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Everything posted by Enceos

  1. @FloatingMongoose Yep, it all started from there. Then I retextured the part and added it to my Kerbal Hacks page. Then I made more sizes and tweaked the drag values. Added a nose cap a month ago. Finally managed to spare some time to make some pictures and separate the mod into its own thread.
  2. Technically they will work in earlier versions as well, but the crossfeed toggle won't be there. The tanks will require a fuel line to feed the craft. @Beetlecat That's very pleasant to hear, thank you :3
  3. @JadeOfMaar That's a pleasant surprise )
  4. Strangely enough smart autostruts always solve my wobbly problems.
  5. It's always nice to add some extra fuel without adding much to the size of the spacecraft Has 4 sizes of different length Very Fairing friendly due to its shape Has a stock crossfeed switcher Integrated decoupler Aeroynamic nosecap to close the ends or make a boat Stockalike texture will blend in with any craft TweakScale support Download from Spacedock Suggested: - TweakScale (enables bigger sizes) - Any fuel switcher (patch from CryoEngines, Stock Fuel Switch, Modular Fuel Tanks, Configurable Containers) License: CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0
  6. More stuff coming in the next release:
  7. And it got even better with the last version. The new "O + click" to focus the camera makes navigating big vessels such a pleasant experience I was getting sick of doing it the stock way when navigating my stations, big ships or big base sections. The Camera Focus Changer mod was good but shaky.
  8. @Drew Kerman This mod is useful only for vehicles with constant payload mass between launches. Any other lifter with variable payload mass won't benefit from it. The Gravity Turn mod is much more powerful in this sense.
  9. Kerbalism is the first and only mod to implement something like that.
  10. @tseitsei89 You need the "Duna" Logistics or the "Tundra" Pioneer modules to access the planetary storage. The containers with the "Warehouse" mode enabled will start taking or depositing their resources.
  11. Honestly, I can't afford to have a stock only game. My CPU can't handle several 200 part crafts at the same time. Mod's dramatically reduce the partcount required to make an aesthetic and functional spacecraft. But I love when people share their crafts made with stock only parts. Means I can download and use them right away. I usually adapt them by switching in parts from my modded install. One thing is explosions of high partcount pure stock crafts are more spectacular.
  12. Teaser. A visor powered by Indicator Lights. The vid shows an EVA Propellant indicator.
  13. Enceos

    Kerbal Kalendar!

    @wile1411 What a neat work! I wish I could hire you for my company @legoclone09 I doubt that more than 10 people got the first collectible.
  14. @flywlyx I tried the trigger collider before, but it still has collisions when on layer 0.
  15. @5thHorseman Oh, I remember those Lode Runner days I've been playing with my brother on one keyboard. Spent many days drawing new levels, some ended up quite entertaining. The 1994 Sierra version had a level editor.
  16. My first game was when Windows was not a thing, that's too retro to mention. But the favorite game of my childhood was "The Neverhood". I still remember the lines of Willie on the videotapes. That epic battle between robot Bil and the Clockwork Beast, I cried at the end of that cutscene.
  17. @linuxgurugamer The only thing that stops me now is the lack of decent pictures and a lack of time to make them unfortunately. And thanks for the compliment
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