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Everything posted by rabidninjawombat

  1. Thanks KasperVLD for the post. Guys if you read some of Max's orginal post, this is not going to delay future patches. A seperate team is working on it. Not to mention Maxmaps has said, that having this other team working on the console port has actually sped up the process of porting to unity 5. From the front page news.
  2. Console Kids? really? Most of the people i know personally who only play on consoles are between 30-40. There are absolute TONS of deep and thoughtfull games on on consoles if you just take one look past the shootings games. And how exactly would a failed port affect everyone here playing on PC? Its not even affecting squads bottom line (I'd take a guess that the company developing the port is doing so for a cut of the sales, not for a set amount of money) I trust Squad enough to have over site on the project and ensure its a decent port. (Max has said that FlyingTiger already has a working version up that he has played and its pretty smooth)
  3. Why is this a bad thing? As posted earlier there have been something like 8+ patches to the PC client of minecraft since the mobile and Xbox release, adding all kinda of features. And whats wrong with exposing all these new people to the science and enjoyment of KSP...not everyone has a PC, or is interested on playing games on PC. I have several friends who ONLY game on consoles, and i would love to expose them to KSP You see people all the time asking for more stuff for KSP, more features, more RL merchandise, etc etc.. This doesnt happen without widening the audience base, and bringing in more money. Thank you thats forgotten alot ... with 1200 something hours in game, ive gotten MORE than my monies worth.
  4. My take on this: Its a good thing. If there is one thing i hear alot of while browsing KSP's reddit page, and the forums, its stories of people who were touched and affected by the game, Ive seen tons of stories of how the games has helped people get jobs, how its inspired them to go to college for aerospace studies, etc etc. When is the last time you heard stories like that about say.... GTA5? Expanding the market base and bringing the game, and the science and inspiration it brings along with it to more people is an awesome idea. Not only that it brings more money to the company who developed this game, which can in turn be reinvested into bringing us more features. Not all folks have PC's and only have consoles. They deserve KSP as well Some PS4 players may see our awesome modding community and decide they want the PC version as well. The concerns about it taking up PC dev time are unfounded (as its being developed by an outside company) Maxmaps has said its even helping them speed up Unity 5 porting. Squad is on top of fixing the bugs, 1.0.3 will be out soon as stated by Max. and Unity 5 is progressing.. life is good. Its not like this is the first time Squad has teamed up with another development team to bring about a different version of KSP (Talking about KerbalEDU, developed by TeacherGaming) All of the armchair quarterbacks, and negative Nancy's should take a step back and trust Squad to do their thing, and remember that is their company to run. Heck I care about the game as much as the next person, but i realize that Squad could stop devlopment right now and i know with the 1200 hours played i have in this game ive more than go the 17 dollars worth I spent on it ( and ive even got the worth of the 5 or 6 copies ive brought for friends and strangers ) This is a good idea, and a good step foward for a growing company.
  5. Better a nice well thought out, and complete 1.0.3, then a rushed one, and having to have a 1.0.4 later
  6. Good to see these available again, they are absolute works for art, IMHO. Thanks to you and the original Dev.
  7. No worries I appreciate the effort you put into em! I just noticed that issue with the copied textures myself. I converted all textures to PNG before uploaded the 1.6 version. A DDS conversion is in the works, but slow going. But in the end, i feel like i may do a full re-texture of the mod (their textured pretty inefficiently at the moment. and alot of space could be saved by sharing textures. Also i'm gonna slap a pole up about IVA's up there, While the IVA's are fun too look at, the IVA's on the Civilian habitation modules don't really serve a purpose. I could pull them out and include them as an optional download, if folks are interested. . That would easily cut the mod's footprint in half.
  8. Hope everythings feeling better for you sir Just wondering how i ever missed these parts, they look amazing
  9. What YANFRET said is correct, you definitely don't wanna edit the config files directly (if you do that the next update will overwrite your edits) Instead use a module manager script to edit the files. If you need help making them give me a yell id be happy to assist.
  10. There are surface based structures in the pack (along with most of the housing structures are duel purpose, either orbit or land based) What exactly are you looking for?
  11. PATCH 1.6.2: University Hotfix -- Just a small hotfix to the University, should no longer cause the right click context menu to disappear. Download on the first page as usual. (Squad has some silly coding on the ModuleScienceLab was basically changing a 0 to 1 )
  12. Got the issue resolved, uploading a hotfix now. KESPA, the small hydroponic garden fits in the Mk3 cargo bay just fine , quite a perfect fit. In regards to a reactor. I'm putting the finishing touchs on a Generation Ship reactor core, and a Bridge module. They are for the larger 3.5m form factor Largest biospheres.. Regarding a smaller form factor reactor, the MKS/OKS ones fit that bill pretty nicely already, and dont require radiators. Preview of the new parts, the bridge module still needs finishing touchs, its a little rough. and finishing up config files.
  13. The university was not changed in any way with the last update. Shouldn't have affected anything, but im testing now. EDIT: Was able to reproduce it. Working on fix now.
  14. Cool idea! I like it! Have you thought about making your own Soviet contract pack to go along with it? Oh and don't forget a license in the OP as well to satisfy mod posting rules.
  15. Well hows he supposed to get it to work with a plugin he cant access But awesome little quality of life mod JoePatrick! If i had a nickel for everytime i forgot to put the panels on an action group.....well id be able to at least buy myself a nice steak dinner
  16. This right here As someone who know his way around Code, (and a little modeling) but is a horrible texture artist, this is so true. I have the highest respect(and envy ) for folks who can put together such awesome art.
  17. Agree with all the above, the game is easily worth full price. (Ive spent over 1,000 hours in a game i payed 25 bucks for) that breaks down into cents per hour. Easily worth it
  18. Hrmmm.. read the Beta 2 notes that the black-bug had been fixed for Moho. Just ran a probe out to Moho and still getting this bug. will post some screenshots shortly if needed
  19. Been busy for a bit, didnt noticed there was a release up gonna grab it and play around with it all day today
  20. Glyph--There are no incompatibilities Glyph, but its not needed, since 1.0 EPL works with the stock resource system just fine. (It will also work with the Kethane system if you have that installed.)
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