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Everything posted by Enceos

  1. Hi, sumghai! After a bit of experimenting I found that some bones which were present in male models are not present in female models. For example their teeth. Would you please extract them for the modding community?
  2. Beautiful, QuickStart now works with KCT like a charm! Lovely!
  3. New stock aerodynamics are crippled in a lot of ways (see discussion threads) and your statement that they do most of the FAR things is totally incorrect.
  4. Physic mode is only there if you want to enable physical properties of your part, like collision. In other situations parts should use equipMode = part
  5. @toadicus Is TweakableCrossfeed only for decouplers and docking ports? Is there any way to add a config to a part for enabling/disabling it? y do u ignore private messages?
  6. something like this will work for most parts: MODULE { name = ModuleKISItem editorItemsCategory = false equipable = true equipSlot = jetpack equipMode = part equipMeshName = jetpack_base01 equipBoneName = bn_jetpack01 equipPos = (0,0,-0.06) equipDir = (0,0,0) }
  7. Thanks for doing that! Btw, simple double star stock contract with one parameter, takes 10 hours to complete:
  8. I'm comparing it to stock contracts: Don't be bothered with laser ablation and neutron scattering, without DMagic they would be temperature scan, surface samples et.c.
  9. I think the reward for some scanning contracts is laughable, its on the grinding side. Especially because it's a onetimer for each body. By the time we unlock the scanners we're no longer interested in contracts with rewards below 100k anymore: This is what a simple contract should look like: Also some science reward would be nice as well.
  10. Yep, same here. My KCT failed to load every bit of its information from save when QuickStart was enabled.
  11. @RadarManFromTheMoon Thank you very much for all your hard work! Many people have become so attached to the flexibility this mod provides, so am I. I have a small feature request. The plugin currently supports bump maps, would it be possible to make it support emissive maps as well? This would open a possibility for even nicer textures with glowing elements.
  12. Lovely, lovely textures! Thank you MainSailor for sharing. By the way, what is the licensing on your files? CC4?
  13. Yes, as Apollo13 has said, QuickGoTo can get you to your last vessel from any scene. Also Kerbal Alarm Clock lets you jump to any vessel from any scene if there's an alarm set for this vessel. Probably RemoteTech has disabled it for me. I'll get to them. On another note, see all these threads with this feature request, even the streamer 5thHorseman is still waiting for it: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/47218-Rename-and-classify-vessels-in-tracking-station http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/48986-Ability-to-rename-vessels-from-Tracking-Station-instead-of-vessel-s-command-core http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/31906-Ability-to-rename-empty-derilect-ships
  14. All the different mission icons are in this folder: C:\Games\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Squad\Contracts\Icons Contract packs also add icons when Contract Configurator is installed, ex: C:\Games\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\ContractPacks\AnomalySurveyor\Icons The NavHud mod manages all these icons very nice, here's the source file: https://github.com/Ninenium/NavHud/blob/master/Source/WaypointMarker.cs
  15. Here's the math of real physics: The formula for drag force is FD = ÃÂ CD A V2 / 2 where, FD = drag force ÃÂ = air density CD = drag coefficient A = area normal to the flow V = velocity Since the capsule is falling at terminal velocity, the drag force equals the weight of the body. The Apollo capsules had a mass of about 5,000 kg at splashdown, thus their weight was about 5000 x 9.8 = 49,000 N. Assuming the vehicle is falling heat shield down, the area is 12 m2 (3.91 m diameter). The Apollo capsule drag coefficient was about 0.85 at subsonic velocity. Air density at sea level is 1.225 kg/m3. Plugging in all these number, we get 49000 = 1.225 x 0.85 x 12 x V2 / 2 V = 89 m/s (200 MPH) terminal velocity for the Apollo capsule at sea level. This assumes the the parachutes didn't deploy at all or were torn away from the capsule. Apollo capsule has two drag coefficients: 1.3 CD at hypersonic velocity. 0.85 CD at Mach 0.4.
  16. I migrated from Targetron to this mod, and I'm missing several simple features... 1) In KSC screen the Haystack button is not showing in Blizzy's Toolbar, this forces me to visit the tracking station to select my vessel. 2) I'm badly missing an option to rename vessels and change their type (was realized in Targetron). For example I have several pods floating around Kerbin and I'd like to mark them as debris. But there's no way to do that from the Tracking station nor HayStack. Thank you Qberticus for your hard work. It would be such a delight if HayStack had this features.
  17. And you make them so Quick! Genius! â¤
  18. Thanks for specifying perfect scanner orbits! â¤
  19. There's one bad thing Squad team never does for aero - consult the experts, ferram4 is the best candidate. He's knows about aerodynamics more than any other guy on this forum.
  20. @RoverDude, there's a design flaw in the game that lets tourists to go EVA. Tourists can use IVA props to get out of the vehicle: Big issue for this mod. Hope you can bring it to devs faster than anyone on the forums.
  21. @Peppie I found le glitch. When queuing actions for RemoteTech to execute with certain delays, if you delete one of these actions from the list, the order of actions gets messed up:
  22. No need to wait, just get the current version and keep an eye on this thread. The update comes when it comes, you can't make it sooner.
  23. You can take the Exploration pack science crate for that or the Portable Science Container.
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