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Everything posted by Enceos

  1. Beautiful! I haven't unlocked the Lightbulb nuclear engine yet in my save. Though I love big tanks and high thrust engines
  2. @Mjarf Got pics? ) I'd love to see Odin.
  3. Your base has much stuff lying around do you still use the brackets to switch between them? Check out the EasyVesselSwitch @IgorZ has made last week, you'll never want to go back to using brackets again.
  4. @brusura As promised: @PART[largeSolarPanel]:FINAL { !mesh = null !node_attach = null !node_stack_root = null node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Utility/decouplerStackTR-2V/model position = 0, 0, 0 scale = 0.48, 0.48, 0.48 rotation = 0, 0, 270 } MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Electrical/gigantorXlSolarArray/model position = 0, 0, 0 scale = 1, 1, 1 rotation = 0, 0, 0 } }
  5. I actually goofed with the model rotations, you'll notice Gigantors on existing vessels will show up tilted. Be sure to tune in later, I'll post a new config.
  6. Finally finished my exploration vessel "Ark Of The Red Seas" and set sail for Duna. Completely Modular and assembled in an orbital Shipyard.
  7. I never had a docking port explode on its own, only when using the 'redock vessel' feature with "Y" key, happens to me only on certain vessels. I think your case is singular and might not happen again. Check if the docking port on your Soyuz was a root part, maybe you grabbed the whole vessel and clipped it into the station.
  8. It is compatible, you just need to use a fuel line like you normally would with stock tanks on decouplers.
  9. What will be the source of the ray? Camera position? Will this have issues when trying to grab a part clipped inside of another part?
  10. @Calvin_Maclure @IgorZ @brusura It's a model issue. Gigantor doesn't have a collider on its base, nothing you can do about it unless you're a modeller. @brusura I just found a way. Make a .cfg file with this text and place it anywhere in your GameData folder: @PART[largeSolarPanel] { !mesh = null !node_attach = null node_stack_bottom = 0, -0.069, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0 node_attach = 0, -0.069, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0 MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Utility/decouplerStackTR-2V/model position = 0, -0.033, 0 scale = 0.48, 0.48, 0.48 } MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Electrical/gigantorXlSolarArray/model position = 0, 0, 0 scale = 1, 1, 1 rotation = 0, 0, 270 } } This will add a collider from another part to the Gigantor base and you'll finally be able to detach it.
  11. Unfortunately I don't have it active but here's the code of the contract from my save:
  12. Did you try the "H" button while hovering your mouse over the pylon? Edit: I suspect KIS will say it is a root part..
  13. That's an USI Kolonization feature, not KIS. @brusura You can equip a tool, hover your mouse over an unwanted part hold the "H" button and click the part to detach it from anything it's sticking to.
  14. @Agnemon I've been using 4 survey stakes around my pad with success. @SciMan made an EPL config in one of the upper posts: I will make the pads targetable via EPL ExTarget Module in the future update. The number 500 for staticAttachBreakForce probably became too low with the last KIS updates. Setting it to around 2000 should be enough. Have fun
  15. Any relevant info on this page? http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/10292/how-do-i-generate-mipmaps-at-runtime.html
  16. Good one, it is basically a 'parts mod', so no wonder it keeps ticking. It relies on Firespitter for texture switching, so you need to change the configs every time you want to add a new texture. What I liked most about WBI texture switching on monitors is you can assign them any picture from the screenshots folder on the fly, plus it dynamically loads those pictures into the game on demand, so you can add a new picture and load it onto a part even while KSP is still running. @Angel-125 What type of textures does the plugin support? the .png images don't have mipmaps in them and become very pixelated on zooming out. As far as I know from the list of widely supported types of images TGA can store mipmaps. And of course we all love DDS
  17. The settings.cfg in KIS does not contain any volatile data. KIS doesn't change this file during play. Plus modders make their own MM patches to add their modules to the list of stackables. So no, this file is located where it should be.
  18. @Angel-125 I like your WBI Monitors so much dude , I have some persisting questions: are they hookable to a camera? How does 'random picture' feature works? Currently the transparent background of PNG files is displayed in white, is it possible to make that transparent? I'm asking because I had an idea of making a placeable decal platform so we could paint our wings and ships with pictures and stuff.
  19. As I stated before, it's a matter of the vessel weight. My Jool sentinel sats had a nice weight/drag ratio to survive the Jool aerobraking in 1.1.2
  20. Lol, keep looking =D Or just delete the unwanted parts and make it stand-alone for yourself.
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