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Everything posted by Vaporo

  1. I have three installs as well. 0.23.5, 0.24.2, and 0.25. However, if you count the number of separate GameData folders I have made, I have many more.
  2. A computer crash is not a character, but I'm sure Professor Farnsworth (From Futurama) can fix it.
  3. Hmmm... Needs more details, but I'll bite. I challenge you to return a Kerbal from the surface of Tylo. No debug menu, no Hyperedit, etc. Try to keep it 99% stock.
  4. AGH! There's a helicopter right in my flight path.
  5. Well, It's not a bug unless you can reproduce it. Until then, it's just a glitch. The definition of a Glitch The definition of a Bug Can you reproduce it?
  6. Well, check to be certain that you don't have any of the flight controls on anyways. I don't *think* that they can be active in space, but it might be worth checking. EDIT: I don't see anything in your mod list that pops out to me. Do you have a joystick installed?
  7. The good old 747: But here's my favorite that I wish existed:
  8. Not necessarily. At the maximum distance between, say, Jool and Kerbin, there would be several minutes of communication lag. So, controlling it manually from the Tracking Station would be impractical. When you are flying a probe, you are taking on the role of the probe's computer.
  9. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeird. Nope. Never seen anything like this. It sounds like it is connected to some kind of autopilot or control mod, so could we see your mod list?
  10. Hmmm... Since this mod has become outdated, do you think that you could do a redux of it alongside this after 0.90 comes out? If not, maybe I'll do it.
  11. Recursive error f0000000000x0000e
  12. I've got one. EDIT: Removed the second one because I just noticed the "one picture per submision" rule.
  13. If you have read the most recent Devnote, you will know that 0.90 will have a system in place to track maneuver nodes, along with other useful vectors. (Essentially MechJeb's Smart A.S.S.) Personally, I love this development. I don't know about other people, but keeping a low-TWR rocket on a maneuver node for a half hour is not my idea of fun.
  14. I'm sorry, but we do not have enough room in the budget for an on-demand bacon dispenser.
  15. Bing. I started using it because Google was giving me some weird bugs, but it didn't seem to track me *quite* as much as Google, so I kept using it. Never heard of Duck Duck Go. Might start using it.
  16. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/67691-Science-of-the-Spheres-development/page42 8th post down.
  17. Ask the moderators. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/25176-Need-a-Thread-Moving-Removing-Closing-or-Post-Deleted
  18. 6/10 You're on the forum games all the time, but I don't see you much elsewhere.
  19. Banned for changing your avatar to a Santa crown.
  20. Were they imported from an old version of KSP? Or have you recently updated any mods? Both can cause this problem. Also, you might want to read this.
  21. No thanks. I prefer to get things done through petty extortion and mad science. Press the button to grow two new, fully functioning arms from any point on your body that you choose.
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