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Everything posted by Enceos

  1. @Nathair @ibanix Heat shields were designed with Jool aerobraking in mind, no wonder they seem too durable for Kerbin reentries. Mind my words, Apollo capsule heat shields never used more than a third of their ablative material when returning from the Moon, NASA overengineered them for safety.
  2. @severedsolo If this pack is made by the author of Bases and Stations, I'm adding this without questioning :3 ♥ A link to a pre-release won't hurt
  3. @Shadowmage Great solution! I've had Kerbals spawn so many times in Pathfinder portable modules. Took it like a punishment for having so many modded parts.
  4. @Firemetal Now that's an engineering challenge. You can use several clipping heatshields with lower ablator. KSP is a lego game, and gives even more freedom than LEGO in designing things.
  5. Yeah so true ) Same with Ceres, I was following the Dawn mission throughout the year and it was so exciting to see more and more details pop up in the photos. They're launching Cassini into its final descent through the Saturn rings next year. I so want to see those photos, until now we could only imagine what's inside the rings.
  6. @Firemetal Bigger heatshields and a lighter craft mean faster slowdown and less heat. Imagine a feather moving at 20km/sec towards earth. Do you think it is gonna burn? Nop, it will slow down very very fast and gently descend unharmed because of its very high drag/weight ratio.
  7. @JPLRepo To enhance the feeling of discovery I would make the lowest heightmap resolution of 32px for Detail Level 1. 64 is still too vivid for a newly discovered planet.
  8. @Fireheart318 I don't understand, why are you using this expression: NEEDS[!Kopernicus] ? That exclamation mark implies that Kopernicus must not be installed, but you're patching a Kopernicus config, so what's the catch?
  9. @awfulcraftdesigns The best Orion model I think was in the Chaka Monkey pack: You can also take a look at the Rocket Factory pods:
  10. I believe this is a question to the awesome @Thomas P., if it's at all possible with the Kopernicus.
  11. This was the funniest vid evar =D After serious budget cuts at the Kerbal Space Agency, they turn to the one contractor they can still afford: Bargain Rocket Parts Inc.
  12. This question belongs to the Kopernicus thread. @Red Iron Crown would you move it please?
  13. @Mythos Brilliant! Thank you very much for this detailed explanation. I stumbled upon a need to change that because the "Redock Vessel" feature of KIS doesn't like preattached nodes, only docked ones.
  14. Check the part config of the tiles, it should have a module MODULE { name = ModuleKISItem volumeOverride = 1500 stackable = true allowPartAttach = 2 allowStaticAttach = 1 staticAttachBreakForce = 500 <- make sure this number is high. }
  15. EPL has a recipe system where you assign specific resources for building specifing things. For example to make heatshields with full ablator EPL uses this recipe: @ShotgunNinja I made a compatibility patch which makes the Shielding resource buildable by the ExtraPlanetaryLaunchpads mod. EL_ResourceRecipe { name = Shielding Resources { RocketParts = 400 } } @EL_ResourceRecipe[Shielding]:NEEDS[Kolonization] { -Resources {} Resources { MaterialKits = 800 } }
  16. @Mythos I believe you've been digging into this, how do I change the PreAttached docking ports to the Docked state?
  17. Summoning @CaptainKipard, this needs to go to the modding links compilation thread.
  18. @MOARdV What is this setting? DistantVessel { renderVessels = True maxDistance = 750000 renderMode = 1 ignoreDebris = False }
  19. @NecroBones was digging the peculiarities of landing legs modelling for KSP 1.1
  20. I've never used EPL orbital recycler before, it was a pleasant surprise when I did :3 @taniwha have you experimented with a procedural spawning process?
  21. Amazing work! Love the Alt + Click vessel change especially! Simply Godsent for building and maintaining bases.
  22. @SCESW @AlexGodbehere Actually the major reason bases blow up is a ground attachment. Use it only for simple parts like Floodlight Stand, Landing Pad etc. Don't attach any part of your base to the ground and you'll be fine.
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