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Everything posted by Enceos

  1. Here you go: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nkonebqa8aul7f9/ModuleManager1.rar?dl=0 Starwaster, just drop an MK1-2 pod from minmus orbit and you'll get the same result. Probably thermal mass of the skin is too high. Also please take a note that below 28000 Kerbin altitude temp starts dropping even though the pod is travelling at 2300m/s
  2. Reinstalled and tested. Same $hit At orbital velocity and 27000alt temperature starts dropping. Max peak skin temp for the pod was 960K with default convection settings (40), 1380K with 100 convection. output_log.txt
  3. Yeah, I'd also really appreciate some engines without the base ring. Cause they look awkward when clustered: The best solution would be to use InterstellarMeshSwitch with two options for each engine. I'm forced to use FASA engines only for this reason.
  4. OSE Workshop was updated for KSP 1.0.2 Changelog 0.6.0 - 2015-05-14 Compatibility with KSP 1.0.2 Added MKS as new Dependency Removed KAS as Dependency Replaced Hitchhiker placeholder model with the Generic MKS Module and a custom Decal Added custom editor category to find Workshop Parts easier Removed toolboxes, because MKS already provides tanks for RocketParts Required resources for each item are now configurable with MM on a per part base and it is possible to require more than one resource with different ratios (This is the part that took me so long to finish this release ;-)). You can highlight all inventories on your current vessel from the Workbench. This is an unfinished feature for future releases, but I did not want to remove it for this one. Just ignore it
  5. @Sarbian is there any way to add custom text to the building tooltips? For example there are some mods which listen GameEvents for building upgrades and then unlock some of their features. It would be awesome if modders could add text lines about unlocked upgrades provided by their mod.
  6. Nertea has made a very elegant config for his cryo engines that tweaks all the tanks with LF/OX in them to have LF/OX, LF, OX, and LqdHydrogen/OX, LqdHydrogen: @PART [*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[LiquidFuel],@RESOURCE[Oxidizer],!MODULE[InterstellarFuelSwitch]] { %LF = #$RESOURCE[LiquidFuel]/maxAmount$ %OX = #$RESOURCE[Oxidizer]/maxAmount$ %totalCap = #$RESOURCE[LiquidFuel]/maxAmount$ @totalCap += #$RESOURCE[Oxidizer]/maxAmount$ %onlyLH2 = #$totalCap$ @onlyLH2 *= 5.5 %mixLH2 = #$onlyLH2$ @mixLH2 /= 1.1 %mixOX = #$onlyLH2$ @mixOX -= #$mixLH2$ %tempVar = 0 %dryCost = 0 @dryCost = #$cost$ %LFCost = 0 %OXCost = 0 %LH2Cost = 0 %mixLH2Cost = 0 %mixLFCost = 0 // compute cost of stock tank fuel @tempVar = #$RESOURCE[LiquidFuel]/maxAmount$ @tempVar *= 0.8 @mixLFCost += #$tempVar$ @tempVar = #$RESOURCE[Oxidizer]/maxAmount$ @tempVar *= 0.18 @mixLFCost += #$tempVar$ @dryCost -= #$mixLFCost$ @cost -= #$mixLFCost$ // Cost LF only @tempVar = #$totalCap$ @tempVar *= 0.8 @LFCost += #$tempVar$ // Cost OX only @tempVar = #$totalCap$ @tempVar *= 0.18 @OXCost += #$tempVar$ // Cost LH2 only @tempVar = #$onlyLH2$ @tempVar *= 0.03675 @LH2Cost += #$tempVar$ // Cost mix @tempVar = #$mixLH2$ @tempVar *= 0.03675 @mixLH2Cost += #$tempVar$ @tempVar = #$mixOX$ @tempVar *= 0.18 @mixLH2Cost += #$tempVar$ @tempVar = 0 MODULE { name = InterstellarFuelSwitch resourceNames = LiquidFuel,Oxidizer;LqdHydrogen,Oxidizer;LiquidFuel;Oxidizer;LqdHydrogen resourceAmounts = #$../LF$,$../OX$;$../mixLH2$,$../mixOX$;$../totalCap$;$../totalCap$;$../onlyLH2$ tankCost = #$../mixLFCost$;$../mixLH2Cost$;$../LFCost$;$../OXCost$;$../LH2Cost$ displayCurrentTankCost = true hasGUI = true showInfo = true availableInFlight = false availableInEditor = true basePartMass = #$../mass$ tankMass = 0;0;0;0;0 } !RESOURCE[LiquidFuel] {} !RESOURCE[Oxidizer] {} } It uses InterstellarFuelSwitch, which is an extended version of the FS switch.
