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Everything posted by Enceos

  1. @Falco01 You can take a curved mesh from the Decal Stickers mod and try to integrate the patch manager module. Or use Firespitter.
  2. @Falco01 No. I don't spam parts. The parts I posted are already scaleable.
  3. I actually had a launch which looked like an ice cream delivery. Absolutely unintentional. Didn't find a better way to lift that RoverDude's ball to my station.
  4. Thank you! The ckan.exe /? info didn't tell that I need to indicate a specific version.
  5. The blue omni tool is meant for pilots, it currently doesn't do anything, but in the next update it will have KER and MechJeb info modules on it, useful only for career players though. Or probably I should make it an equivalent of wrench, usable by everyone. I can't think of any other functionality.
  6. Unfortunately this mod is hardcoded to change texture only on one mesh. The Mesh Switch switches between several meshes. I'm currently looking for a software engineer who could replace the hardcoded function with config based variables. I made part with meshes of different curvature, it is waiting for this code. Meanwhile I also made two new placeable decal parts for this mod with special shaders: DOWNLOAD: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kg26400y56dqju9/MissionPatchManager.zip?dl=0
  7. @Angel-125 Decided to make an ariship, but noticed that the Airship Utils button is missing. Do I need anything special for it to appear?
  8. ... there are mods which are literally focused on food stuff. Hell I even could make a pack of pizza toppings in under an hour.
  9. @nightingale Hi dude, would you please hint me which line could be creating this kind of requirement: The "Drive a Tour Bus for KSC!" blocks other contracts from the category. EDIT: Ok, found, thanks me CONTRACT_GROUP { name = Kerbal Space Program displayName = Kerbal Space Program minVersion = 1.20.3 agent = Kerbal Space Program maxSimultaneous = 1 0 maxCompletions = 0 sortKey = a4 }
  10. @inigma Hi dude, Would you please tell me how to remove this requirement: The "Drive a Tour Bus for KSC!" blocks the contract from being offered.
  11. @sarbian You little mod helped me tremendously in my modding life. I learned quite a bunch of stuff by inspecting objects with your tool. Thank you very much! There's one thing it doesn't cover though. It doesn't work in IVA... is it possible to let it inspect IVA objects as well? Many cockpits made by Squad and modders have clickable windows and passages which change the camera view. Would be nice if we could see those colliders. This was new to me:
  12. I like the idea of a news line, but only asteroids live their own life. If a career overhaul happens I would greatly suggest adding a variety events which will have positive and negative outcomes depending on what you do. That's what brings life to games like Stellaris and Cities.
  13. @helaeon Yeah, I made them run faster in my game. thanks to those .cfg files. If you're using the Through The Eyes of a Kerbal mod, you'll find the visors in my next release very useful. One of the many things they'll show is an EVA Propellant indicator.
  14. @helaeon I believe that would break many things.
  15. yes, I updated the archive after posting the link, you were fast
  16. @adsii1970 Looking forward to seeing it in the story Just in case, please check if the MODULE ModuleKISItem has equipMode = model in the WalkieTalkie.cfg otherwise your kerbal is gonna jump on equip.
  17. @adsii1970 Grab it https://www.dropbox.com/s/i5je3eced4p46me/KH_WalkieTalkie.zip?dl=0 Any bigger and it clips too much into the body. Data transmitter didn't want to work on EVA, *sighs
  18. New version is coming very soon with more stuff The mic headset serves the purpose of a communication device, I'll add a transmitter to it and a weak antenna. You'll be able to transmit your EVA reports on the spot. For the purpose of diversity I could make the walkie-talkie and give it a stronger antenna. It would find its niche of users I suppose.
  19. Texture Replacer has enough packs of suit textures which you can edit.
  20. Currently KIS allows to restrict a prop to a skill, Engineers have a Repairskill for example. But I don't see a point in doing that, since these accessories are just for vanity.
  21. I like the idea about small accessories for each profession, unfortunately I can do nothing about the garments.
  22. Sounds smart, but I'm having trouble catching the general idea. Would you please elaborate? ) - - - P.S. The new KIS update is coming soon, it will have better support for parts where I use color switch. My new hats were patiently waiting for this update.
  23. @linuxgurugamer Is it possible to make Object Inspector display material properties like shader name and texture name while inspecting a mesh?
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