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Everything posted by rabidninjawombat

  1. Hey Tjsnh, Start here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/94638 Under Unity/Configs There is a section on setting up Airlocks (hatches).
  2. OH wow... this looks incredible useful!
  3. Thanks Streetwind, i was actually curious as to the use of the % in regards to MM usage. answered my question perfectly (if off topic of this thread )
  4. csmicfool, sorry about the delay! And thanks for the kind words! seeing if i can recreate whats going on with your stuff! Do you have your. If you have your ksp.log file that you can upload for me, that would help as well EDIT: Figured out your issue, I haven't yet implemented a IVA for the movie theater (waiting till unity5 and support or animated gifs as textures! For the movies!) Your Kerbals are actually getting recruited, but they dont show up in lower right hand corner pictures due to the lack of the IVA. If you left click on the Movie theater hatch, you should be able to EVA your kerbals. I will implement a temporary placeholder IVA in the next patch (out shortly with alot of plugin optimizations!) Sorry 'bout the confusion!
  5. Wonderful! Thanks for the update. Now i just have to figure out a way to use the Recycler to recycle a kerbal into Food. Koylent Green is kerbals!
  6. Small Update! -- Hotfixed small apartment with new model (new model was slightly smaller than the old one, scaled up to fix, and be the same size as the old one) Thanks for the update Cosmic_Farmer! -- Reduced mass of a couple parts (Landing legs were overweight, Large reactor just slightly, and Constrution Drone Part) -- Lowered Productivity of the Constructor (from 30 to 15) Was way overpowered, if you like the old way your welcome to adjust the cfg --New part by request, Smaller Reactor Module, for your compact bases/ships! (thanks for the idea Oaktree42)
  7. Casper88, Taniwha has talked about doing something separate for unmanned stuff in the future. In fact, looking back it was in response to a question from you
  8. Thats a Texture replacer things. Has many different options for Kerbal head skins
  9. Unfortunately , that's incorrect at the moment. have not figured out a way around the manned requirement (short of forking EPL, and i don't wanna do that) Though I have actually added a small crew cabin to the drone, and it gives nice +30 productivity to account for A.I. support. EDIT: And just read the post about recipes! Seems pretty awesome Taniwha. If im reading it correctly it will allow modders to add configs to our parts specifying what resources we want to have EPL use to build said parts.
  10. Yea! the Capsule Hotel Concept would be neat. with a setup like this you could stack Civies high and stuff em in cargo bays
  11. Smaller reactor yes (I have one ready that ill put out with the hotfix for the gap in the small apartment complex we saw on your stream. ) Regarding a civilian transport pod, I could see that being a thing, going off the size of the Mk3 Passanger cabin, a transport pod for 60 civies would need to be about the size of 4 cabins. You dont want them cramped in there like sardines do you Example pictures:
  12. Honestly ive never tried using tweakscale with landing legs, so im not sure. There is nothing special about the landing legs.. the use the Standard stock "ModuleLandingLeg" module. So if stock legs are tweakscaleable, these should be. You would just need tweakscale config for them. the config should look something like this @PART[colossalLandingLeg] // Cruiser Landing Gear { %MODULE[TweakScale] { type = free } } @PART[colossalLandingLeg2] // Cruiser Landing Gear Mk2 { %MODULE[TweakScale] { type = free } } That should cover both of the legs.
  13. Chiron Beta Prime.... ROFL... nice reference Oak Jonathan Coultan for the win. And in regards to resources names. @123nick What oak said is correct, The resource names are like that to insure interoperability with other mods that use the same ressources (I.E. TAC Life Support, MKS/OKS , etc)
  14. Yup just a small delay so i could add in your requested feature regarding the construction drone, had to add a hatch to the model, (unless you wanted to pen the kerbal in their forever ) And on that note: 1.7.2 Update: Several of the Civilian Houses have received new models! (thanks for the contributions Cosmic_Farmer!) Animated Harvesting Arms added to the small hydrosphere (with plans for more to the two largers ones) Balancing of Civilian consumption of resources (consumption of Oxygen lowered, almost by half, Water increased, food slightly decreased. All production should hopefully be balanced to approximately half of what Kerbonauts use. (with a little extra cushion) Update and Consolidation of more Textures. Due to an A.I. Revolt and attempted world Domination, Human oversite has been added to the Construction Drone. (A Kerbal with wire-snips) -------(I.E. at the current time, building unmanned with EPL does not work without a forking of the EPL code and some revisions). The Construction Vehicle still will provide over 30+ productivity since it will have A.I. assistance Note: To avoid duplicate Textures (and wasted memory space) I HIGHLY Recommend deleting the old Netherdyne Aerospace Folder before installing the update. As always, back up your saves when updateing. As usual, download on the first page, and feel free to post any issues or comments!
  15. That explains why ive never had the clamp issue I always run with StageRecover/KCT. Didnt know it did that. Great mod Ipeer!
  16. Yup already had plans for that in the next patch. (to compensate for the fact that EPL wont work unmanned )
  17. Heh! The reason behind that is that Civilians are treated as resources. And since resources can be measured to the hundredth place you end up with half or a quarter of a civilian sometimes (as Cosmic said, I just think of them as baby kerbals) . Im in the midst of a whole plugin rewrite, so if i can find a way to make it only work in whole numbers (or halfsies for children ) I will @Cosmic_Farmer --- No worries (Party on!) I've been under the weather the last week, and have been been a little behind where i wanted to be.
  18. Mitchz, if you are using the CommunityResourcePack, make sure your updated to the latest version (4.3)... The old version had the wrong price for RocketParts, should have been fixed in 4.3.
  19. Nice! Wrapping all the last bits up for a patch this weekend. Lemme know if you want me to hold off to include the large apartment. Its looking good. Awesome work as usual! You rock! I can grab a vid/gif of the new animation on the small hydroponics. Not sure if you were doing anything for the medium/large, but ive started working on one for the medium Also a quick shout to a streaming bud of mine Oaktree42 who has been streaming while using the CivPop mod and has helped with a bit of feedback as well. (check him out for great KSP gameplay! ) He also linked me to some really interesting reading on Generational Starships, and a concept i'm wanting to pursue (haven't decided if I will fold it into CivPop or if it will be a standalone. ) Modular Generational ship: Center structural hub with interchangeable Living/working/support modules around the exterior. Ment to be VERY large. (and yes its ment to spin!) full paper on its concept found here
  20. Nice i like the idea If you need any help with the animations shoot me a PM! Ive completed a mockup of how i want the CivPop UI to look. (and maybe 1/10 of the way through actually coding it ) but ill post a screenie for feedback later on when im on my home PC.
  21. Spredge, id imagine you just need to write a tweak-scale config(see the Tweakscale thread for more info ) for it (not guarnetees on how well it would work, the grabbing units are kraken-bait as-is ) Wonder how a E-size asteroid compares in size
  22. EPL still supports Kethane, But it will also work with the stock system. Note: it does not use the stock "ore" but rather adds its own resource MetalOre (to differentiate between the two). But yes, it doesn't no require kethane and will work with stock, if that is your desire. When used with UKS, you can still utilize EPL-parts and nothing is new. Producing rocketparts with UKS parts is a little different and requires a few more resources, (there is plenty of info on this in the MKS/OKS wiki, see the relevent thread)
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