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Everything posted by westamastaflash

  1. What I usually do in career is turn funds up to 150 - 200% and add the "no more grind" mod to reduce space center costs early. This seems to give me enough money. Also, it doesn't really take *that* much more DV to get to Duna than to minmus, especially since you can aerobrake / parachute down to Duna's surface. Getting back off of duna, however... I also use RealFuels with the stockalike engine configs. NTR's get you everywhere!
  2. I think its because of how Chrome handles the "continue where I left off" feature, which persists session cookies between instances of chrome.
  3. I made a spreadsheet to help calculate various things in the 6.4x Sized Kerbin (The "64k" version with a 24 hour kerbin day). It could be used for any star system, if you enter the orbital data. All "input values" are shaded in brown. This is a constant work in progress. View/Download on OneDrive here. You should be able to use it in your own Excel Online as well. Details for each tab: "Constants" - has the orbital parameters of the various bodies in the system. "Useful Orbits" - Some common orbits I find myself using often. Note that "safe pe" for the highly eccentric orbits is a minimum of the Atmo+5 or 15 km. Safe may be higher or lower depending on your celestial body. "Orbital Period and SMA" is a set of calculators that give the orbital parameters when given a ap/pe, a SMA, or a orbital period (+ optional ap/pe) "Hohmann Transfer" computes the delta v requirements for each stage of the transfer, the transfer time, as well as the slide phase time and slide phase angle, which is useful for positioning a satellite behind or in front of another in the same orbit. "Surface Longitude Change" tries to calculate the appropriate target apside in order to arrive at the target longitude on the next orbit. I'm not sure I have this working right yet though. "Body Distance" gives a very, very rough estimate of the minimum and maximum possible distances between two celestial bodies, which assumes complete circular orbits (obviously wrong with moho). I just use it to help me estimate the appropriate remotetech dish I need. "RemoteTech" has a vessel EC requirement calculator given darkness time (which can be calculated for a circular orbit in the Orbital Period and SMA tab). It also includes a Cone Calculator which tells you how far away you need to be from a specific body in order to cover that body (or a specific altitude above that body), with a specific dish. Also, if you use MultipleAntennaMultiplier, you can set it and it will tell you how far out your omnis will go. "TAC" is in progress. I'm working on a comprehensive calculator for TAC life support (including possibly simulating the generators over time) which will eventually end up here, I hope. "DataForMapSatAltitude" and "ScannersForMapSatAltitude" are for inputs into the MapSatAltitude script's text files to help generate the scansat charts, tables, and graphs.
  4. I have "allow local data to be set" turned on. It seems Angular's $cookieStore only stores session cookies, not persistent cookies. Could you replace it with the angular local storage module instead (in the save() method of the bodyStorageService and antennaStorageServce), to use local storage (which falls back to persistent cookies in browsers that don't support local storage https://github.com/grevory/angular-local-storage . I love this tool, by the way :-)
  5. Ok I checked and the cookies are set to "Expire when the session browsing ends". I know that sometimes Chrome doesn't necessarily expire the cookie immediately, but the data was gone after I rebooted. Can you change the code to have the cookies not expire?
  6. The data doesn't seem to be saving anymore when I add bodies? If I close and reopen it, the bodies and antennas I added are gone :-(
  7. Thanks. I also ran the MapSatAltitude script from technogeeky and posted the results to onedrive as well. I'm converting the text files over to Excel for ease of parsing the data. https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=1731C32CC90F1274!190&authkey=!ABnJIBZRcdc1DVA&ithint=folder%2cpng
  8. Check out the spreadsheet I made for this. For the 24 hour day, Kerbin has a Sync orbit altitude of 26,296 km (from ground level). I haven't used the 12 hour day for anything yet. On the "Useful Orbits" tab I included some common orbits (including sync), as well as some highly eccentric ones. Also, if you download the sheet (or open it up in your own onedrive and edit it), you can compute orbital elements given a specific ap/pe, period, or SMA. I also have a hohmann transfer calculator and a remotetech cone calculator (to figure out how far away a given dish must be in order to fully cover a specific body (or a orbit around that body).
