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Everything posted by Enceos

  1. @ObiVanDamme I can confirm this issue, although I didn't collect any logs. The game froze on me several times while I was browsing the catalog and one time while the production was in queue and the catalog closed. If I'm not doing anything with the Workshop and the part just sits on my station the game runs fine. I haven't been able to narrow down the cause to any particular action yet.
  2. @udk_lethal_d0se Hi dude, I wish to donate some simple mission patches I made, so people would have more options "out of the box". Would you include them in your download?
  3. Nightingale has foreseen this all a month ago. The problem is the old code used to create buttons in Blizzy's Toolbar is confliting with CC. Modders need to update their wrapper with a new code: Guys, please notify the modders of the mods dependent on the Blizzy's Toolbar to update their code.
  4. @nightingale Does this version require updates to the Contract Packs or we can safely use the 1.1.3 versions?
  5. Absolutely true, so many lifehack things which were mods became stock, it's just so much more pleasant to play now, and I have yet to crash my game.
  6. I also have a config for a delayed retro booster: And adding thrust curves to the solid boosters (the curves feature became stock in 1.1 afaik). The one below is a Shuttle type SRB curve, good for scaled "Kickback": Simple linear curve will look like this: key = 0 0 key = 1 1 A config for 5m fairings: And a 7m fairing for those mammoth boosters by @NecroBones (provided by @Stone Blue in my thread)
  7. Absolutely, just changing the module name will do the trick. @PART[*]:HAS[#node_attach[*],@MODULE[ModuleWheelBase]] Didn't try it with the " | " (or) syntax Maybe you can have one config for both types of parts. @PART[*]:HAS[#node_attach[*],@MODULE[ModuleDeployableSolarPanel|ModuleWheelBase]]
  8. Yeah, I stumbled upon the same problem, PR tears my vessels apart. It tries to insta-rotate the craft after the physics have already kicked in.
  9. @Alshain Half a year ago I made a little patch which adds attachment nodes to all solar panels. Great for KIS users and symmetry lovers. Can be reconfigured to add nodes to any part with surface attachment.
  10. I'm actually already playing with all this stuff, Angel-125 has the updated configs and will make a pull request when ready.
  11. @RealGecko Do you have an idea for the looks of the BonVoyage part? In case someone offered to model it for you.
  12. @RealGecko I loved so much the science blurps given by this mod. Gave me a chuckle every time Great job Gecko! Would be nice to add customized messages for the Dmagic's Science modules. I can help with ideas for the reports.
  13. I fixed the Workshop airlock, now kerbals can go in and out. Updated the container decals with new icons. Hopefully in the next release.
  14. @linuxgurugamer You're a master at fixing broken toys )
  15. You made Haystack complete long ago I don't see anything which could make it better than it is. Haystack, Part Commander and QuickGoTo are my favorite shortcut mods.
  16. @Felbourn approves I must say, your Bon Voyage is such a cool mod. I was having a very pleasant time roving my crafts on Mun and Minmus yesterday.
  17. Yeah I noticed, you did one hell of a job :) I already got 2 of your mods I've never used before.
  18. Hi @RealGecko! I bet you love this mod as much as we all do You kindly fixed this mod once and gave it a nice polish. I hope you have time to bring it to life once again. Your expertise is unrivaled in this area. If it happens I think it would be wise to start a new thread since author hasn't been around since May. Sincerely
  19. @IgorZ Congrats on the release and a new thread! Time to dust my own mods.
  20. Hi @Angel-125, I've been out of KSP and modelling for a while. Is the hatch of the printing lab still obstructed in 1.2 prerelease?
  21. I don't think someone can just abandon KSP. People need a break just once in a while, but the affection for this game rarely disappears. All of the work outlined for the update 1.2 was done. To me it looks like Squad didn't have the solid outline of development goals for the next update. They won't need such a big team of bugfixers for a while.
  22. Without adblock that site loads and works insanely slowly.
  23. @linuxgurugamer You sure know how to fix stuff
  24. @JeanTheDragon Would be nice to have a vid demonstrating all the sounds, cause it's hard to decide just from description whether we need it.
  25. Pipes are as good as struts, maybe even sturdier, and ofc they can link two separate vessels.
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