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Everything posted by Enceos

  1. There's also a more advanced technique of asteroid rendezvous in case your grabbing vessel is in an equatorial orbit: 1. Make a maneuver node to intersect the asteroid's orbit. 2. Place a second maneuver node some distance away from the intersection and the game will draw position markers. 3. Add more orbits to the first node to get the maximum possible approach of the position markers. 4. Adjust the second node to get the encounter.
  2. Enceos


    @7499275 For some reason even the most experienced KSP players tend to eyeball the vessel alignment during docking or just use mods for that. But the game provides us with enough data for a super precise docking. I made a "Trust the numbers" docking technique gif a while ago, text is a little fast, but apprehendable after watching it the second time.
  3. One of the things I learned when watching Scott Manley's KSP vids is never install mods into your Steam KSP folder, keep that as a pristine untouched version. Make a copy of the KSP folder for a modded play.
  4. @JPLRepo Scott Manley is gonna be using this mod in his new series in Galileo's universe :3
  5. @Tirehtoori R.I.P That first running mech stopped my breath, I've never seen anyone achieve such fluid IR legs movement in KSP. Just Wow!
  6. The .mu import plugin was developed by a fellow KSP player. I doubt someone will ever develop one for Maya or 3DSMax. Using Blender as a medium is the only way to get a more standard file like .fbx or .obj
  7. @dboi88 Found a typo in USI - MKS > Base Construction > Servos & Magnets > 1 Minimiszes Part Settings By the look of things the font you use doesn't have 'bold' style. It is possible to simulate it by duplicating a word and nudging it to the side 2-3 pixels. Other types of decorating headers are underlining, backckdrop color, frames. I desperately needed this info you guys are digging and consolidating, thank you so much for your work.
  8. Yes, but you don't need KERForAll, just adjust the options to your liking.
  9. @Warezcrawler @nascarlaser1 KERForAll is an old workaround. KER has had the "Partless" setting and limitations toggle for quite some time.
  10. You might be right, but it's a pack of 4 parts, too small for a separate thread. My bad for not finding time to get it on Spacedock and CKAN though. It definitely needs to be done.
  11. Enceos

    Kerbal Kalendar!

    @SQUAD@Badie@UomoCapra Would you please make the first link available till next Tuesday? Otherwise you're making this special event for the select few who noticed the thread yesterday.
  12. Just playin' KSP xD wanted some first person immersion, don't like when my camera refocuses out of IVA after docking.
  13. @MeCripp I think it's very easy to do, just like with any other prop. @tg626 If you're familiar with animations then it won't be a problem for you. These are handcrafted PowerPoint style transitions performed on decals. I briefly described it here: I'll gladly answer any additional questions.
  14. @MOARdV Hi dude, does RPM have a "force IVA" feature after docking? If yes, under what conditions does it work?
  15. @Ger_space Thanks dude for working on this mod! Do you happen to know, did AlphaAsh include this feature in KK before going away? If not, what do you think about it? I'm talkin about "Recover Vessel" trigger on a box collider in particular.
  16. @JohnnyPanzer Hey dude! Your K-Sat pack had certainly the most cool looking probe models out there. Are you playing KSP? Planning on updating your pack with the latest stock comm system modules?
  17. I think KSP may be one the most CPU heavy games on the market (others would be strategy type games on super big maps during the late stage). Best tablet CPU just barely reached the level of Core 2 Duo processors. And without 4Gb RAM the game will crash every 10 mins. It is obviously too early for a mobile KSP version, need more science to unlock it
  18. @ZooNamedGames "Packing an image into a set resolution" that's how you make mission patches, icon drawing takes a whole different set of skills.
  19. @ZooNamedGames This "laziest" form of modding sometimes makes cool stuff not everyone can repeat.
  20. @SpannerMonkey(smce) PapaJoe forgot to change the thread title. The github link in the OP points in the right direction.
  21. @Everyonejohn There's also a Vessel Mover, if you want to quickly set up your set.
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