  9. I just used the DDS4KSP tool available in the tools forum, and the texture looks fine (I didn't use the resize option) http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/98672-WIN-KSP-to-DDS-texture-converter
  10. I updated my calculator spreadsheet for the new rotations. Available on onedrive here. I also ran the MapSatAltitude calculator for the ScanSAT. I modified the max altitude to also be multiplied by 1.64 (as sometimes the ideal altitude went *above* the max)! Here are the results of running it at Very High resolution, with a smin of 1 and a smax of 3. The text files don't have labels for each scanner. They go in order: RADAR, MultiSpectral, SAR, ORS(and Regolith), EPL, Dmagic Magnometer, DMagic Imaging Platform These use the 24 hour day configuration for planet rotation.
  11. For CKAN, could this be named "RealFuels: Stockalike RF Configs", so it shows up next to RealFuels in the list when sorted by name?
  12. Would love to see this play with Kerbal Construction Time :-)
  13. Did the rings show up for you? I changed the settings in the SaveLoad folder, but still no rings :-(. Good idea about Sarnus' density. I'll change that in my 24 hour day config as well.
  14. I think this may be an issue with timewarp creating tons of asteroids in stock, not necessarily a problem with better asteriods :-(
  15. Thanks :-) I'll take a look at the rings. I didn't include any .obj files, just the cfg's, RSS will cache the obj files automatically on first load.
  16. Here's a 6.4k-sized kerbin config file for version 1.4 including the moons of Sarnus. The RealSolarSystem.cfg file included here is based on the 24-hour day one put together by Paul Kingtiger. I also included an excel file showing the orbital data for all the planets. https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=1731C32CC90F1274!142&authkey=!AFKY94K0c3gllMs&ithint=folder%2cxlsx Most masses were scaled up at (6.4)^3. I changed Slate's mass to result in 0.9g with the radius multiplied by 6.4x. I left Hale's radius alone but changed its mass so that the very low surface gravity makes more sense. Formula for geeASL is ( (G * Mass) / (r^2) ) / 9.81. Hale is tidally locked to Sarnus, as is Ovok and Slate. Eeloo has a rotational resonance of one rotation for every two orbits around Sarnus. I didn't do anything with the Rings yet, need to figure out how to move them to where they ought to be. It's just a config file but if we need a license to post stuff, same one as this great planet pack!
  17. EDIT: for 1.4, see this post. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/104280-0-90-Outer-Planets-Mod-%281-4%29-Unique-biomes-and-300-science-blurbs-17-Jan-15?p=1675293&viewfull=1#post1675293 I created a 6.4k-sized kerbin config file for version 1.3 including the moons of Sarnus. https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=1731C32CC90F1274!137&authkey=!ADWsRJeQ10b_cOY&ithint=folder%2c Most masses were scaled up at (6.4)^3. I changed Slate's mass to result in 0.9g with the radius multiplied by 6.4x. You will need to go into the RealSolarSystem.cfg file and remove Eeloo's Semi-Major Axis (around line 610, I believe). I didn't do anything with the Rings... was having trouble seeing them at all. It's just a config file but if we need a license to post stuff, same one as this great planet pack!
  18. Should Gilly's spaceAltitudeThreshold be 124800 instead of 12480? I think 12480 puts it inside Gilly's radius?
  19. For rockets at least, is there any way to maybe just cache the craft file and put it back in inventory if you haven't launched yet when you recover?
  20. Procedural Parts & Real Fuels. I'm also using RSS (6.4x version), but I don't expect that it would impact the parts, would it?
  21. So I already messed up the wiki. Pasted in the markdown without thinking and the wiki page is 500kb, which github throws up a unicorn on. You should be able to delete the page without loading it as an admin. I can't since I'm not :-) I'm going to host them on my github.io page in a bit. If you like how it looks, perhaps you could create a github.io page for the project to host documentation? The wiki squeezes everything.
  22. It seems that recovering procedural real fuels tanks doesn't quite recover at a 1:1 ratio. So if I launch, recover, launch, recover, I end up with more procedural real fuels tank volume available than I had at the start... almost double. Using both stagerecovery and kct.
  23. I'm having a bit of trouble. Seems the burn time for SRBs isn't "sticky". I'm combining PP, RealFuels, 6.4x, and a ton of other mods. When the ship is loaded on launch, the SRB bell is shrunk significantly. This even happens if I save the vessel and reload it in the editor. To reproduce, create just a pod with an SRB. Reduce the amount of fuel in the SRB, and change the burn time down below 60 sec.. Save, and then load the vessel. This doesn't seem to happen if I keep the Solid fuel bar full.
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