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Everything posted by Enceos

  1. I'm a modeller not a modder, and I'm trying to make a texture switch for the stock fairings panels. After investing hours into experimenting I realized that the auto-generated panels are not parts of the model file and thus can't be targeted with FSTextureSwitcher2 (Firespitter). I'm wondering how to replace the textures of the fairings.
  2. Quixel 3DO is free. The rest of the suite is relatively cheap. I personally fell in love with both nDO and dDO, the second one requires some tutorial watching and experimenting before you can master it. They are currently building the Megascans library, some of the materials are already included with dDO.
  3. Its been a month since the Crowd Sourced Science was updated to version 3.0.1 But CKAN still shows only version 3.0 3.0.1 had a very important fix for the Field Research contracts mod.
  4. The DeepFreeze mod has just received an animated IVA. Check out the source code.
  5. Many mods work without problems in 1.0.4 and this one is not an exception. Go ahead and install it.
  6. I agree with you that gears need more wear. But I was trying to make the textures as RAM friendly as possible. Almost every part of the texture map is reused from 2 to 20 times in the part. To make stains, scratches and dust patches individual for each gear tooth I'd have to use 1024px textures, that makes them 4 times heavier RAM vise. When KSP gets rid of its RAM restrictions, I'll revisit the textures and make them prettier. With the workshop part I have more freedom though, big parts need big textures. I'm not entirely happy with how it looks now. Are you?
  7. There's a module InterstellarTextureSwitch as well as FSTextureSwitch2 which have all the functionality to switch textures.
  8. Photoshop + Quixel Suite here. Quixel is especially cool, because you can import a 3D model and see all changes you make in real time. And it has a very nice collection of premade materials. For normals I use Blender baking and Quixel nDO. NVIDIA Photoshop plug-ins enable Photoshop to open edit and save .DDS files directly.
  9. I always apply rotation and scales before exporting from Blender. Found no issue in the blender model.
  10. The part is from my mod here. Radially attachable slot is the one. The same config works on the other, similar part, but not on this one. Tell me please what's wrong with my config/model/life/etc... Check out the configs of core parts from Universal Storage mod. They hold all the answers. - - - Updated - - - To all KIS fans: OSE Workshop mod has now been updated with new features and parts:
  11. I'm really proud of the extractor thingy. The workshop part itself has 3 animations, Obi is working on integrating them into his module. Currently workshop animations don't do anything and sit as a simple AnimateGeneric module in the config. They can be deleted safely to reduce the number of buttons. The lights are good to have though. To be able to craft parts larger than MK1 pod make the MaxPartVolume = 20000 in the workshop config.
  12. I wonder if the author of this mod ever looked into rerooting a vessel in flight. It's a big problem for KIS, cause you can't grab root parts.
  13. Made a screen for you with slotSize of 50 and 100 for comparison.
  14. I think slotSize corresponds to the cell size in pixels. It changes the visual size of inventory cells.
  15. Global. -- update -- Resolved the problem by parenting the mesh to an empty and assigning KSP part tools there instead.
  16. I made two tanks of different sizes which use the same texture. But for some bizarre reason no matter how I rotate the smaller tank in Unity, it always shows sideways in VAB. Same models imported as .mu to Blender have the intended orientation: SOLVED: Problem disappeared after I parented the mesh to a new empty.
  17. Hi Bob, You're a big fan of lights. But I believe you have difficulties designing the illumination of your craft within the bright walls of VAB. I come here with another mod suggestion, my personal favorite: https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/678/LightsOut
  18. In your case I would use the VesselViewer to visually determine the port for decoupling from IVA.
  19. Hi Zeenobit, first I'd like to ask if there's a way to change the mission flag of the vessel in flight? I know how it's done via save editing, but I never came across an easier option. Historian is becoming mainstream I see more and more Historian screenshots around the forum. And I love your mod personally a lot! ) Would you please consider making an option to change the mission flag during flight? Setting the mission flag is something players always forget to do before launches. Plus in the process of dockings and orbital assemblies/disassemblies it get's changed numerous times, and often players repurpose their active vehicles to different missions. Mission flag is kinda the core of this mod and the main decoration of the screenshot, it would be awesome if we had control over it rather than being forced to use what the vessel has in the end.
  20. To anyone wondering how to attach struts to stock fairings:
  21. How to change the mission flag outside of VAB? I know how to do it via save editing, but is there an easier way? With the new mod Historian there's a need to assign flags to already active vessels for better screenshots.
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