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Everything posted by Enceos

  1. I already answered this question in github issues. But here's how you gotta perceive the situation: pod inventories are actually Kerbal's pockets. If there's no Kerbal inside, then there are no pockets.It's gonna be user unfriendly if you won't be able to stuff seat inventories in the VAB until you actually fill that place with a Kerbal. So don't stuff Kerbal's pockets when there will be no Kerbal there. If you want your pod to have an inventory you know what to do.
  2. What is the current list of triggers for voxelization update? Knowing this I could track down the potential culprit.
  3. For some reason I get this log spam 2 per second while in space, with lagspikes on each take:
  4. Guys, is there a way to disable voxel calculation ticks while in space? Big structures in orbit turn into a slideshow because of that... And do we really need voxels in vacuum?
  5. Hi DMagic, for some reason I'm getting a log spam of this kind: dmImagingPlatform (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) dmSolarParticles (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) dmRadiometerScan (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) dmImagingPlatform Did I get a debug version or what? Here's my output_log.txt
  6. In this one 20 min video I learned triple the information about planes I ever knew before. Thank you so much for sharing! Now I have a much better understanding of all these FAR graphs. This vid should be in OP.
  7. Kinda wrong. If the equipMode is "part" then you can click on equipped items. If equipMode is "physic" then the part will have its colliders activated and will be influenced by every other physical factor. To make an item activate an animation on use it needs a separate module.
  8. Didn't you just copy the EVA propellant config over to every science part? I see the refuel button everywhere and positions are not optimized.
  9. You can enable it in the settings.cfg then rightclicking an item in your inventory during flight will reveal a debug button.
  10. @amarius1 Everything looks so cool Before I move to New Horizons I'd like to expand my current game. Does this pack alter original planets? Can I add it to an existing save?
  11. Means you don't know what the mesh switcher does. And this mod already uses InterstellarFuelSwitch which has the mesh switcher inside.
  12. @m4v I'm here to thank you for CKAN as well. It makes mods accessible in a user friendly way. P.S. When reviewing RCS Build Aid, Scott Manley named DCoM the most important feature of this mod.
  13. Thanks so much for you hard work MOARdV, and have a nice trip. As for the Tourists, they're not meant to leave the pod by the game's design, and USI Life Support plugin benefits from that:
  14. Yep, until I was told by Gaiiden how it's done I never knew or seen it:
  15. I'm sorry, I have never read about this feature in any patch notes nor mentioned by anyone. Thanks for guiding me.
  16. I'm curious how big that chunk would be? RPM needs careful mipmap generation for .dds, with Mitchell filtering and sometimes soft sharpening. You won't save much memory unless you manually select between DXT1/DXT3/DXT5 compressions, RGB/RGBA depending on what each image contains. I made some DDS files for RPM already, they're 2 pages back, I hope MOARdV includes them with the release. The mipmaps I made for these .dds will remove the pixelation of props: I have not been able to smooth out the pixelation of fonts. RPM seems to be hardcoded to use only the orignal image layer on it's screens and doesn't use mipmaps. The Squad's speed font on LCD uses mipmaps, that's why you don't see it pixelate when zooming out. @MOARdV I see you fixed this issue: Can no longer EVA when the Astronaut Complex is level 1. Issue #183. There's another similar RPM issue. Tourists can go EVA using props, a feature which breaks the purpose of USI Life Support mod.
  17. @Qberticus, there are more people who would like a vessel renamer: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/118317-Quality-of-Life-improvements-list?p=1942342&viewfull=1#post1942342
  18. It sounds so promising! That was a long way Papa_Joe, two months in development, glad to hear you wrapping it up
  19. @AlbertKermin In the configs I gave you, I made all parts attachable on static in the ModuleKISItem but I didn't add this module: MODULE { name = ModuleKISPartStatic breakForce = 30 } Without it they can't be attached to the ground. Only dropped.
  20. Sometimes attaching on static works, sometimes doesn't for not apparent reason.
  21. Beautiful, now we get even closer to what they had in Shuttle. @MOARdv Does anyone except for Alexustas make MFDs? The configs are a jungle for many people and it's easy to get lost. The default MFDs haven't had a significant change since Mihara made them. I'm still hoping someone would implement all these cool features you have added over past months.
  22. Has anyone delved into re-rooting a vessel in-flight? Currently KIS lets you disassemble your craft part by part, but you can't detach the root part from it.
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