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Everything posted by westamastaflash

  1. It seems this error occurs only the first time you try to warp in flight mode without changing the warp rates. Seems like the game is resetting them internally on a scene change. I'll update this to manually correct warp rates on scene change. Corrected in new release, 2.1.
  2. I have had similar issues. I am not sure what is causing this. I have an open issue for it. https://github.com/ntwest/TimeControl/issues/1
  3. Thanks - I use it to speed up those achingly slow RealChute 3 m/s descents.
  4. If you open up the settings file in the timecontrol / plugindata folder, you can change the log settings to Trace. This will log a lot more of what Time Control is doing - if you'd like to set it and see if you can reproduce the issue?
  5. Originally designed by @Xaiier as an advanced successor to the popular Dynamic Warp mod, this mod gives you complete control of time in KSP by allowing you to slow down time to get those cool explosions on video(or find out why your rocket is blowing up on the pad), boost the rate of time to ridiculous levels without loss of precision to ease those long burns, set custom warp rates and per-planet custom altitude limits, utilize automatic warping, and monitor the physics engine and game performance. Now maintained and enhanced by @westamastaflash. Jun 25, 2021 - Version 2.11 (KSP 1.12). KSP 1.12 Recompile Note that in Low Kerbin Orbit, when using 'hyper-warp' you may sometimes find your Semi-Major axis changing without any force on your vessel. I think this has something to do with the interaction between the coordinate systems and floating point issues that I am not smart enough to figure out right now. It's small enough that usually it is not a problem when you are applying thrust to your vehicle. Also, there seems to be a problem with some engine sounds after using hyper warp. Download current release on GitHub. Curseforge Project Site Please add issues or enhancement requests to the issue tracker on GitHub! Full Changelong Available on Github Usage: The seven letters at the top of the window allow you to switch operation modes between details, quick warp, warp-to, rails editor, keybindings, slow-mo, and hyper warp. In the Space Center and Tracking Station, hyper warp and slow-mo are not available. Pictures of the GUI are in each spoiler below. QuickWarp: Warp-To UT: Slow-motion: Hyper warp: Rails editor: ? Details: Key Bindings Setup: Settings are now in the standard KSP settings window accessed in-flight or at the space center. Recommended Mods that go well with Time Control: Time Control will respect the years/days/hours/minutes that Kronometer sets up. Note that the quick-warp and warp-to quick +/- buttons won't make sense if your kerbal minute is 38 seconds long and kerbal hour is 17 kerbal-minutes. They will work correctly (+38 seconds / minute), but the multipliers wouldn't be that useful. Time Control has an integrated "Warp to next KAC Alarm" feature. My recommendation is to turn off KAC's built in warp-stopping functionality, as Time Control's is more precise and will get you to the alarm point very fast. Source Code also on Github. MIT License. In the past, this mod included version checking using MiniAVC. If you opt-in, it will use the internet to check whether there is a new version available. Data is only read from the internet and no personal information is sent. For a more comprehensive version checking experience, please download the KSP-AVC Plugin. MiniAVC has been removed from the mod for some time, but a version file remains, if you choose to use KSP-AVC. Time Modding Notes (by Xaiier)
  6. Well if that is the same as waking up at 3 AM to a screaming 7 month old... Progress is being made. I'll even have a new thread once I've got a working version for 1.1.3. I had a bunch of inflight code changes when 1.1.3 hit so I'd rather get them all fixed up first.
  7. I'm working on it. Trying to fix the configuration problems too, the config broke in the last release (keybindings and all).
  8. Should be a pretty simple matter of moving the GUI elements to another window (unless you are planning on doing a real Unity 5 UI and dumping IMGUI). I wrapped all my calls to the DMagic code with reflection, and most of the actual experiment execution code happens in its own class, so it should be a pretty simple matter to move them to another window. I didn't see any code for this other window on github, I'm assuming you have it locally? One of the challenges with orbital science experiments is that currently there is no way to precalculate the results of some of them - the Recon experiments don't define the biomes they support anywhere except when you run them. This is a limitation of the DMagic code, and while one could duplicate the logic inside the DMagic classes, I'd much prefer a way to simply call the experiment module and ask for all the situations that it handles. If possible could there be an option/setting to keep one window? My screen is cluttered enough as it is with all the mods, and being able to filter the experiments to the ones I want to run with the filter checkbox is one of the reasons I wanted to add this logic to the mod. Note that these buttons only appear if you have selected the Current Situation (since that's the only case when it makes sense to have execution buttons that filter). I get that you don't want to step on another mod's toes, but to be honest the less mods I need to have installed for similar functionality, the better. Plus some of the automated science gathering mods have non-permissive licenses and mods tend to die quickly around this forum...
