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Everything posted by Enceos

  1. @NathanKell Apparently I have trimmed them off, would you please post a picture of the cockpits. EDIT: Just found his old MK1 texture, I don't see the inline one though. Do you like the 'OPT Spaceplane' textures?
  2. As long as you post a commit on github, he'll consider that :3
  3. Yeah, but do we need an object origin? The origin in my calculation is the RadialPosition of the root static with three coordinates x,y,z. Then we calculate the relative positions of the other statics to the origin, each will have coordinates ΔX, ΔY, ΔZ (basically: ΔX = X origin - X static, etc). Then we multiply these values by n, which is the scaling multiple of the planet we get nΔX, nΔY, nΔZ, then we add these nΔ values to the coordinates of RadialPosition of the static. Resut: We get an original distance between the two statics as it was before scaling the planet. Assuming Z defines a horizontal position in PQSCities.
  4. Would you define the 'origin' please?
  5. If it's gonna be possible to calculate the relative positions of other statics to the position of the first static in the group, then it's gonna be possible to scale those values. It is simple substract/multiply math.
  6. @AlphaAsh he tried ) I might come up with an elegant solution, but I don't understand what each of the RadialPosition numbers represent (especially the Z value)
  7. The math calculator in my mind can't find a good solution to this problem, only handwork
  8. @Sigma88 Oh thank you very much, been a while since I wrote MM patches, didn't know this syntax. BTW, This patch will adapt Kerbal Konstructs to any planet resizing mods.
  9. @blowfish or anyone else, I want to patch multiple nodes of the same type under their parent node, is that possible? Here's the sample config: And here's my WIP patch: Do I need to put brackets with an asterisk like this: @Instances[*] ? EDIT: Asterisk didn't work, MM still pathed only the first node.
  10. @xx_mortekai_xx Basically you'll need to find out the correct multiple by which you will multiply the current altitude of the facilities to bring them up to the surface of Kerbin. You'll need to launch a vehicle and press Ctrl+K to bring up the editing tools. Then go to the local instances tab and select one of the building, click one and the camera will refocus and show the properties of that building. Take a note somewhere of the 'Alt.' number, click 'Snap to Terrain' and then fine tune the number until you place the building just right on the surface. Divide the resulting number by the original number to obtain the multiple. Then make this MM patch. Or you can fine tune everything by hand in the game and save the changes.
  11. I know that Kopernicus shifts the terrain a bit, we can't do anything about that.
  12. Yeah, NavHud doesn't love custom waypoints currently, I also get white squares there.
  13. @tetryds Would be nice if you put the MAFSettings.cfg file into the Plugins/PluginData folder to avoid MM recaching and increase the game loading time. And my lil request probably got lost among all the replies, would you please take a look. EDIT: Last question, how can I remap the hotkeys to require 'Ctrl or Alt + key'?
  14. Hey @Qberticus, it would be nice if this plugin followed the MM rules of folder layout, where .dlls go into the GameData/ModName/Plugins and the settings file goes into GameData/ModName/Plugins/PluginData folder. It speeds up the game loading time and MM doesn't recache the PluginData folder on every start, otherwise it grabs all the .cfg files it can find.
  15. @DMagic I noticed that CapCom doesn't have the Plugins and PluginData folders. There's a particular folder layout which MM loves, namely when the settings file goes into a PluginData folder, cause every change to it forces MM to rebuild the cache during game start and that increases the loading time significantly. . You probably know that :3
  16. Hey @BahamutoD, it would be nice if this plugin followed the MM rules of folder layout, where the settings file goes into a PluginData folder. If the settings.cfg file is not in the PluginData folder then every change to it forces the MM to rebuild the cache during game start and increases the loading time significantly.
  17. I'm not sure which order is right '>0' or '0>', so please check both. One of those will add 0 resources to the pods or every part :3
  18. Yes, but #$/CrewCapacity$ is not a user defined variable, you don't have to delete it. And your Mulch maxAmount will be always 15 in the current state of your config. You may want to add another line for mulch after the %maxAmount @maxAmount *= #$/CrewCapacity$
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