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Everything posted by raxo2222

  1. Helium 4? Well I had storage only for ordinary Hydrogen So looks like Tri-Alpha is really needed here - Muon Catalyzed p-p fusion produces only He3 if I want renewable supply of He4 It seems like gathering rate of interstellar material doesn't depend on speed. https://imgur.com/a/vtQ6d
  2. Something breaks when I upscaled all parts to 40m. First, refrigerator doesn't scale up conversion rates - solar wind to various liquids and gas hydrogen to liquid hydrogen - when its being upscaled. Second, magnetic scoop refuses to collect solar wind, even though it collects interstellar gas... https://imgur.com/a/ZixN2
  3. Yeah... On Jupiter it is even stronger, as its exosphere is very spacious - got like 25 G when I was closing in to atmosphere while decelerating. What has higher energy output: 1 km2 of solar arrays at 1 AU, or Bussard Ramjet with ionization online with same effective area and distance, if 99% of all solar wind is instantly consumed by fusion reactors? At 1 AU I can get 500 MW of thermal energy in muon catalyzed reactor from hydrogen with 5m sized magnetic scoop. https://imgur.com/a/v6uuC
  4. Hmm looks like that table is outdated - in game I'm getting He3 not D when fusing protons. I guess Muon Calalyzed fusion can act as He3 breeder for Tri-Alpha reactor.
  5. 1. It isn't just this single part. Any part, that has huge surface area especially if you upscale it to maximum fill make FAR lag. Take some random tank, edit its cofing so you can upscale it to 1000x or so and if you have FAR installed, then this part will make game lag or even freeze it. 2. Part can't be deployed in atmosphere.
  6. Even without magnetic field deployed it lags. Also it is perfect for aerobraking Why it completely stops working when dropping below arbitrary altitude - that is being inside atmosphere, instead just ignoring solar wind? Edit: This part is very good for solar wind powered fusion https://imgur.com/a/eV3MU Solar wind outputs following stuff: H, D and He3. There are following fusion modes: H + H -> D Cold D + D -> He4 + He3 He3 + He3 -> He4 + H H + D -> He4 + D Spin polarized D + He3 -> He4 + H First three should be good enough to use and recycle all hydrogen. Why Colliding Beam Fusion (Tri Alpha) and MFC doesn't have p+p mode?
  7. This Bussard Magnetic Scoop (and other parts that have huge surface area) causes lag every few seconds, if you have FAR installed.
  8. What if 10% of CO2 atoms were replaced with Sulfur Hexaflourine (SF6) - most potent and nontoxic greenhouse gas? This is done on Venus, Earth and Mars, I know they all get hotter, but by how much? Universe Sandbox or Space Engine doesn't simulate atmospheric composition impact on temperature yet....
  9. http://toughsf.blogspot.com/ This one is space related. Someone posts it once a while here.
  10. Only few percent - 4% or so - of its power can be used in electricity/thermal energy production. Its intended for magnetic nozzle - I guess this mechanic could be removed as it is confusing and adding thrust and electricity consumption modifier when magnetic nozzle is connected to antimatter reactor could be another way to do it.
  11. What if nearly indestructible rod (that is as unbreakable as physics allows it) would pass trough super-massive (like in center of Milky Way) black hole? Lets say rod has 1m diameter and its length is 1 light day. Its center of mass would be on direct collision course with black hole something like this: R R R ------> BlackHole R R I bet it would be cut in two where it crosses event horizon of black hole. What would happen to rod if I started rotating it and its tip would go into event horizon? ------ What if white dwarf crashed into supergiant star at >1% of c? Could hypothetical alien see star insides in near perfect vacuum while being very close to white dwarf crashing trough star? Basically it would be using white dwarf as heat shield while aerobraking.
  12. >.> Notice Total Heat Production in Interstellar Thermal mechanics Helper how it says total produced heat is 4.5 MW. And notice Power Output line on parts tooltip how it says max power production is 4500 MJ. I thought this is extremely obvious >.> I guess next time I need to crop screenshots to show bug and nothing else.... Other pics shows same Thermal Helper display bug with different reactors.
  13. That fusion reactor can compete with AIM reactor when on D-Li6 mode
  14. Well for some reactors it still its broken especially for thermal only fusion reactors. https://imgur.com/a/PhFNA
  15. You meant antimatter reactor? Power is limited to 5% as long as you don't use it with magnetic nozzle. Its power was increased 20 times so you still get old performance at 5% of reactor power with other stuff. This way magnetic nozzle gets 20x more thrust than it used to. Can this Free Electron Laser positrons be used by AIM reactor? What about antiproton producer? There is KSPI science lab that can do this, but dedicated part would be nice.
  16. Jool/Jupiter orbit is best for it.... you could produce easily hundreds of GW to few TW with antimatter initiated reactors. Also proximity to gas giant means that you can easily get deuterium/helium3
  17. What would happen if I fired 1 kW or even 1 MW laser into glass fiber or prism? I don't think total internal reflection is 100% efficient.... would it heat up and melt?
  18. About to install... * HangerExtender 3.5.2 Downloading "https://spacedock.info/mod/1428/HangerExtender/download/3.5.2" The following inconsistencies were found: HangerExtenderExtended wishes to install GameData/FShangarExtender/FShangarExtenderIconExtend.png, but this file is registered to HangarExtender * HangerExtenderExtended wishes to install GameData/FShangarExtender/FShangarExtenderIconShrink.png, but this file is registered to HangarExtender * HangerExtenderExtended wishes to install GameData/FShangarExtender/settings.txt, but this file is registered to HangarExtender still needs manual install
  19. Well yes they will play with each other fine, just KSPI has smaller numbers.
  20. Can you use imgur to upload pics? Firefox can't open this website and antivirus thinks its virus without blocking website completely.
  21. Yeah sometimes mods suggests other mods when installing on ckan.
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