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Everything posted by Enceos

  1. Yeah, we'll need new PartTools, with emissive curves fix and probably new shaders.
  2. Looks you didn't turn off the alpha channel. That texture has an embedded specular map.
  3. It would be so funny if IVA dropped with Kerbals in their seats
  4. I've got a new idea for a smart part: Toggle lights or anything else when there's no sunlight and toggle back when sunlight is detected.
  5. Can anybody tell me why does it show a "No Scanner" message instead of a concentration percentage? The body was fully scanned quite a while ago.
  6. These kind of models are called "Trailing Ballutes", might as well name this pack accordingly. The other blunt shaped type is called "Calmped Ballute", we won't use it here.
  7. As I told in my first post. This is a stream which features a KSP modelling workflow. Software used: Blender, Photoshop, Unity. Workflow includes almost everything required to make a great model from start to finish: Model and Art concept, modelling, animating, UV unwrapping, map baking, texturing stockalike style. Good comments + voiced thoughts.
  8. Can someone bring this mod into Scott Manley's attention? It's been 4 months already and he still complains about having a hard time clicking his spinning rockets. This and NoOffsetLimits is what he needs very much now. I don't know how to contact him other than through the chat of his rare streams.
  9. In real life a 8km/s 40° Titan reentry will require a trailing ballute with an airstream facing area of around 750m2 per 1 ton of payload. Here are the numbers from NASA's website: We'll have to find the best size experimentally in the game. Everything is ultra heavy in KSP and people will want to aerocapture vessels as big as MK3 spaceplanes, that's over 40 tons of payload.
  10. I think Karbonite+ serves a similar purpose. It implements a very rare resource Karborundum which is found only on Eve, Eeloo and in low Sun (Kerbol) orbit. It fuels very high ISP Karborunum engines. Gives an incentive to build bases on those planets and a station around sun.
  11. I have found a workaround for this issue while making my parts: there are "play â–º" and "pause II" buttons above your viewport. "Play" will start your main animation and "Pause" will stop the frame. If you build your part in that paused state, your model in the game will start in that state as well.
  12. Yeah, a stock compatible inline ballute would be awesome, not many requirements in the design area for them. If you're interested I can help with modelling and texturing.
  13. Wow, great! I just stumbled upon aerocapture problems with recent DRE install. Googled the aerocapture technologies in real world and found dem trailing ballute desings. Was wondering why nobody has ever made one for KSP and here we go, you're Godsent riocrokite
  14. Does it mean that a safe spaceplane reentry from orbits beyond Mun is impossible?
  15. Yes, when you do surface attachments of other parts to yours they will stick to the shape of your collider. So it's a common sense to use 8-12 sided cyllinder as a collider in fuel tanks.
  16. I see, thanks for the answer! The magic number of 25km is all I need to make my trajectories safe then
  17. Hi Starwaster, I haven't played with DRE for a while, has it become SSTO friendly in the latest patch?
  18. There are several types of vessel states: - Landed - Splashed down - On suborbital trajectory - Orbiting Seems the contract you tried to accomplish checks the requirement as complete when your vessel is in the "Landed" state. Splashed down doesn't count and reasonably so.
  19. Primitive Unity colliders use little to none processing power. Convex mesh colliders can sometimes bring heavy slowdowns. When I was making a wraparound tank, which is in my signature, I used 4 convex colliders at first. My fps drastically dropped even when I was playing with the part in editor. After I replaced them with Unity box colliders the problem was gone.
  20. Sounds cool! Would be nice to have a decouplers pack with animations as well.
  21. Is this an update of the Animated Decouplers by Starwaster?
  22. All of them starting from Aug 21. They're not tutorials, but show a typical workflow of one of the most respectable modders on the forums.
  23. I hope we'll have a KSP Diffuse, Translucent, Emissive shader.
  24. Sneak peek of upcoming model changes: No more pesky glass shield which hides all the goodies, now you can touch dem gears and hot magnets. New look of the busy mechanism. Window lights and reorganized airlock lights. Rivets and frames around the indent edges. Better normals all around. And much better gears on the Converter:
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