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Everything posted by Enceos

  1. At first I was giving functional names to my vessels, but that started to look very boring. Searched the net to help me boost my naming creativity and found a cool site: http://fantasynamegenerators.com/ It helped me name many of my crafts and missions. I still use functional names, but they always go after a creative name in single quotes: 'Aquilla' Starbus, 'Oculus' Minmus SpySat, 'Providence' Heavy Freighter etc. In my current save I went with mythological creatures: Phoenix, Gryphon etc plus some latin naming. The best and the most kerbal name of my Kerbin station I consider "Daydream Terminal". It's what I use in my every save now instead of the boring KSS/ISS.
  2. I watched one too many vids about space on Youtube and some tutorial vids on EVE online while I was digging it. So Youtube decided to recommend me the Scott Manley's channel. At first I thought it was a game for kids because of the cute little green aliens, but was curious why such a grown man was playing the game. After three vids I fell in love with the lego-like building of space ships, bought the game and subscribed to Scott's channel.
  3. I believe KSP 2 is possible only if it will be a separate game, which we will have to buy for another $40. That's how business works.
  4. @SmashingKirby148 The Heisenberg Airships is a pack with gorgeous cockpits I donated a windowed walkway model today, it is probably the essence of all sci-fi ships.
  5. @Marcelo Silveira @SmashBrown @JOHNMKNIGHT Thank you guys! It was my pleasure making this, and a bigger pleasure seeing pople having fun with these toys :3
  6. This buddy took me 3 days to make. Had to model 3 custom parts to get the design I wanted. Dis is a little teaser picture, next time I will actually fly it
  7. @Angel-125 Meanwhile in my universe... Your Gondola parts are one of a kind! )) Wanted to sculpt a big cockpit for my ships myself, but your mod exceeded all my expectations.
  8. I must say that windows will look flat if you don't use the specular color. Specular maps are a technique for advanced designers, for most parts you can just separate the shiny mesh and apply a specular material to it.
  9. The game should do it by default. Looks like the default position of your model and the attachment node orientation are not going well together. You'll need to check the model orientation before compiling the part. Be aware that either Left & Right sides of your part or the Up & Down sides should look the same for a mirror symmetry. And try playing with this line in your part config: mirrorRefAxis = 0, 0, 1
  10. Veon didn't animate the pony heads, he just replaced the Kerbal head with them. That's actually not very hard. The hard thing is animating the heads, inducing all ranges of emotions and eye movements. KSP has at least 15 animations for kerbals: walking, flag planting, jumping, falling, jetpack etc. Replacing the whole model will require redoing all those animations.
  11. @Angel-125 It's yours, I donate Crossing fingers for simple internals :3
  12. I got rusty, how could I miss such a thing thank you, man! EDIT: @Sigma88 Lol, strange things happen. MM still doesn't like the patch with the module check. I'm trying to feed him this: EDIT2: forget it an extra space after the comma was killing it for me.
  13. It seems to work if I remove the check for the ModuleKISItem. But how do I keep both checks?
  14. From what I know the suncatcher of the solar panels is very robust in this field. I don't know the code, but solar panels always know when sunlight is available, and they do it at superwarp speeds.
  15. @Sigma88 MM takes neither ~ nor ~# in my case. During loading it says that it found an error in my config. I tried all kinds of combinations but to no avail.
  16. Hey @Angel-125 ! It's been a while. I hope you have time to enjoy KSP yourself :3 I've been tinkering with the Heiseberg parts to make a sci-fi looking ship. And I almost succeeded, but discovered an urgent need for a single row of windows in the same style as your Gondola parts. I made a Windowed Walkway part from your models. It has two toggleable caps, but as I found out your WBIMeshToggle module doesn't support two mesh switches at a time... I hope you will find a way around. I didn't do the internal, you're more proficient in this than I am. https://www.dropbox.com/s/o6sf5exs98icr09/WBI_WindowedWalkway.zip?dl=0
  17. @Sigma88 Never knew about that syntax. Does this look good? @PART[*]:HAS[~#node_attach[*],MODULE[ModuleKISItem]]:FOR[KIS] { node_attach = 0.0, -0.1, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1 }
  18. Does ! exclamation mark blacklisting work on # nodes? I want to write a patch which adds a node_attach line if it is not present. @PART[*]:HAS[!#node_attach[*],MODULE[ModuleKISItem]]:FOR[KIS] { node_attach = 0.0, -0.1, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1 }
  19. Since ProceduralParts mod is almost dead, this module could become the next big thing! ♥ ♥ ♥
  20. @allista Hey dude! Is there any info or wiki on how to use the AnisotropicPartResizer module in other parts?
  21. @Jett_Quasar I really admire your craft designs, they're awesome, you're inspiring me to build bigger! Would be so cool if we could view your gallery any time instead of hunting the dropbox links here and there. Do you have a KerbalX account?
  22. @dboi88 Hahaha, I know this situation I bet you were screaming inside: "No, no, no, no! Stand still! Aaah! .... Phew"
  23. If anyone's interested here are my musings on the topic of how MultiPlayer could work in KSP: Following discussion contains many details.
  24. @NobodyImportant We've had a word that kerbal models are now replaceable, but there's no proficient animator on the horizon to make a new one. If one takes on the task we can poke the devs to get the names of the hooks and code API. Relevant post:
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