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Everything posted by Enceos

  1. Better Burn Time is like a fix to an old KSP bug, which devs don't bother to fix. So this is a must above all. More readouts in the flight scene, like altitude above surface, periapsis / apoapsis, time to periapsis / apoapsis.
  2. Mass of other planets can be estimated theoretically from size and spectral composition, but one can never be sure about these numbers unless something else is orbiting around that planet. That orbiter, be it a moon, an asteroid or a spacecraft, gives astronomers the most precise mass number of the planet it's orbiting.
  3. I might be wrong somewhere, I haven't used this feature for quite some time. Need to ask other knowledgeable modellers. @Beale @nli2work Do you guys happen to know which Unity layer or tag makes an object appear only in the editor and not in flight?
  4. @blackheart612 What do you think about making an emissive decal as well? It won't support transparency, but will look good with opaque decals. And a mesh switch from rectangle to a circle, with a circle UV at the center of a texture. My simple mission patches would benefit from that immensely: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hic4nwxx8fl6a88/KerbalHacksFlags.zip?dl=0 You can use them to pinpoint the UV position.
  5. I paint my crafts with the "Rust-Oleum" brand %) they withstand 1000K.
  6. @JadeOfMaar This little creative touch gives so much awesomeness to the crafts
  7. @blackheart612 Good work, love your use of Firespitter mesh switching. There is a way to optimize your model by removing its collider and adding a draggable mesh with a collider in front of the decal. Give them a layer 17 Editor_UI and they will show only in the editor. Less colliders in flight = less performance hit. Your decals go nicely with this mod: With this mod one doesn't have to edit a config every time he adds a new image, check it out
  8. @flywlyx You can set here, layer 17, and don't forget to name it Editor_UI
  9. @Wheffle JPLRepo has implemented this feature a while ago into the Research Bodies mod, DMagic kindly shared his mipmaps code.
  10. @flywlyx It is possible to make parts of a model appear only in the editor and be invisible in flight. Setting a layer 17 to an object will make it invisible after the launch, so you don' have to tweak the parts after placing them.
  11. @Li0n Wow, I'm so happy about the lights automation :3 You're my hero. I remember myself proposing this idea in Smart Parts, but the author vanished and new maintainers never got around to implement it. You deserve a badge! @RealGecko many thanks, dude, for coming up with and bringing this idea into the right hands ♥
  12. @linuxgurugamer Would you please add a link to the old thread to your OP. It contains lots of very useful discussions and usage examples. And you forgot to credit the author of the mod.
  13. @Skavies When upgraded my laptop with an SSD hard drive, it literally gave the laptop a second life. My laptop has a 64Gb SSD, 120Gb SSD today costs as much as I paid for the 64Gb version back then, the SSD price dropped by 50% per GB since. My coworkers couldn't believe the loading speeds when I started installing them in my office. An old computer running Windows XP loaded in 6 seconds. If I were you I would totally buy a cheap SSD to pump up the PC, that's the best possible investment unless your computer doesn't support SATA.
  14. @Skavies There's a "blue rocket on a book" button on the stock toolbar, it opens a KSPEdia window, if you know everything what's written there then loading these files is a waste of RAM and loading time. You seem to be new, but very capable individual how long have you been playing KPS?
  15. I believe the log says more than that. The whole file would be helpful.
  16. The lower TWR is the higher the gravity losses during the landing, sometimes it exceeds the required dV to land with a conventional engine by 30% and more. dV numbers are misleading when TWR is low on the lander.
  17. That's a wrong link, to get the right link you need to push the button "Share" and in the opened dialog box click on "Create link".
  18. That's a savefile, the link to a thread I gave you describes exactly what modders need: The LogsThese are text files that the game spits out for debugging purposes as it runs; if something broke horribly in-game, there will be something in here about it. You should upload the entire log as a file (i.e. not to pastebin); you can use dropbox or an equivalent host to upload the file. Make sure the entire file gets uploaded; you may have to zip it first, as logs can be very long. Here is where you can find the log: Windows: KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt (32bit) or KSP_win64\KSP_x64_Data\output_log.txt (64bit) Mac OS X: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log ( Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log ) Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log Launch the game, go to the rover, use the BonVoyage module to pick the target on map, push the button "Poehali!!!" and exit the game, after that take the log and upload it to a dropbox.
  19. Your comment is witty but sounds rude in this context. The mod author kindly implies that "no logs = no support". KSP log is very informative and helpful to modders in such situations, and they kindly offer their personal time to study an individual person's log to see where the problem is.
  20. Enceos


    If your target port is not tumbling back and forth my little gif explains how to get that precise alignment, the HDG indicator at the bottom of the navball is very useful for that. Rotation angle is purely visual though, that's the downside. I use DPAI only for those precise rotation degree readings which are extremely useful for station constructions, navball is actually more precise in close proximity. Best alignment results are achieved in IVA or with the NavHud mod.
  21. @Skavies If you don't need the stock KSPedia entries, you can save some loading time by removing all files from the \Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Squad\KSPedia folder.
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