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Everything posted by klesh

  1. I have been experiencing this, I'm glad its been nailed down and I hope for a fix.
  2. I use them, theyre great. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=453113199
  3. You can still get a return from a clockwise orbit, I am sure I have done it. The easiest way to flip your orbit is to raise your AP very high and once you get there thrust backwards. The orbit will flip for much less cost than doing it in low orbit. Then when you get back to your PE, you can lower your AP. Or, in the case of wanting to leave, you can continue the flip burn until you escape int he other direction.
  4. Keep calm and F5 Its all white, thats kind of lame.
  5. I put flags on either end of the runway and target them if needed. Viola, instant navball indicator.
  6. I just tried it too, with different results. probe, battery, thermometer, launch clamp, the 3 antennae set to toggle on action group 1 cycled the action group a few times, it works. Temp reading, transmit, game chooses communotron-88. It finishes and closes. action group 1 pressed, nothing happens. Action group 1 pressed again resulting in the communotron-88 reopening, the communotron-16 and the DTS or whatever the middle one is called both closed! I have the full right click control over the 2 antenna that were used to transmit, and only action group control over the one that did transmit. Its easy enough to set the other two back to match the action group controlled antenna.
  7. I managed to surpass 900 hours in KSP today.
  8. One man's space sim is another man's farming sim. I had a Saitek x45. Really liked that stick.
  9. Once reopened via action groups, can they be re-closed via right click? I'll have to test that out.
  10. Wow that EULA is as messed up as their rushed 1.0 release!
  11. Continuing with my now-finished Jool mothership of ~550 parts (I still need a name for it), I rendezvoused with my initial tiny contracted Space Station to grab some additional crew for the tip to Jool. The final cargo manifest (if I dont change it again before leaving Kerbin) is 1 Vall Lander for 2 kerbals, 6 mini unpowered satellites, a lander for Pol, a lander for Bop, 2 full science probes and a mini rover for Laythe and room for 15 kerbals.
  12. This might seem stupid, but double check to be sure you're tracking ships/probes/landers etc at the Tracking Station. Your first ship might be there, you're just not seeing it on the map.
  13. I landed and hopped the same way the other day in the sane location and had the good fortune of landing in a miniature Northwest Crater biome before I entered the Canyon biome. I spent yesterday working on a big ship for a trip to Jool and it's moons. Planning on bringing all kinds of probes, satellites and landers. I have a few in the cargo hold now, but it'll be repacked several times as more goodies are created and crammed in there. Some KAS snack storage as well. Puller-design, so the nuclear engines are at the front. Still developing it, but its coming out great!
  14. It is a fun departure from the proper exploration aspect of the game. I've popped in the armory mod and horsed around in sandbox for an afternoon, thats about it. I made a seriously awesome looking A-10 style plane and it was fun to blow stuff up, but it gets old when you have to play the badguys and the goodguys at the same time. I was telling someone of KSP last night that had never heard of it; the immediately presumed that it was a space game where you kill things. I love that KSP is not that. Its one of the few games that arent violent, and I appriciate that.
  15. Today I finally made it to Moho with my Mohole Exploration Rover. Landed this rover as close as I could to the Mohole, drove it closer then deployed the Mohole Deep probe. It was an amazing RCS flight down the hole, with the camera spinning the whole time, but I made it to the bottom of the hole safely. The probe will relay the data to the rover which will send it back to Kerbin.
  16. Whats the status on this mod, are people able to use it in 1.0.x with reasonable ease? I don't want to have to fiddle with configs, but I realize that this hasn't been updated in awhile so issues presumably abound.
  17. After seeing how well that works in that mod, I am at a loss as to why the developers don't use a system like that.
  18. Additionally, mousing over the upgrade button will show you the effects of what the upgrade will provide. Some are less clear than others. This will help you prioritize which upgrades to perform first.
  19. This is so complicated. For a 1.0 game, the documentation on the various mechanics ingame is abysmal.
  20. I would suggest trying with the lightest 1-man command pod, the Lander Can (with a probe on top). You can certainly move the science into it, but I don't believe I have ever tried returning science on an unmanned craft. Funky idea!
  21. This caused me to use the 2x3 retractable ones for the first time in awhile... and I notice they clip through the opened access door when deployed and rotate. I imagine that's one of those things that might never get fixed.
  22. I'm not using TweakScale right now, but one of my favorite things to do with it was to make that Materials Bay a 0.625m part. Its far more reasonable like that.
  23. This looks like valuable information for players who use a lot of maths while playing the game.
  24. I find the same thing. Edit: oh, looks like I will try fixing it then.
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