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Everything posted by Mipe

  1. So I took the "Launch our first vessel!" contract, slapped a procedural SRB onto pod (and a parachute, naturally), a couple containers, did ground experiments and then staged... Woo, we're off! Do experiments, pop parachute and gleefully return to the launchpad. Then I check contracts.. "Launch our first vessel!" contract is still under Active Contracts. Huh. Was it all a lie? Are all those tinfoil hatted Kerbals right?!
  2. I reckon this: [0.90]Advanced Jet Engine v2.0.4 - Apr.10 It's not even updated to 1.0.2 (though there's a test version out).
  3. CKAN has the latest version of this mod, but still adds the toolbar as a dependency.
  4. I see. So I should grab the Kerbal Joint Reinforcement mod as well? I thought it affected kerbal joints only. Jokes aside, I still can't seem to come up with a stable low tech plane. Even when I fly with a partially stable plane, I can't seem to slow down enough to land safely on the island airstrip. I always overshoot it, then as I attempt to turn around and slow down, I just tumble into water. I just want a nice, stable and slow plane to do some biome hopping with a scientist, dammit! I guess my plane designing skills leave much to be desired.
  5. What do you mean by angle of elevators? When I right click elevons, there are many options, and the VAB rotate tool doesn't show me the angle. Well, in any case this plane is a mess, now it keeps rolling to left...
  6. @ferram4, @Hodo: I see now, replacing the engine with twin side engines and adding a tail indeed fixed yaw issues, however I've got another issue to deal with now - it's hard to keep the plane level. I need a plane that can fly well without the help of SAS, since I need a scientist to pilot it (for experiment resetting). How can I ensure the plane will keep level and not freak out when I change pitch?
  7. It's a tad bit unbalanced, keeps lifting the nose and stalls easily... also keeps veering to the right a bit, as you can see by those yellow arrows. I know duck all about plane building, I just wanted a little something I could do biome hopping with.
  8. Huh. I'm trying to cobble together a low tech plane (up to Aviation, the bare minimum), but no matter what I do, it keeps veering to the right. In flight, there's those yellow arrows pointing to the right. I'm at a loss as of to what could cause this, since the plane is perfectly symmetric in every aspect. I don't see much sense in providing a screenshot, since I've redone the plane like ten times now and the issue persists. Any ideas? Edit: eh, figured it out, I'm an idiot... I placed mystery goo canister inside storage bay off-center to the right, which shifted the CoM a little bit to the right. I was eyeballing the placement and it seemed "centered" to me, but it obviously wasn't. Edit2: what the hell, after placing the goo canister into strict center, the plane still veers to the right! I'm totally lost now.
  9. My gods. The PS toolbar icons, they're multiplying!
  10. If you are playing in career mode, you need to upgrade the R&D building to be able to transfer resources.
  11. Kerbals like it up personal and dirty. You need to EVA your Kerbal (take him out of capsule once on the surface), clamber him onto ground, pick him up straight, undust him and then right click him to tell him to pick some of that dirt up to take back home.
  12. Okay, now that I took the nuFAR for a spin, starting a new career specifically for this... A couple observations: a) The first command pod has a rather wild yellow curve. If you add that "Flea" booster to it, it gets even wilder, touching VAB walls on both sides. The first launch I do is always with pod, 2x goo canisters, parachude and "Flea" booster set to low fuel and thrust for 10 sec "hover" above launchpad, so I can collect low altitude flight data as well. Well, turns out the parachute can't save you there once the "Flea" is burnt out and you drop from 50-100m altitude... I've lost Jeb to this. c) When I toggle debug vertex drawing on, my somwehat decent rig (i5, Radeon 280X)starts crawling and squeaking for mercy. Guess I better leave that thing toggled off.
  13. I'm interested in how would you execute the lift off. Care to share your EVE escape plan with us?
  14. Land on Gilly, tether yourself to it and extend a very, very, very long pipe with mining drill toward Eve. Whatever could go wrong?!
  15. What?! nuFAR released? This will not stand! I must immediately check it out!
  16. But but 2 million money! *pinky to the lip corner*
  17. Cheating in career mode is basically turning it into sandbox mode. Why would you want to play career mode when you really want to play sandbox mode? I don't get you people.
  18. Do you really believe that all those complainers have the OCD to read lengthy posts by nobody relevant? They just read thread titles and KABLAMMO! Since the tread title reads "A friendly reminder to the community", they assume it's nothing useful and move on, seeking more controversial topics.
  19. Cursory analysis confirms that the cursor is in actuality a pointer.
  20. The last time I've played sandbox was in ... what? .23.5?
  21. You mean something like [x] Science! ? Except that it generates contracts instead of listing stuff you haven't done?
  22. You are reading into it too much. The next time you take a satellite contract, inspect it carefully - where does it say anything about ownership change? If you want to orbit foreign satellites, then you should campaign for contracts with such terms.
  23. It's not their satellite. It's YOUR satellite - they're just buying 10 seconds of its time in certain conditions. If you don't like this, why don't you use Contract Configurator to make a more permanent satellite contract pack?
  24. What have you done to the GameInformer? Was the review that bad?
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