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Everything posted by Enceos

  1. Imagine that they're hollow But I agree with you, I made the weight numbers low just because of the weight restriction of KIS. It would be a major hassle to gather 10 Kerbals around to move a single tile.
  2. It works for me when I enter an interval of 40 to 60 days and then pick out the 50 day flight with mouse. TWP wasn't designed for a single day time interval calculation. By algorhitm first number must always be lower than the last.
  3. Why do you use "Time of Flight" from 50 to 50 days?
  4. There's one, but you can't change the stock thrust curve in the game, only via configs.
  5. Simply an oversight from the QA team while porting KSP to the new Unity version. Many things had to be redone, this one was overlooked.
  6. They're stock now. But no stock parts have them at the moment. Here are the patches I use to enable them: +PART[sepMotor1]:Final { @name = delayedRetro @title = Sepratron I-D @description = Same as the Sepratron I but with a delayed fuse. @MODULE[ModuleEngines*] { %useThrustCurve = true thrustCurve { key = 0.00 0.01 key = 0.05 1.00 0 0 key = 0.93 1.00 0 0 key = 0.98 0.10 0 0 key = 1.00 0.10 } } } @PART[*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[SolidFuel]] { @MODULE[ModuleEngine*] { %useThrustCurve = true %thrustCurve { key = 0 0.01 8.032298 1.11047 key = 0.01342202 0.07843862 1.11047 0.2269303 key = 0.01526241 0.7107602 1.799464 1.591762 key = 0.2355173 0.8904908 0.1987092 0.1987092 key = 0.3413242 0.7365882 -2.900315 -2.900315 key = 0.4019614 0.7171836 0.4377778 0.5915467 key = 0.7633486 0.9773242 0.407829 0.407829 key = 1 1 } } }
  7. Beautiful! How wrong? I'm having hard time imagining your request, would you please provide a pic of what you have in mind.
  8. @brusura AFAIK OSE Workshop works only when the builder craft is loaded. There's no background processing. You can use timewarp to speed up the process.
  9. !equipSkill = anything --> deletes this line from the part config
  10. "Null" is still a requirement, there are no kerbals with "null" skills. Tried and that didn't work for me, had to delete the line.
  11. @Calvin_Maclure Actually delete that line altogether. I used to have this MM patch for KIS: @PART[KIS_wrench]:AFTER[KIS] { @MODULE[ModuleKISItemAttachTool] { !equipSkill = RepairSkill %attachMaxMass = 0.1 // Looks like this line is redundant, KIS no longer supports mass restrictions for tools. } }
  12. @Trevisan Actually the fastest way to solve this problem is to detach these ports via KIS and place them into a KIS container. They will reset their settings and be ready for reattaching and docking. If the station docking port is a root part you can hover over its first child part and cut it from the docking port via "H" button. It will become a parent part and the docking port will come off, ready for grabbing.
  13. You put it in ther inventory. Kerbals can carry big items on their back only if those items have a KIS module in their config, take a look at the EVA Propellant and Container configs.
  14. Hi @TriggerAu, remember our talk about the PluginData folder on Github? :3 All your mods need that change.
  15. The editor will code and compile it for you, you just edit the contents visually.
  16. The links I gave you require "adding pics and links to your forum posts" level of "coding" skillz
  17. When I introduced my friend to KSP he immediately wanted to make a Falcon 9 in this game. After some time spent in the VAB he was very disappointed about the available landing legs and the absense of grid fins. I believe many newcomers to KSP would like to repeat the achevments of SpaceX in the game. It will require some fiddling and an inquisitive mind to find out that they'll need mods for that, people whose first game became KSP won't even have this word in their dictionary.
  18. As hard as typing text and adding pictures in a Microsoft Word.
  19. I vote for 2-Expand the depth of the game Rework the current science system, career mode, planet discovery
  20. @ZooNamedGames @Pronoes http://codewithchris.com/how-to-make-iphone-apps-with-no-programming-experience/ http://www.appypie.com/iphone-app-builder
  21. Bigger landing legs and gridfins. Every SpaceX fan would love to be able to repeat the achievments of this rising space company in KSP. Wide base landing legs. similar to the ones on Philae spacecraft, but retractable.
  22. I made a request on the tracker when 1.1 was still in prerelease. I hope it was noted. http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/8578
  23. I do use strategies frequently, but only from the Strategia mod. They're very thought out and rewarding. Quite fun to play with.
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