  7. @Starwaster still dropping shieldless pods from Minmus orbit. DRE 7.0.2, 1.0.2 Physics.cfg, max convection. No nuFAR this time. At 28300 Altitude temperature starts dropping, even though I'm still travelling at orbital velocity. The convection heating starts earlier in this version, but it ends earlier as well. On the positive note, looked into the ModuleManager cache and found that DRE tweaked down many maxTemps. Here's the excerpt of the MK1-2 pod: [SIZE=1]{ name = Mark1-2Pod type = PART parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Command/Mk1-2Pod/mk1-2CommandPod url = Squad/Parts/Command/Mk1-2Pod/mk1-2CommandPod/Mark1-2Pod PART { name = Mark1-2Pod module = Part . . . mass = 4 crashTolerance = 45[/SIZE] [B]maxTemp = 1523.15 [/B][COLOR=#ff0000]â¤[/COLOR] [SIZE=1] . . . [SIZE=2] emissiveConstant = 0.2[/SIZE] . [SIZE=2]M[/SIZE][/SIZE]ODULE { name = ModuleAeroReentry skinHeatConductivity = 0.12 } . . . [SIZE=1] } }[/SIZE] I see you decided to change the scale of reference for maxTemps and recalculate it for all parts. If so, command pods should have a maxTemp which will make them burn without heatshields. Around 1200K I think is good, but still only with max convection in settings.
  8. With the release of 1.0, modding community is overflowing with talent ♫
  9. You're an evil guy, Apollo13. It's just a poll, people vote. You know how to write configs and can tweak everything to suit your taste, no need to attack other people's opinions. I will also revert the role restrictions for myself if they get implemented.
  10. Nop, the building progress gets stuck at 100.1% and the part never goes to inventory.
  11. Explosives are very potent, they usually destroy everything around it in the vicinity of 10m. If you use MKS, you can scrap individual parts with Kerbals no matter the size.
  12. @Starwaster here's my short vid of dropping an MK1-2 pod from Minmus orbit. nuFar + DRE + 1.0.2 Physics.cfg + max convection in thermal debug menu.
  13. So anyone has a status report after testing? Your peak temperatures, explosions and such? For me with stock settings and nuFAR peak skin temperature from Minmus return was 870K, I even decided to go with docking port of my MK1-2 pod facing the stream. The skin temperatures from LKO return don't go higher than 370K. Seems we have to find the right convection exponent yet. I'll be experimenting with different options.
  14. @Starwaster Your shields use AblativeShielding and stock shields still use Ablator. Maybe unifying the resources would a sleeker approach? Stock heatshields still have their maxTemp = 3400, which lets people use them with zero ablator and be fine. Stock shields use the new shader by RoverDude, which makes them darker with the level of ablation. It's pretty cool.
  15. KospY will be adding a new option in ModuleKISitem and other modules which will allow chosen parts to be attached without tools.
  16. @RoverDude have you noted my post 6 pages ago? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/116790-1-0-USI-Life-Support-ALPHA-0-1-0-2015-04-27?p=1919658&viewfull=1#post1919658
  17. This mod has S.A.V.E.D. so many times, I lost count. Especially with the new modding boom something is surely bound to go wrong.
  18. What a bliss! Thank you spudbean so much! I became overly attached to your mod when flying planes and driving rovers .
  19. Allista's got a big project on hand at his job. This addon is overly complicated in terms of coding. I believe he'll need 2-3 weeks with his current schedule to fix the mod.
  20. Happens only if your attached part was intersecting another one. Pick your places carefully and always quicksave. - - - Updated - - - Have you tried dragging the container to your inventory?
  21. If you install the Extraplanetary Launchpads mod, you'll eventually find yourself having 20+ Engineers. Good idea, I think changing background color of a cell that has an item is much easier in terms of coding than making an outline of parts.
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