  9. Pull Request: https://github.com/thewebbooth/KSP-X-Science/pull/4 Lets you run experiments from the [x] science window directly. Supports any mod using ModuleScienceExperiment or @DMagic's animated modules (but not yet DMBasicScienceModule or the recon scans from that pack since they don't use standard biomes). Run Individual Experiments (one module at a time) Run All: These run the experiments currently displayed in the window (so it respects your filter) Run All Incomplete Experiments (just one of each module) Run All Incomplete Experiments Run All Experiments On Vessel (just one of each module) Run All Experiments On Vessel Pics in Spoiler
  10. I pulled down the code, and was wondering if any effort has been made to actually allow the user to *run* a given experiment right from the [x] Science window? I'm looking into adding a buttons to "run available experiments", "clean experiments" (when a lab or scientist is available) , and "transfer experiments to storage". My goal is to have one mod that I can use to manage my science, rather than having a separate mod for automatically running and cleaning experiments. I'm going to start messing about with this to see what I can come up with. EDIT: I'll be submitting a pull request once I finish debugging, but I've got it so that you can run the available experiments on the vessel. Even only runs enough of a given experiment to max out the science (e.g. if you have 10 goo bays, it will only run 5).
  11. Can the "Wagon" part be made to have convertible storage instead of WBIResourceSwitcher?
  12. By the time I have had time to make it far along the career tech tree to send manned return missions to Duna, a new update comes out and I start over. Oh, and the mods. The mods.
  13. Would it be possible to release them as two separate downloads? I love the Octosat idea but I don't need the airbus, and when using a mod manager like CKAN I can't pick only certain components (unless I manually modify GameData).
  14. Is the "Minmus Probes" strategy supposed to be disabled if I've only sent probes to the mun? Is is a feature?
  15. No exceptions related to orbital decay manager... I also have realfuels installed, could that be causing the trouble?
  16. I have the same thing. Stock (but Kopernicus is installed), first launch, tracking station not upgraded. Orbiting probe never decays, just NaN per day. It was in about a 110km Low kerbin orbit.
  17. Is there any way to have these parts not be included in the "rescue kerbal" contracts? I can't figure out how to open them and the kerbal doesn't show up when i switch to the part. I'll transfer him in the save file for now I suppose.
  18. Compile for KSP 1.1.2. Good news. Hyper warp seems to perform much better - I got nearly 20x hyper warp on a stock 30-part craft launch (Windows 64-bit) I removed the code that prevents collision with the space center which was a bug fix for super high warp explosions. These explosions seem to be gone. https://github.com/ntwest/TimeControl/releases/tag/KSP1.1.2-v1 No guarantees. I haven't done thorough testing but everything seems to work OK (hyper, regular, slo-mo) and I wanted to get this out to y'all sooner rather than later. Maybe in the next few weeks I'll figure out how to do the new UI and make a nice UI like precise maneuver node editor did. I also submitted a pull request to get this in CKAN.
  19. I finally should have some time to maybe take a look at this over the weekend. No promises. It really depends on how much is changed with Unity 5.
  20. I'm having a strange case where even in DX11 mode, KSP still uses an awful lot of system memory. 2GB of GPU memory and only 1.1GB used on load (GTX 760). Are there a lot of things that still load to main memory? ProcExp shows 2.7 GB private bytes when entering main screen, but the in-game memory monitor says 3 GB.
  21. I did a rebuild for 1.0.5. I have a new baby at home so not much time right now for any bugs. I'm hoping when the unity 5 version of KSP comes out to do a new thread. 1.0.5 release; https://github.com/ntwest/TimeControl/releases/tag/1.0.5
  22. Thanks much! Excellent job with the update by the way.
  23. This new update to realfuels doesn't seem to be being indexed by CKAN?
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