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Everything posted by westamastaflash

  1. Is there any way to override the launch pad's launch button to let you build the ship in KCT without having to go through the VAB or run a simulation?
  2. Love this tool. But the graphs eat my CPU. I'm starting to read up on D3.js and reducing load on the browser animations.
  3. This was my original question, which was never answered. My guess is that there must me internal code that makes the max active contracts 14 :-(
  4. It's odd but it seems like the vesta engine doesn't stage, I have to manually "activate engine..."? Could be a mod conflict, of course... but novapunch & aies engines work ok...
  5. This is a known bug in the older versions, not sure if it can be fixed... but Kerbal Engineer will show the right altitude. - - - Updated - - - I've had very good luck with it, combined with a flight autopilot that keeps your plane steady.
  6. What, you don't want to do a difficult gravity-assisted inclination change at Jool? Followed up by a ridiculous burn to reduce your Ap?
  7. Just be warned that something may be broken with IR. Are you using the latest IR download? I think there is a problem with the CKAN one - be sure to get the latest - I saw no differences in mine.
  8. In theory you could just disable all the squad contracts and only use configured ones? I think DMagic's Contract Reward Modifier can disable the squad contracts...
  9. Even if so, this implementation of duck typing seems to be buggy, since removing KOS completely fixed the error in ProceduralParts... If they didn't affect one another, shouldn't that error never happen?
  10. I had the problem with ItemPrefab because KOS was installed. KOS has an older version of the KSPAPIExtensions dll which seems to conflict with the ProceduralParts one. Other mods may conflict as well. Do a search for "KSPAPIExtensions" in your directory - all should be exactly the same size. Remove the mods that have the older version, or (this is risky) replace with the latest version: https://github.com/Swamp-Ig/KSPAPIExtensions/releases
  11. Using an autopilot like KOS you can write a "landing" program.
  12. I put my code on github so you can download the changes. I had made a change to add a text box to specify the hyper warp speed as well. I think Xaiier was working on a rewrite a while ago. https://github.com/ntwest/TimeControl/releases/tag/1.0.2 MIT License (included in download), created originally by Xaiier.
  13. Did you use launch sticks or clamps? I've had this problem when I was using launch clamps - for some reason the game wants your rocket to be touching the pad..
  14. No guarantees. I haven't had any trouble with the hyper warp. If you're concerned about corruption the S.A.V.E. mod would help a lot - it does frequent backups.
  15. I did a recompile for 1.0.2 after correcting the max altitude exception when you go to the flight screen and it seems to be doing ok. As this is MIT licensed, you can download my compile from here.
  16. This mod doesn't seem to play nice with Kerbal Construction Time. KCT adds an item to the build list but when i exit the editor, the build list is empty. Are you loading an older persistent save file when you exit the VAB?
  17. So it will eventually allow us to compress and resize DDS? This is hopeful news!
  18. What settings file can I change so it uses the stock toolbar?
  19. I think you have to launch with your first stage directly touching the launchpad - it seems that when I was using the launch sticks from the sounding rockets mod, it "doesn't count" as a launch.
  20. Does this resize DDS textures also even if they're already in DDS format? This would be useful as some modders release gigantic textures and in order to fit them all into ram i need to resize them...
  21. Seems to be spamming the Alt-F2 debug log with ShipManifestAddon.OnHideUI messages? Any way to turn these off?
  22. I'm not having luck with realchutes either. Getting after the "Adding funds" log message, I get an error "MissingMethodException: Method not found: ResearchAndDevelopment.SubmitScienceData"
  23. Those look like the SpaceY Heavy Lifters. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/100408-0-90-WIP-SpaceY-Heavy-Lifter-Parts-Pack-v0-11-%282015-02-18%29
  24. It appears the stock parts are already compressed now - this is probably what you are seeing.
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