happily give them a test spin soon. If you need any help with TAC-LS or USI-LS configs, ill be happy to send some your way, once ive played around with the parts.
  5. Simply drop the StationScience folder into your KSP GameData Folder, then your done. (you dont need to do anything with the source folder)
  6. Thanks that indeed fixes it. (for others edification. looks like Near future Propulsion and Infernal Robotics still had the older version of KSPAPIExtensions)
  7. Im still getting this issue with the latest verion of PP, Both with and without the latest version of tweakscale. As in the image above , no bar to select the shape or texture. This error is spammed in the debug log when right clicking to select a part. [Error]: ItemPrefab for control type 'UI_ChooseOption' not found.
  8. Thanks! if you do do a video review feel free to linked and ill try to find a spot to fit it in the front page posts
  9. This looks really promising! Looking forward to it
  10. The bridge part (and the reactor) was specifically sized to match the largest of the existing modules in the pack already. (i.e. the Large Biosphere). Though, if there is a demand for it, i can definitely add some adapter parts to 7.5m meter or 5m parts. example: There is no up or down in space! As pretty much all of these modules are round/or have no specific noticeable "right" direction, I dont really see thew windows as on the bottom:P if it bothers you, you can always flip it in the VAB. While you can launch these parts in the space from the launchpad, i usually recommend building them insitu using ExtraPlanetary Launchpads due to their sheer size. That one is a bug on my part (though the wheel works fine with CivPop parts) ill adjust the interior nodes in and drop them in shortly when i finish up the config for USI-LS.
  11. This right here The only "hate" i see are from a very small subset of the forum go-ers (i tend to stay out of general anyway, usually stick to the modding and help threads) There are some criticisms, but most of it is level headed and reasonable. Still one of the best communities around. <3
  12. 1.7 Update: Changelog: 1.0.4 Compatibility Added 3 new parts (Reactor, Command Module Saucer, X-Large SAS Module) Even more model and texture touch ups/opitmizations (Courtasy of Cosmic_Farmer) Shaved about another MB off the download size Updated to the 1.0.4 version of KSPAPIExtensions New Parts: (first 3 are the new parts ) regarding the USI-Life support update: Ran into a small issue, and ill pop that into a small update in the next day or two.
  13. I don't believe there is a way to do this within the settings, though you can use ModuleManager to give whatever pod or launchpad your building with an insane amount of Productivity (which will in turn build it pretty much instantly)
  14. drdeath, are you using an old version? the specific resource "biomass" hasnt been used in any of the resource loops since 1.4 (back when biosmass was used in MKS) There are other resources that do that same thing in the resource loop (substrate, waste/wastewater, etc) the biomass resource isnt part of the Community Resource Pack, or MKS/TAC-LS, which is why i removed it from the life support loops. (Note if you are using USI-LS , there will be a resource chain for organics) Your welcome to add in the biomass resource to any of the parts via module manager config if you want (or if you need help doing so , just holler and I can throw a MM config for you together.
  15. Short update: Ran CivPop through its paces and the 1.0.2 update works just fine on 1.0.4. Yay! I will have an official update ready for everyone by tomorrow evening baring any unforeseen circumstances. Including: --3 new parts --Some great looking updates of existing parts (courtesy of Cosmic_Farmer again!) --A Optional version for those running USI-Life Support to allow the production of Supplies.
  16. Check out KSI-Astronaut-Complex-Overhaul by Oaktree Hires kerbals based on their stats (stupidity courage affect cost) lets you specify their job, And will hire up to a level 3 kerbals ( for more cost) based on the level of your astronaut complex. (also increases the cost of kerbals based on the number you have killed) But it doesnt scale exponentially like the stock system
  17. I do kinda like the look of that it does actually have a similarity to what is already in the pack. (Dont wanna stray to far away from the exisiting style. ) ill see what i can throw together, Thanks for the input danielL
  18. A picture of some kinda of refrence to what you may be looking for would be much appreciated. No guarantee , but id be happy to consider, Daniel On other fronts, my pull request for CKAN should have gone through so you should be seeing the mod up on CKAN any time now. Also Ill have a few new parts up by the middle of this week, as well as a conversion for those using USI life support. (sorry been a busy last week for me) @Comsic_Farmer, Taking a look at the edits you sent me now. Thanks again for your contributions
  19. Awesome work with this LGG Small issue on the Minmus contracts, Under one of the requirements you are missing a partunlocked flag. Causing the contracts not to load if someone is using RemoteTech. REQUIREMENT:NEEDS[RemoteTech] { name = PartUnlocked type = PartUnlocked part = } REQUIREMENT:NEEDS[RemoteTech] { name = PartModuleTypeUnlocked type = PartModuleTypeUnlocked partModuleType = Antenna partModuleType = Power } Looks like its in every minmus contract.
  20. Yea it'll work fine with CTT (all the parts will just be in the stock nodes , which are kept in the CTT tree) I'd be happy to throw you a CTT config to put them in sensible places in the tree this afternoon.
  21. Its included in the download, generally mod developers include files in the download cause they are required (unless specifically labeled as optional)
  22. Id imagine they are gonna integrate the touchpad feature on the dualshock into the editor. At least thats what i would do
  23. it wasnt ALL mods its some mods, that apparently have to go through an approval/vetting process before appearing on a console. (though they said they wont be too heavy handed on the process, and will let Xbox users break their saves if they want )
  24. Maybe because he works face to face , everyday with said technical people. His job is communications, to communicate (in a easy non-technical way) What the devs let him know about. Its not like he makes all this stuff up out of the blue I linked it at the top of this page (from the forums )
  25. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/content/344-Kerbal-Space-Program-is-coming-to-PlayStation-4-What-does-that-mean-for-you EDIT: @ Regex : LOL im sure we wont end up with a console style GUI in KSP..... why would you port the game to console, then re-port it back to PC Skyrim was developed for consoles, then lazily ported to PC's
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