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Everything posted by ultrasquid

  1. Isn't this kind of redundant with the existing Reputation system? It's not exactly the same, being divided between Gov't and public perception, but it does seem to already be covered.
  2. Some science modules should be moved much earlier than they appear in stock, such as the thermometer and barometer; and perhaps add a limited version of the accelerometer that is fine for airplanes but a typical rocket would send its needle out of range. Honestly I don't know what Squad was thinking placing those so late in the tree.
  3. If the new engines are slightly improved variants on current stock components (whether in performance or mass), they should appear later in the tech-tree and/or be more expensive than their stock counterparts. This achieves game balance by reflecting improved materials and manufacturing methods. This is a principle that can be applied to nearly all mod parts. That's just my opinion. Take it for what you will.
  4. Regarding your Flight First poll, I'm stunned Firespitter isn't included on the list especially since other packs on the list are dependent. Of course I haven't read the whole thread and you might have covered that point already. If so, please disregard this.
  5. I have to say I've really enjoyed these parts. It would be nice to have a comprehensive tech tree focused on a flight-first progression, including all the available aviation oriented mods (e.g. Firespitter, KAX, RetroFuture, B9, et. al.), but I understand that's beyond your scope for this project. I'd tackle it myself if I had the slightest clue how.
  6. I'd be pleased if someone just was able to extract the default female kerbal texture and post it up. I don't know how to get in to those resources with my Mac. Once the default texture is up as a template, further development of new textures can proceed apace.
  7. Thanks for doing this. The new Mk-2 cross-section parts are nearing completion thanks to this and other mods. Keep up the good work!
  8. There was a Muscle Car mod recently that had cars powered by liquid fuel. I don't think it's been updated for a few months. I'll try to track down the link and edit this post when I find it. Found it: Muscle Car Parts mod
  9. I haven't tried them myself but here's my guess: While the parts might work, their aerodynamics related features are likely to be out of whack, at least until they're adjusted for the new system.
  10. I've been thinking up a contract pack scenario that would involve locating alien artifacts that would in turn reveal secret tech tree nodes. Parts like these would be ideal for that project.
  11. Thanks aristurtle! You're a gentleman and a scholar (presumably; correct me if I'm in error).
  12. Bumping a favorite in hopes of getting the creator's attention to update it. I love these parts and they will be missed if they don't work right in the new KSP version. Of course under the CC license someone could adopt these parts if they want to.
  13. Other people's propellers still depend on Firespitter.dll. I hope there is a proper update before too long.
  14. Giving a bump to one of my fave mods. I wouldn't expect a full update until Firespitter is ready too. I just wouldn't want it forgotten.
  15. I have to agree here. "Best mod" can mean a lot of different things to different people. I like Firespitter, RetroFuture, and other aviation mods because I like more choices when building planes. I like the range of parts I get in NovaPunch and Near Future. Editor Extensions is a great aid to craft building, and MechJeb makes so many things so much easier. But Kerbal Alarm Clock is the one that has most fundamentally changed the way I play KSP. Where I used to launch one rocket at a time and time warp it all the way through to its mission objective and return, with KAC I can have several missions going simultaneously, with much less time warping.
  16. Emails I send to support@kerbalstuff.com bounce with the following error:
  17. There are some female voices among the Space Shuttle soundbite archives at NASA. I'm sure you knew that already, but thought it was worth mentioning.
  18. The fairing base rings are useful as a miscellaneous structural part, even without fairings. It would be a shame to lose them.
  19. True, CKAN is an external mod update manager application. Still, it is so closely connected with mod use one could be forgiven for mistaking it for one.
  20. In the thread for the Pulse Detonation Engine someone has posted a CFG text that should make that part compatible with v0.90, and the mediafire archive on the first page still works.
  21. Thanks for noting that cfg update! though the one for v0.90 is on page 6 (post #54) of the thread. SasquatchM's mods were some of my favorites back in the day. The Mediafire download still works too!
  22. Oh there are some much older. Some of the Sunday Punch parts survive in NovaPunch, but there are many more that were abandoned.
  23. I put in a vote for Valentina Kerman, just because.
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