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Everything posted by raxo2222

  1. Nope, technically below 1 solar radius is inside of sun. I guess SQAD didn't except Spanish inquisatio- sun grazers, who would dive below 5 solar radius.
  2. I posted something like that that long ago. It is infinity exactly on Kerbol's surface. Basically it treats altitude from surface of sun as if it was distance from center of sun, as if sun was single point. Somewhere below 5 - 10 sun radius things starts to deviate and at 1 solar radius flux is exactly like it should be on surface.
  3. As propellant efficiency increases power consumption increases and thrust increases... doubly. It is case for all electric engines, that they consume more power if they are more propellant efficient.
  4. @FreeThinker Vasimr consumes more power at 10% throttle than 100% throttle due to propellant efficiency. Basically if propellant efficiency is higher then engine will consume more power, is it intentional? That happens to all electrical engines even with temperature cheat.
  5. Mach Effect Thruster + QSR is just glorious. I have 5m sized ship and radiators set at equiblirum of 3700 K at worst case. As it accelerates its propellant efficiency increases because it goes faster. As propellant efficiency increases it consumes more power and accelerates harder. As acceleration increases temperature of radiators increase lowering thermal efficiency of engine. Relativistic/thermal effects will slow down engine after some time.
  6. No, lower number means this part will get power first.
  7. Also beam travels for hours to Pluto and back
  8. What is difference between plutonium and uranium fuel modes for solid fuel reactor?
  9. @FreeThinker you missed my bug reports on previous page.
  10. There are four graphical/description bugs. I play on sandbox 1.4.2 with latest KSPI and dozen of mods. 1. Interstellar Thermal Mechanic Helper shows, that Plasma Jet Magneto Inertial Fusion reactor produces 5 MW of power. But reactors tooltip show max power of 5000 MW. 2. Magnetohydrodynamic electric generator has wrong description. Are energy conversion efficiencies (65% - 80%) right? 3. Magnetic Nozzle looks much differently than its icon. 4. TORY nuclear ramjet engine connection point has different size in GUI than its true size. That is its listed as 2.5m but its 1.25m actually. I have suggestion: Can beam transmitters have their beam wavelength sorted from longest wave to shortest wave? Currently wavelengths are placed randomly in descriptions. Reactors could show reaction products too. Solid Fuel reactor doesn't produce electricity as if internal generator was broken. What is difference between two fuel modes for this reactor? Also it has power control twice. When cold batch temperature of thermal generators rise above reactors temperature (can happen with solid fuel and molten salt reactors) reactor starts to flicker.
  11. I know. Also it is very useful way to store positrons for positron reactor
  12. Antimatter scoop needs to be close to Earth or Jupiter to collect significant amount of antimatter though. And I have part that combines positrons with antiprotons.
  13. There is wrong text in cyclotron - antiproton producer. It says it produces positron, while it creates antiprotons. By the way antimatter production doesn't speed up with time warp. Also 3.75m positron producer needs to be at 1% to produce enough positrons to keep up with 3.75m cyclotron. So bring big cyclotron or small positron producer Protons are 1836 times heavier than electrons so for each gram of antiprotons I need ~0.5mg of positrons to make antimatter. Also I like this CNO cycle reactor Basically my ship is solar wind to antimatter converter. Muon Catalyzed CNO Needs radiators but effectively free fuel. Tri-Alpha Spin-polarized D-He3: Much less waste heat but requires much closer solar orbit to feed itself with magnetic scoop. Both of them have fairly comparable energy production - 5m CNO makes 15.65 GW, when 5m spin D-He3 makes 16.85 GW.
  14. Will generators list efficiencies depending on unlocked tech node? Engines could list what propellants they can use and their efficiencies.
  15. I thought they represented miniature accretion disks. Also there is bug with compact atmospheric radiator: Connection points are misplaced.
  16. Is that even possible in our universe? Either you need to have strong gravity fields or go really fast.
  17. Black hole, that has mass of 1000 tons will last 1.5 minutes. 10x heavier black hole will last 1000x longer - almost one day. http://xaonon.dyndns.org/hawking/ But these blackholes have luminusity of 10^12 MW. Black hole, that has luminosity of 3 TW will last 2600 thousand years and has mass of 10 million tons. Such black hole would have size of 1.5*10^-8 nanometers. Also it would have temperature of 1.2*10^13 K
  18. Hmm Quantum Gravity tech node sounds good for QSR 1 Sounds good. 2 Power will increase to meet maintenance demand anyway. 3 Magnetic Scoop will take care of it anyway, as you need to be close to planet. 4 why?
  19. 0.625m molten salt on uranium burnup with equal sizes engine will overheat engine almost instantly.
  20. Oh I guess no more memory saving, not that I have 8 GB of RAM anyway. KSP and Cities Skylines can be so memory demanding.
  21. Why this is happening? Tooltip hover shows part correctly. Also when placed they are also shown normally.
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