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Everything posted by Enceos

  1. @Nils277 What do you think about separating the window meshes to a separate object and adding a specular material to them? Or if you know how to make specular maps, you could apply the specular material to the whole vessel and only windows will be shiny. They look too flat and fake right now in my opinion.
  2. Yep, I also think that rover parts each having its own category is a clutter. One category for all rover parts would be very nice indeed.
  3. I suggest MKS and Galileo's Planet Pack. It's gonna be a whole new game for you.
  4. Looks interesting. But can you peel the shields off and show us the rover which was hidden inside? )
  5. 0 Mun is for flags only. Hail the low gravity of Minmus %)
  6. Where does this cockpit come from? Looks sweet
  7. Another little teaser of a thing I'm working on.
  8. @steedcrugeon I was just about to PM the man
  9. Yep, I know Firespitter does it, but there's no animation speed tweakable in the VAB. I believe I've seen something in Kerbalism, need to check it out.
  10. @kerbiloid Good call, but DSEV uses Infernal Robotics to spin the centrifuge. I'm looking for a mod with its own module which tweaks the part animation.
  11. I believe I've seen a centrifuge / hab ring with a tweakable animation speed in editors. Would anyone please remind me the name of the mod? Or any other mod which is capable of changing the animation speed of parts on the fly.
  12. @regex It's been a while since you posted your KSP vehicles, looking to see more from the old space dog of KSP
  13. @JadeOfMaar I have some cools stuff coming to the Station Screens mod it will have visuals which players will be able to adjust to their liking. The Station looks super cool! Those transparent domes could use some facilities and lights inside them. Can you fly an EVA kerbal inside the the domes?
  14. @Ser Does it have an invertion of the Y axis? I'd like my plane to fly where I point my mouse. EDIT: Yep, I see the option in the settings.
  15. That's a jewel of science mods Does it come with any contracts?
  16. In pure stock hard mode is a time waster. But if you have MKS or Pathfinder you can start earning money through mining pretty soon. Just need to devise some space freighters and a technology to bring exotic minerals back to KSC. If you have the Strategia mod and the Contract Configurator with GAP and Tourism contract packs the money earned by pilots is boosted. The Bon Voyage mod will help you rove your rovers and earn science while you're busy with other missions. You will need to empty Moho and Duna science before I get the R.A.P.I.E.R. engines though. But it's very fun, random monoliths you find will give you a random unresearched tech from the tech tree. That's how I play the hard career mode.
  17. @udk_lethal_d0se And support for the texture change of more objects :3 The I want to make a universal spraykan with decals of different curvature, I will use a Firespitter mesh switch module to switch between the objects. I didn't want to spam different parts but make an all-in-one decal. EDIT: Ah.... forgot to ask for .tga/.dds support. Sorry, it all accumulated after three months. This mod has the potential to become legendary and a must have for many players. I really hope I didn't scare you off.
  18. @udk_lethal_d0se Also, I've been lurking in your code and found that you prohibited the decal change in flight: [KSPEvent(guiName = "Select Patch [Next]", guiActive = false, guiActiveEditor = true)] ... [KSPEvent(guiName = "Select Patch [Previous]", guiActive = false, guiActiveEditor = true)] Will it hurt if you enable it in flight? The problem is if I add new patches to the folder this mod gets a new alphabetical order of files and patches on my active crafts change. I had to edit my save every time this happened, would be awesome if players could correct the patches in flight.
  19. @udk_lethal_d0se I remember those times ) it took me around three months of hard work before I could finally take a deep breath in my entrepreneurial endeavors. There's one question in the air, do we need to look for a maintainer of this mod? One crucial feature it needs is a support of several meshes. I have faith in your software engineering proficiency, do you think you could find some time to add this feature?
  20. @udk_lethal_d0se Hey dude! Glad you finally visited the forums I hope you're ok in your new place.
  21. It's not my mod unfortunately. My only guess is that object name "Patch" is actually hardcoded and this module won't work on objects with another name.
  22. I'm surprised you discovered the source of my inspiration High-five to my fellow X-universe captain!
  23. Thank you, Jane! It was inspired by the X3 and Freelancer freighter ships. The name is a tribute to a freighter from EVE Online. Whenever I fly the Providence, I can't get enough of its flybys
  24. I finally lifted the beast into space:
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