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Everything posted by Reactordrone

  1. Your apoapsis appears to be outside the Mun's sphere of influence so you're escaping. A small burn retrograde should bring you inside. ETA- It'll need to be less than 2400km
  2. There's usually at least one biome that has ore concentration N/A (In my game at least).
  3. Mouse over the crew portraits and a some buttons will pop up next to them, one of which is the cutaway button.
  4. Well it helps to do the global scan so you know where the 0% areas are so you can avoid landing on them without enough fuel to relocate.
  5. It's a legacy build back from when the Octo2 had reaction wheels. It's controllable as long as the LV-909 is attached since you can use the thrust vectoring to reorient but as soon as you separate, the ant engine won't give you any control.
  6. I've had very little luck with them. On a less than 6t aircraft the steerable nosewheel will be destroyed even on the gentlest landing and if the fixed gear isn't perfectly aligned the aircraft will dance around on the runway until the gear is destroyed.
  7. Further on that, you not only get world first payments for landing, you also get them for flyby, entering orbit, gathering first science, entering suborbital flight, escaping Minmus, performing spacewalks in orbit, performing surface EVAs, planting a flag, performing a rendezvous in orbit, performing a docking , starting construction of the first station in orbit and returning from Minmus flyby, returning from orbit and returning from the surface.
  8. Doesn't it already give you the docking port used as a decoupler warning?
  9. It sounds like the drag of the front end gets larger than the drag at the back end when the boosters are separated making it want to fly backwards. You may need to add more fins at the bottom of your core booster to restore natural stability.
  10. Since we've concentrated on heading east for a standard orbit it should also be pointed out that if the ship you're going to dock with is in a retrograde orbit you'll have to have to head west or 270° and for inclined orbits the same launch rules apply as for Kerbin, wait until the orbit crossed overhead and launch to match inclination. For all of those the navball is your friend. Check it before liftoff and see which direction you need to head in so that you can quickly apply the turn then fine tune in map mode.
  11. Well the good news is that you have access to 1.1 through steam if you want to check it out.
  12. you could also try putting airbrakes on the back to simulate the drag of the split rudder on the real space shuttle. That should reduce its tendency to want to fly backwards.
  13. Here's a quick visual of the results from the different burn directions. Burning prograde or retrorade increases or decreases the height of the opposite side of your orbit. Radial and anti-radial rotate your orbit around your current location.
  14. The poodle should provide power when it's running and the RCS system will allow you to point the ship in the right direction. If you want to keep it on orbit fly up a battery/solar panel pack as Norcalplanner suggested.
  15. The landing legs are available in the sandbox part of the demo. They may have figured that most people would probably not be able to get enough money to do a Mun landing in demo career mode.
  16. Those solid boosters aren't doing much for you since your TWR on the pad is so low. You'd be better off ditching all of the solid boosters and increasing the size of the fuel tank on the final stage to an FL-T400. That should easily get you into orbit with enough fuel left over to do a Mun flyby (not an orbit).
  17. A quick trip to Minmus thanks to the Ion drive. launch and recovery of the first and second stages. (technically I recovered the second stage after I'd landed the capsule but in real life its orbit would have decayed during the trip to Minmus) establishing a 100km circular orbit followed by the flight to Minmus and getting into a 100km orbit before landing. Return to Kerbin with an aerobrake manoeuvre to bleed off most of my speed before getting back into a 100km orbit. and finally a safe re-entry and landing with all parts of the ship (except the fuel and ablator material) being recovered.
  18. Here's a normal to get the ball rolling, chutes are staged when the kickback decouples outside the atmosphere with their pressure switches set to 0.6 so you can circularize the second stage before switching back and watching the booster re-enter and touch down. The rest of the ship re-enters and touches down in one piece. Interestingly, I forgot to deploy the airbrakes on the booster but was able to open them by setting them from normal to deployed despite the lack of a probe core on the stage.
  19. My usual approach is to attach a jnr. docking port to the front end and click control from here on it after landing. No idea whether that will fit within your bay though.
  20. From Munar orbit you have to set your manoeuvre node so that when you escape the Mun you're also reducing your periapsis around Kerbin. If you get your periapsis into the atmosphere drag will slow you down and bring your apoapsis into the atmosphere.
  21. You can't group them into a single icon but you can drag all the engine icons into the same stage.
  22. You might be better off sending up another module to counterweight the ship and install it under the solar panel array.
  23. The side mounted pod probably has a higher mass than the solar panel array so your centre of gravity isn't along the centreline. The reaction control wheels can't correct for the offset thrust at full throttle but you might be able to get away with a reduced throttle setting.
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