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Everything posted by klesh

  1. You could always try to validate the integrity of the game cache. Thats a pretty good start when you're using Steam. Edit: Careful with HR, it shows as not being for .90.
  2. I was excited for modding in KSP, until I see it requires C++ and visual studio and all that jazz. Ah I miss the days when you could just type in a .txt file.
  3. http://ksp.olex.biz This will show you your transfer positions and how much dV you'll need to get there. Then depending on what you're trying to do (land, orbit, flyby) you'll need more dV for that. You can aerobrake at EVE so that could reduce dV requirements to slow you down and capture you. Good luck! Edit: ninjas
  4. Those ones have a long expiration date. Depending on how many active contracts you have available to you, you could take it and: 1. Wait till you get rover wheels later. Either launch a ship then, or KAS a single rover wheel to the side on a revisit. 2. Hope you get an experimental rover wheels contract, then use it on a ship to the Mun. Whamo.
  5. I start a new career everytime there is an update. There is zero expectation from me that anything I build now will work in future versions.
  6. To me it sounds more oriented to getting in and out of crafts. "Ledges" may be terrain or ships, or both I suppose. I recently had a plane where the ladder looked perfect, it went right over a wing strake, and connected to the built-in ladder on the side of a MkII cockpit... except the kerbal would climb up the ladder and get stuck and if you attempted to leg go, you simply fell to the ground. I think this is mentioning a sort of fix for situations like that, yeah?
  7. Haha, nice. I often do the same thing. Just the other day I made an electric plane to get to the top of Mt. Kraken, and while making it I thought of Rahsaan Roland Kirk's Bright Moments album, Track 6... so I named it Boogie Electric.
  8. +1 for Distant Object Enhancement mod. I recently put some camera mods in my build, and between the two mods was able to see these planets rendered from incredible distances through the lenses of the cameras (millions of kms). Some of the most fun I have had in the game so far.
  9. Well then, that is a proper Kerbolic attempt at a first help thread , isn't it. Jeb would be proud. I'll get the fellas to close this, and thanks for your tips there.
  10. Hello, I have recently started fiddling with KSP and looking inside the great mods that are available for us. I've made a texture change or two, and have tweaked some mods to my specific needs. I'd like to take the next step and learn about parts, by stripping one part from a mod and putting it into KSP as a standalone part mod. Obviously I'm not going to release someone elses work and such, this is purely for personal understanding of the files and how things work. Particularly the concept of modules and module manager etc. I enjoy reverse engineering to try and sort out stuff own my own. There have been so many versions of KSP, with so many changes, its hard to find and a-z tutorial thats updated, you know? Anyway, the part in question is the Magnotometer from Interstellar. I would like to be able to recreate it so it works as it does in Interstellar but instead as simply a standalone part. Taking the specific part folder out of Interstellar, and plopping it in a proper mod directory structure sort of works-ish. I can get the part to show up ingame, with its name displayed, but there is no right click menu to extend or take a reading even in the VAB/SPH, and the action groups only show "log data" and "delete data" as options (however they don't do anything when triggered on the launchpad). The part shows up fine though, properly textured as well. So it looks like I am missing some key elements to get this thing functioning. Could someone with some knowledge in the area point me in the direction to start perhaps? A hint, some tips? Eventually I would like to snazz this thing up with a tweakscale entry as well, but thats for later I think. Any info would be greatly appreciated!
  11. You dont want to do it with IR parts? Edit: ahh, I see, you want an extending tube, like a concertina perhaps?
  12. As Shaw says, its in the Beta release on the first post. Then you'll want to go into the config and alter some of the numbers till you get results that look good and run well on your machine.
  13. I recently got Chuck Kermin. He'll be like Chuck Yeager and is my official test pilot.
  14. Indeed. It might take 2-3 orbits for it to happen depending on your initial speed, but it most certainly will. Each time you go into Kerbin's atmosphere, it's going to slow you down proportional to your altitude, the lower you go, the more it will slow you. On your first one or two passes to perigee you'll see your apogee come down, but not enough. Eventually the apogee will be flipped, and your 66km will become the highest point in your orbit as the atmosphere slows you down each time around. At that point, you're golden. In-game days. You can go to the Tracking Station and accelerate time, both to watch the above areobraking descent, and as well to force the Astronaut Complex to bring in a new batch of Kerbals. Sorry if you already know all this OP.
  15. They could fix that by including a thumbnail image of the part in the actual contract, the same kind of thumbnail you see in the SPH/VAB lists. Right now, they display 2x the flag of the contract issuing company, it should be one flag, one pic of the item.
  16. What container are you guys using that you're having the problem with, the tall one or the short one (one is A and one is B, can't remember)? I have been only using the shorter one during my .9 career and have had zero issues removing items from storage and having them go on my back.
  17. For .90 I created a new utility truck for the KSC. It has a probe core of course, so its technically a rover and can be operated remotely. I keep the basic model saved, then fill the cargo area with whatever the mission requires. The back gate can be lowered like a pickup truck for access to the cargo. I've actually done a bunch of stuff around the space center with several variations of it. Shown below is just a basic model which I threw a spare antenna in the back for demo purposes. It's 99% stock, save for the lights in front, the divider between the crew cabin and the cargo area, and the IR hinge in the back for the gate. Its mostly hardpoints placed on a 2-RoveMate chasis. The SPH gizmos came in super handy here.
  18. Interesting! I recently turned my scatter density up to 100 and was getting lots of crashes too. I'll roll it back and see what happens. Good show, lads.
  19. One thing I might add is depending on the size of your ship (smaller is better), RCS is a fantastic way to fine tune your trajectories. You can use shift to make smaller bursts of RCS, so you can get really quite exact. You can also just point your ship prograde and use the H,N,I,J,K, and L keys to operate RCS in all the directions, though it is easy to get disoriented this way. I definitely second the advice to make corrective burns early in your path from one body to the next, as smaller changes in velocity are more efficient early on. A .5m/s corrective RCS burst a few minutes after your big burn to head off to the Mun can alter your eventual destination by hundreds of KM. Doing that same .5m/s corrective RCS burn when you're almost at the Mun will change you very little, maybe a few hundred meters.
  20. I went to the exact north pole of the Mun to deploy a science outpost. It's really weird looking up there. This is the precise pole: edit: You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Parallax again. Those walkers are so cool.
  21. You call what K2? The one near the KSC, or the tallest one?
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