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Everything posted by Reactordrone

  1. Click on Kerbin and select focus view to see where your orbit is in relation to the planet. That should let you see whether you need to adjust up/down or closer in using the prograde/retrograde or radial in/out handles. You may need a mid course correction but you should be able to do it from there.
  2. Given what he's responding to I'll assume that means he thinks powerful people own the press.
  3. I would say it's not acceleration. Acceleration is specifically a change in velocity over time(or time squared to be precise) wheras delta-v doesn't care about the time, it's just change in velocity (or potential change in velocity).
  4. Going up probably wouldn't be too bad but coming down you want a nice light, draggy bit at the top to improve stability.
  5. A 150km polar orbit will give you about a 36 min orbit and your field of view is about 36° so you should get a reasonable coverage looking at only the daylight side in 10 orbits.
  6. In the real world Sun synchronous orbits are usually slightly retrograde (around 98°) and set up so that the orbit precesses eastwards to keep them aligned to the Sun throughout the year but I don't think that applies in KSP.
  7. Scott Manley did an annotated version at correct speed. The twitter one seems a little time accelerated. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unEbg_dt3DM&t=0s
  8. With a common bulkhead you might end up with tanks something like this in the hopper, That's assuming the upper dome is allowed to protrude into the upper aerodynamic section and a similar engine mount geometry to a Merlin.
  9. The turbopumps on a raptor engine, for example, make and use about 100,000 hp to maintain propellant flow. The design of the combustion chamber also helps. Pressure wants to go out through the big hole at the bottom rather than the tiny injector nozzles at the top.
  10. Might be a double wall system with the cooling channels built into the structure.
  11. With Duna you could consider aerocapturing into orbit and then waiting there until the next Duna-kerbin transfer window. The aerocapture is almost free in terms of Delta-v and heating isn't much of an issue (as long as you can retract your antennas and solar panels to protect then from aero forces you should be good.) Don't forget to click on Duna once you've got an encounter and select focus view to fine tune the manoeuvre.
  12. Although the left hand part of that vehicle is a capsule. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TKS_(spacecraft)
  13. I think mission control and the tracking station have to both be upgraded to get nodes. Navigation modes are dependent on pilot level or probe type. More advanced probes give you all features, early tech probe core have limited options.
  14. If you want to role play it you can build modules that have to meet certain weight and size parameters and launch everything on a standard type of launch vehicle.
  15. The Orion time of year, Twelve 45 sec exposures stacked. 10" Meade SN with Canon 500D.
  16. And a much cleaner shot from the deployment arm camera, https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?feature=7310
  17. ESA scrubbed a Soyuz launch because of high winds the same day
  18. Back in my day we had to do all the basic arithmetic by hand until year 10 (with working shown). After that calculators could be used.
  19. It was in the Russian launch and missions thread.
  20. Very nice. I manged to get a quick look at 46P Wirtanen on the 15th of November. Hoping for some clear skies here now that it's getting brighter.
  21. Yes, vacuums (Low pressure areas) don't suck.
  22. Here we go. 19 minutes until lift off.
  23. The variable ramp is basically a 2 dimensional variant of the shock cone inlet.
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