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Everything posted by Enceos

  1. Rio, some numbers to help you with testing. The deployed ballute is from the 1.25m size case. The model of the 1.25/2.5m ballute is 34 times bigger than the case. The model of the 3.75/5m ballute is 45 times bigger than the case. So for Realchutes the diameter size calculations are as follows: 1.25m case = 48.13m ballute 2.5m case = 77m ballute 3.75m case = 168.75m ballute 5m case = 225m ballute To account for the hole in the doughnut we divide the ballute aerodynamic reference area by the whole area of the circle. 1010.56/1818.83 = 0.555 So the dragCoefficient of the material should be 0.555 Stock stats: The stock ModuleParachute calculates the size of the canopy from the model itself and drag cubes from the MODULE[ModuleDragModifier]. To get the real sizes in the rightclick menu we need to assign MODULE[ModuleDragModifier] with this numbers: 1.25m case = 1.731 2.5m case = 1.385 3.75m case = 1.565 5m case = 1.5625 Assuming the value of semiDeployedDrag = 500 of stock equals dragCoefficient = 1 of RealChutes we can account for the hole in the doughnut by multiplying this value by the %% effective area of the ballute. 500 * 0.555 = 277.5 So the drag value for stock semiDeployedDrag and fullyDeployedDrag should be 277. If the Stock parachute module was programmed to be realistic, we get absolutely realistic results with these values.
  2. I see the problem in his video the current drag of the ballutes is too low currently for any aerocapture. Bear in mind that current RealChute config which people download literally doesn't work cause of missing brackets. A thousand of ppl is waiting for your tests Rio
  3. What are the current gameplay features of this mod except for editing and creating? Salaries, training...?
  4. Good point, Lets wait till Rio merges my last pull request and uploads a new archive on Kerbalstuff with GameData as a root folder.
  5. I sent a message to the KerbalStuff support, They added the CKAN badge to the page, time to wait for the next CKAN database reindex.
  6. Still love using SSTOs for crew rotations and maintenance missions, rockets for heavy payload lifting. It's feels much cooler to approach a satellite on a Shuttle or SSTO to perform maintenance than on a pod with engine.
  7. Glorious beauty! Please take me to space with you!
  8. KSP is very spec friendly on old computers if your vessels don't exceed 60 parts. So just stick to that rule for smooth performance. Also no Environmental Visual Enhancemets and FAR for old computers.
  9. You're welcome, I learned about the existence of many mods through twitch streams and youtube channels. Scott Manley was the one to show the world the Interstellar mod.
  10. Pure electric engines are available in the Interstellar Extended mod. The thrust is called Quantum Vacuum and is unlocked in the latest nodes of the tech tree.
  11. Hi Gaalidas, Do you happen to have an access to the model files? I decided to cut out the repulsors and tracks to leave only wheels and I can't find which textures are tied to the MediumWheel.mu and LargeWheel.mu, would you please take a look?
  12. I almost never got an answer to a private message from a moderator on forums of other games, they consider themselves cybergods with special rights. KSP forum moders are like millon times more helpful and polite, they don't refrain from answering to private messages and do it in the most informative way.
  13. And I was wondering why Remote Tech sometimes spins my vessels out of control after a timewarp. Had to resort to MechJeb for automated SAS purposes.
  14. The ballutes survive without RealHeat, it's a pity that vessels do not. Everything is fine until the entry speed exceeds 4.7km/s. So without RealHeat people can't aerobrake on Jool, return from Jool, Moho and Eeloo, Laythe and Eve encounter. That limits ballute usage only to Duna, return from Eve and local Kerbin sphere.
  15. Not all the information is in English, believe me. Many times i find what I'm looking for in French, Russian, Chinese and Japanese languages, sometimes even Hebrew. Google translate for the win
  16. It was taken from this document: http://www.nuui.com/Sections/Technology/Zylon/zylon_technical.pdf Shuttle tiles also have a below normal heat capacity of 0.9 kJ/(kg*K).
  17. RS is much more intuitive and realistic in this field. EDIT: About Zylon specific heat capacity, found this figure: I didn't quite understand it, can anyone read it and tell the number from it?
  18. I found several mistakes in the current RealChute patch. I'll fix it, tweak the values to our latest data and create a pull on Github.
  19. Dear CKAN staff, We've published our mod on KerbalStuff a while ago and checked the CKAN option. But CKAN sign doesn't show up on our page, what's wrong? [removed link to defunct website]
  20. Anyone knows how can we turn off this glow? It really spoils the picture.
  21. In RSS environment you would probably need only a fraction of that drag. I don't have an RSS install, can't test it out. P.S. Current RealChute configs don't work for me, ballutes don't want to deploy stating the reason: Too high. Couldn't make them open by tweaking pressure in the config, not sure what else defines the behavior.
  22. Thank you Beale, but for the first part you would be mistaken, This is what happens to hot parts. All the overlay and gauges disabled. I'm trying to prevent this somehow. EDIT: Just got a reply for Starwaster, he says "There's a material bug in the temperature gauges code that causes it to not want to go away" To prevent it we can disable the F10 gauges before the part heats up.
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