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Everything posted by klesh

  1. I agree with the general premise of this thread. Multiple sounds from multiples of one item get to be way too loud. I had to turn my vessel sounds to 6% in order to be able to stand driving a maritime vessel around with all those air intakes splashing together.
  2. No, thank you! I just popped in the rest of the mod, looking forward to seeing some of those tracking stations and the rest of it. This is really great work. My seaplane says thanks as well! http://i.imgur.com/yJ5c6jR.jpg
  3. Buddy, I can't thank you enough for this mod. I spent all weekend making a seaplane and a boat, and then I come here and find all the maritime assets. You really pulled it all together! http://i.imgur.com/1ptmrUg.jpg
  4. lol, okay who made the comment on that page about the shielded docking port!
  5. I noticed this one when I first started playing the game. I put this small rover at KSC so I could switch to it and get full time-warping abilities whenever I wanted. I was moving it into place and then looked to the eastern sky to see it:
  6. I like how you've moved it to the new toolbar on the upper right-hand side. Great mod!
  7. On more than one occasion I may have run out of electricity without a solar panel extended. I may or may not have gone into the save to give myself enough power to quickly extend an array or two, saving the mission.
  8. Hi, I feel like showing you my space telescopes. Care to see? The first one I put up just for fun. It doesn't actually do anything. I placed it in orbit about Kerbin at a point precisely between the Mun and Minmus, just because. Use the multidirectional docking port to give it a sense of scale. It was rad when I built it, but then I got a mod. The second one is actually a functioning IR telescope from the Interstellar Mod that generates science points per day. It's in a lower orbit precisely half the distance between the Mun and Kerbin. I have no idea where an IR telescope should be placed, whatever. You can see this is HUGE. The rear portion is made with 2.5m parts, the lower portion of the big tube is a 3.75m procedural fairing and the end is a 5m one! There is a B9 fuselage storage thing on the back too, allowing me to stuff in some fidlybits that may or may not have a function other than looking cool. A KAS container for repairs, a shielded docking port in case we need to send a manned mission to repair it, a radiator for no reason. The IR Telescope itself is more like a radar dish looking bit, and it is placed between the batteries and tube, facing down the tube. It was all stuffed inside a more ridiculously-sized procedural fairing and sent up. http://imgur.com/a/nnUZM#0
  9. Added a few more mods, and found myself going up to 3.7GB loading the game before it would crash. I installed the aggressive version and just fired up the game. It's running at 1.5GB. Amazing!
  10. Hi, I just added this to my game, and it appears to be making it crash. I'm wondering if you all could help me get it up and running? I installed the files correctly per the provided installation instructions. All locations check out. The game will finish the opening load sequence, with the progress bar at the bottom. When that completes, it goes to the black screen with the orbital loading animation thingy in the bottom right corner. This runs for a few seconds and when it seems to finish, the game crashes to desktop. I have added Interstellar to an install of KSP which already had number of other mods installed. Perhaps there is a conflict with some of the other mods? Here is the contents of my GameData folder: Is that too many mods? Have I gone over the RAM limit of the game (I've read about this I think). Any help would be great, folks. Thanks in advance. Edit: It seems that there was too many mods, and the game was exceeding the memory limits. I monitored via the task manager, and without Interstellar, I was running at 3.2gb of RAM. Adding it pushed me past 4, which I think is the limit because it's a 32-bit program or somesuch? Anyway, I will now try making a seperate KSP install, and using only selected mods in concert with Interstellar.
  11. The Kraken got to my Minmus base's crane today, I think it is because I reverted to a quicksave where something was hanging from it. It was really deflating to see the crane ruined like that. Its got like invisible sections and if you use any of the servo controls the whole base starts to jiggle. http://imgur.com/a/P7pn0
  12. Hi, This is my first post to the forums. I've got about 300 hours in the game, and have just started using mods. This is a sort of futuristic A-10 Thunderbolt that I wanted to share, it uses some B9 parts. http://imgur.com/a/110Rw
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