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Everything posted by Enceos

  1. @Angel-125 I really admire your modelling and programming skills. You're a jewel of KSP modding community â¤.
  2. I'm modelling the converter for the OSE Workshop mod and decided to give it's gears some distinctive wear and scratches. I'm willing to know what you guys think of the result? Too much fine detail? Another part is the Workshop model itself, I'm not entirely happy how the part looks on the rear side. It has a glass shield and an animation with gears and emissive. Looking for ideas and inspirations to make it look differently but still busy.
  3. I remodelled the Converter to give it's gears distinctive wear and scratches. I'm willing to know what you guys think of this change? Too much fine detail? Here are the assets to replace: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4bb6xfdpq863qtd/OSE_Converter.rar?dl=0 What about the ability to cancel the current production (without refund)?
  4. Thank you for your reply, looks like the timer didn't want to set off the first time I entered the orbit. When I went to the vessel to get this screenshot the timer finally started. Thank you very much for your detailed explanation.
  5. @DMagic how do I assign a KIS assembled probe for the surveying contract? Or do I always have to launch new probes from the ground? In my play a probe has all the required parts, collected all science and achieved the required orbit, but the survey timer hasn't started ticking.
  6. Talking about apparel, I can make a wearable KIS model for you.
  7. We all love procedural parts, and while Procedural Parts mod can manipulate only simple shapes, TweakScale can scale parts only symmetrically, Allista has made a module for his Hangar mod, which allows to stretch the part asymmetrically in two directions length and width. The module is called HangarPartResizer, it also uses KSPAPIExtensions to bind allowed dimensions to the tech tree. I'm willing to make a mod with procedural wrap around radial tanks and looking for a programmer who would extract, rename and recompile the module. License for the mod is CC 4.0 The reason I need to extract it is because the mod has UI and many other tools that get in the way if I use the unchanged .dll library. I tried asking Allista to do this, but he seems very busy. Github source: https://github.com/allista/hangar/tree/master/Source Module in question is contained inside the HangarPartResizer.cs The part I'm going apply this plugin to is a wrap-around fuel tank, which will have a model and textures adapted for stretching:
  8. Hey Allista, are you getting my private messages?
  9. You better use .dds type from DXT1 to DXT5 with alpha or no alpha channel, depending on the texture. Other formats usually take more RAM.
  10. This is a result of a carefully crafted specular map with the right tint color. Metalness map is one of the PBR standard maps, which is not more or less physically accurate than using a specular color/intensity map.
  11. Never knew that someone took ALCOR props and populated stock cockpits with them. Nice job!
  12. There's a BULB mod for changing light colors during flight.
  13. Great thing! But no matter my efforts I couldn't make the Kerbal smile. I could only rotate lips can but not move.
  14. You gotta get this question to Nightingale, the author of the Contract Configurator mod.
  15. Good to see *Aqua* that you didn't abandon the idea. Nice job!
  16. lo-fi is working on something like this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/127278-How-to-force-Kerbals-to-stand-instead-of-float?p=2118502&viewfull=1#post2118502 *Aqua* took his code and started a WIP version, so stay tuned: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/130907-WIP-MagneticEVA-Magnetic-boots-for-your-Kerbals%21
  17. Since nobody took on the task, I stirred up a quick tank myself. It reuses stock Jumbo tank textures and has an integrated decoupler. Doesn't have crossfeed, so don't forget to slap on fuel lines. I wasn't sure how tall I should make it, so please give feedback on preferred sizes. Stock aerodynamics eat away the advantage you would get by decoupling these during ascent, but in vacuum they give better performance than plain Rockomax X200-32. Don't know how to override their drag. DOWNLOAD CC 3.0
  18. Thank you, Bob! I second the request above, I would be awesome if this tool didn't have a Blizzy's Toolbar dependency and used the stock toolbar in VAB.
  19. Hi taniwha, I believe your fuel tanks pack is the best place to add a tank type suggested in this thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/129568-Wraparound-Fuel-Tanks I could make both model and textures, or help you with any of those. Would you kindly include this type in your pack?
  20. Steam made a mistake somewhere while updating to 1.0.4. Checking file integrity didn't solve the issue, had to make a fresh install.
  21. I'm doing curvy things with multiple colliders, it's fault-proof.
  22. I don't detach them from the connector ports and let them fly, I just grab them from the ports directly.
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