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Everything posted by klesh

  1. Out of curiosity, what is your terrain detail set at and have you tried changing it to see what happens?
  2. This is one of, if not, the finest missions I have ever seen. Congratulations, albeit belatedly.
  3. I am wondering if 1.0 aero was actually somehow a mistake? Like, did the entire testing and Q&A process happen with the 1.0.2 aero and then somehow we got a mis-uploaded 1.0 (I can't imagine them making that mistake)? If that wasn't the case, how did they go through a months-long process of redoing aerodynamics, only to make a hotfix in one day that drastically changes what they had been working on for months? Surely the hotfix wasnt tested as thoroughly as the 1.0 aero? Something doesn't make sense about this process.
  4. There is a warp-to-morning button for as reason. Its very hard to fly at night without lights on your craft to help orient yourself if you have yet to master flying by navball.
  5. The right-click menu temp readouts are still within the alt+f12 menu. F10 turns on little heat level bars and a glow around parts that are heating up, while f11 displays a color-coded cloak on your whole ship showing you what parts are the hottest. You need a combination of all 3 to get a complete heat picture.
  6. I put it in the VAB once, tried putting a thermometer on the inside, and it went it backwards with the face of the thermometer inside the bay. I tried using the rotate tool to spin the thermometer around, and found it could not be selected. I took the entire bay off and havent used one since. I'm not really a huge fan of their size and looks either.
  7. Hey RoverDude. Thank you for being so cool as to be on the actual forums answering actual questions the players of the game have.
  8. Its found within the .assets files in KSP\KSP_Data, I'm not sure which one. You'll need an unpacker program like UnityAssetsExplorer to get to them.
  9. I've had some re-entries burn 150 of my 200 ablations. I've had others, including a return from the Mun last night, burn 1 of the 200. Clearly, there is a right and wrong way to go through the atmosphere. I probably could've gone through the 2nd re-entry without a shield; the first, no way.
  10. I gave a quick try in sandbox to see what a scan looked like. I, too was kind of turned off by the science-experiment one-timeyness of the global scan... Until i read a bit more here. Seems to make sense that it is just step 1 in determining the best spot for you to mine things. I like that more steps are required to follow through with a mining operation, especially if you want it to have a good and timely yield. Could someone post some pictures of how the map covering the planet changes once some higher-detail information on resources is found? What I saw after the first scan showed hotspots and such, so I am trying to visualize what "better" information about ore abundance and terrian would look like.
  11. I experienced this bug yesterday: a parachute attached to a jettisoned stage will remain filled and in the air once that jettisoned part hits the ground/water. Switching over to the jettisoned stage sees the parachute disappear properly. I noticed this when testing some water landings at the KSC. Put a radial chute on a flea srb with 25% thrust and ride a mk1 on top of it over to the water. Detach the flea and have its chute activate, you'll see that when the flea hits the water, its chute is still in the full deployed state.
  12. Don't change the Assembly Building -> Billy Bobfeldring part!
  13. I've never gone to Dres. Now I suppose I have a fun reason to!
  14. I dont understand these reddit links (what a horrid website). Why are the answers first and no question listed?
  15. The use of billy-bobfeldring as a rhyme makes up for the fact that its going to release, not beta.
  16. They're putting it on hold when they realized 1.0 wouldn't have clouds.
  17. You guys are confusing. One thing I do know, is that Imperial measurements on a base 12 system are ridiculous and unnecessary. 7/32nds.... GTFO. 0.21 is just so much easier. Its like a holdover from the sliderule days that the old codgers in the US are unwilling to give up. I wish the big vote on adopting metric would happen again in the US.
  18. I just watched some guy playing who couldn't even find the new Mk3 wings, so he went about building with Mk2 parts until everyone told him literally what column and row the wing could be found in. I'm barely seeing anything cool in these streams and the music, oh god, the music.
  19. Would you notice that there wasnt one the first time you played the game? You probably wouldnt even consider docking, let alone an assistant for it on your first time in the game. This is literally sit your friend who doesnt play videogames in front of KSP and ask them what is missing in their first ever play session. "Where are the clouds?" is the only thing I can think of that is so basic that someone with zero understanding of a space game would notice. That, or perhaps "where is my countdown?"... because those are ubiquitous in space launches.
  20. Here is his 1963 MIT Docoral Thesis on the subject in .pdf format, if anyone is interested: http://dspace.mit.edu/bitstream/handle/1721.1/12652/28555330.pdf?sequence=1
  21. I was (am, lol) a student at the Manley College of Space Flight, class of 2013.
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