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Everything posted by Enceos

  1. My bad for necroing the thread, it's just something I still remember was discussed on the forums. Our prayers have reached the heavens ) Surprise!
  2. Currently Kerbal Konstructs can modify the home planet Kerbin and place any structures around the planet. The author coudn't find any programming way to do the same with other planets. Plus noone could find a way to place custom anomalies (easter eggs) as well. To make this possible we need a coding support from SQUAD.
  3. @Waxing_Kibbous Did you try the Strategia mod? It has some features you're listing.
  4. @linuxgurugamer Are RemoteTech antennas hardcoded? I have RemoteTech, but I deleted the parts in favor of the Stock RT patch from Malah and Origami Antennas. P.S. The OP still needs its download links updated from Kerbalstuff to Spacedock.
  5. Making gifs is quite easy, for me at least, I may start a separate supporting thread for animations. Animations working differently on different computers is another issue. I know that male and female kerbal skeletons are slightly different and have different bone names. Would you please send me a PM with any of your animations, I'd like to see if this sharing is at all possible.
  6. I think we need to start sharing the animation files with each other and start building a Kerbal animation library for everyone to use. What do you think, guys?
  7. @Mythos I wonder if you'll be able to add a flag switcher option. Since it's a savegame editor the flag switching option might come handy for many users. Stock game does not have an option to switch the mission flag once you launched the vessel. Simple "Open Flag" dialog window with constraints to GameData directory will be enough, smart users will find their flag themselves. There's a mod out there for this thing, but it adds another unnecessary [MODULE] to all "command" parts in the game, which is unwanted. If you're interested in adding this feature, some code from this mod might help: https://github.com/iPeer/InFlightFlagSwitcher I don't know if changing the flag on the root part in editor will automatically change in the game all the flags on other parts with flagDecals as well. EDIT: Looks like each part of the VESSEL needs its flag changed for the full effect. Otherwise kerbals from different modules of the station have different flags.
  8. Yeah, I'd love my Eve to have Venusian atmosphere as well. Thank you @OhioBob for taking your time. I'm not sure I know enough about gases to do this myself.
  9. Tried your program today. I must say, I absolutely love your grouping and sorting features! The vessel part tree visualization is very useful. That's quite a handy tool you're working on. Little report: The program gets confused when parts are attached via KAS pipes.
  10. @KvaNTy I tested your list of mods but the problem didn't appear. Took some time to sift out the culprit. Damn, took me 10 KSP reloads because the mod with cockroach inside was near the end of the alphabet. The culprit turned out to be the WASD Editor Camera. When WASD is installed the freezing context menu issue appears even if the WASD is off, in default "orbit" mode. WASD is kinda crucial for me, I got used to building rockets in "free move" mode. It's unfortunate that it breaks the functionality of your mod.
  11. Yeah, I spawned the grappler in "physic" mode. But as I have mentioned in the above post the grappler/magnet glitches out after contacting the surface of another part. To work it needs additional support from the KIS code.
  12. From the design point of view bright Green and Red colors are a bad combination, very hard on eyes. Can only be viable on Christmas. Flags don't like two shades of the same color. Green on green looks bad.
  13. The discussion of viability of tethering was earlier in this thread (keyword "tether"). It's been almost a year since KospY promised something for this purpose. @IgorZ if you can find a way to make this picture possible, you'll be our hero ) This was possible in old KAS, carried parts retained all of their functionality without any issues. In the new inventory system grappler parts loose their grip on kerbal's model and go afloat after trying to grapple anything. Happens both with magnet and the grappler. Probably because they try to become docked to the target (become part of the target vessel) I'm trying to grapple. I don't know if making this grapple cling to the target in an undocked mode will be a fix. I love current constraints, they bring realism to the game and a feeilng of achievment when assemling something in orbit. But juggling with ladders to keep Kerbals around the heavy part and moving multiple parts via a tug makes it quite a tedious task.
  14. Engines of this vehicle burn both resources. Tweak down your RCS power, cause it's meant for rotating asteroids and other heavy stuff. Rightclick on your part with RCS and move the thrust power slider to 20%, you don't need any mods for that, the slider is stock. This will stop the SAS overcompensation.
  15. I tested it without other mods, the problem is not present. Looks like a wierd mod interaction causes this. Here's the output_log
  16. Cool things, but how do you move stuff in orbit guys? I want to hook a kerbal to a part and pull it via the jetpack.
  17. @BahamutoD never ceases to amaze me. What a timesaver for vid and comics makers. Absolutely brilliant!
  18. We all learned modelling for KSP from @IRnifty one way or another. He deserves more likes )
  19. 4 wheels in a single model will need a separate mod for steering. The CritterCrawler from @BahamutoD for example has 4 wheel colliders in its model, but they're controlled with a plugin CritterCrawler.dll accordingly.
  20. Do we have an EVA tether tool or not yet? Towing parts via tugs is kinda tedious especially when there are many of those.
  21. You can use the SCANSat marker for this purpose or the custom Waypoint Marker from the Waypoint Manager.
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