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Everything posted by westamastaflash

  1. Yeah, I wasn't thinking about the scene when I set that up. No reason for TC to mess with game settings in the editor. Will be fixed for my 1.2 release.
  2. Thanks @Fwiffo and @linuxgurugamer. I just got back from vacation so I will take a look. As you said should be easy (I really should have had a scene check in there anyway). The reason I call gamesettings save settings is for when the user modifies the max physics delta time from the TC window. I may actually add some logic to only call save settings if that specific setting is modified. Also, a full 1.2 version with some extra bug fixes should be coming out soon.
  3. Can you try binding a key to the "realtime" button in the settings, and see if that will return you to realtime? Also, can you change logging mode to Trace, and post the output from the point you slow time down, to the point where you have exhausted your attempts to return to real time? Do you have any other mods installed that mess with time in any way (except Kerbal Alarm Clock, it should be fine).
  4. @Fwiffo That's a really strange error. Update() runs every frame no matter what, but the GameSettings.SaveSettings() should only be triggered when the time control settings are saved. The error itself appears, according to the log, to be coming from WriteLauncherCFG which is not in the API and probably a private function. Can you remove time control on your existing installation, and modify a Game Setting from the settings menu, and see if this same error occurs? I'm not 100% sure it's specific to Time Control, it might be related to how your install is set up. Can you also try to make a backup copy of your settings.cfg file in the KSP directory and then delete it, and see if regenerating the file fixes the issue?
  5. Should the homestead IMM Mk II also do this given that it appears to be for use in orbit?
  6. Is pathfinder automatically changing vessel type to "Base"? I have the inflatable module attached to a station and it keeps changing to "Base". This seems to screw with the Contract Configurator Station contracts...
  7. But if one wants to, one could add it to a part with a MM patch, correct? Nothing special about the part?
  8. If those toStrings() are run every time, you're also creating a lot of garbage. Since the code's on github I'll see if I can play with it a bit too, if thats ok with you :-)
  9. Might be a good use case for some extension methods on the ProtoVessel object.
  10. I am so excited for this mod. Will make Pathfinder roving bases feasible! As for the extraction from ProtoVessel - what if you cache the necessary objects so you don't have to load and unload the ProtoVessel each tick?
  11. I'm fine with keeping it compiled for new KSP versions, and when I have some more time (maybe starting 3 weeks from now) I can see about fixing some of the nastier bugs.
  12. :-D It's all good though. You are welcome to make contributions. Feel free to take it over, my time is pretty limited for awhile.
  13. Thanks. I guess I need a better understanding of how the thermal system in KSP works, period. I'll have a peek into the code for the heat pump a bit. If I get something put together I'll add the MM patches in this thread, unless the RO ones are out there somewhere already? Basically, I play on a heavily modded RealFuels + Stockalike + 6.4x Kerbin System and don't necessarily want 'complete' realism, but would like to be able to "guesstimate" the amount of active cooling I'd need for various sizes of procedural RF tanks (e.g. a 3.75m x 10m RF Cyro tank with LH2 inside needs X number of small / medium / large radiators for ZBO)
  14. 5.0 download is up, but is the 5.0 source code checked into Github? I use a customized version of the mod locally foreach is actually OK in specific circumstances, if you are foreach-ing over certain kinds of objects that already have an enumerator. It's when you are foreaching and having to create an enumerator that you run into garbage. http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/849524/using-foreach-still-bad-in-46.html However, given that most KSP modders are not also low-level code wizards, best to just avoid it.
  15. So if I wanted to, I could add this module with a patch to other radiator parts? Any guidelines on what settings I ought to use? For example, for the Stock Radiator Panels?
  16. Did something change with the stock science lab in the new pathfinder? I no longer can get to the research lab via a button to transmit science.
  17. Is the Doc Science Lab not allowed to be stored in KIS inventory? I can store the casa and the chuckwagon but not the doc. EDIT: If I had read the prior page I'd have discovered that this is a known stock bug.
  18. I'm getting a few weird issues when using Kerbal Construction Time, seems that the game doesn't realize that I'm not in a simulation anymore but only rarely. I'll try to capture this with a log.
  19. I'm having trouble with the hotkey too. My heap Min is 2653, and max is 2680! Mod-End doesn't seem to do anything of value. KSP has 6.4 GB allocated in private bytes according to process explorer. How to get the garbage collection to space out more?
  20. Any way to cancel an experiment once started? I accidentally started two kuarqs experiments... EDIT: well i have a workaround - lock the kuarqs on the other experiments so all kuarqs go to one.
  21. I think they base the higher percentages on the fact that you need a lot less tank mass since the propellant is much denser, so you improve your ratio and gain 'implicit' performance. Wiki seems to have confused Isp with a generic 'performance' term given by "researchers". This doc gives an overview from the AFRL http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA522113 And a cool PDF here https://uppsagd.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/advanced_monopropellants_combustion_chambers_and_monolithic_catalyst_for_small_satellite_propulsion.pdf
  22. So i just stumbled across this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Propellant_Infusion_Mission Any chance that we could get AF-M315E? It sounds all around better than Hydrazine - 45% denser, 50% higher ISP. Or is real fuels going to stick strictly to proven tech?
  23. The fairings keep falling off when physics is initialized... I tried kerbal joint reinforcement but no luck. Any advice on this?
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