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Everything posted by Kamuchi

  1. I don`t get the scaling option on any part. IR v0.17a gives the invisible window: Hopefully the debug will point to something https://www.dropbox.com/s/esick7olz72r7ph/KSPerror.txt https://www.dropbox.com/s/t8ex9adsdlc5s01/output_log.txt [LOG 00:27:24.047] ------------------- initializing editor mode... ------------------[LOG 00:27:24.047] editor started [LOG 00:27:24.049] FF: EventObserver:: OnGameStateCreated 24.2599999999997, game status: ONGOING, scene EDITOR [LOG 00:27:24.062] Untitled Space Craft - Untitled Space Craft [LOG 00:27:24.079] FF: adding toolbar buttons [LOG 00:27:24.345] PartHighlighter: Creating outline material [LOG 00:27:24.351] PartHighlighter: Created material. [LOG 00:27:24.365] [KAE] Registering field prefabs for version [ERR 00:27:30.891] [Toolbar] [ERROR] button texture not found: FerramAerospaceResearch/Textures/icon_button [ERR 00:27:34.490] [Toolbar] [ERROR] button texture not found: FerramAerospaceResearch/Textures/icon_button [LOG 00:27:48.817] Part: Mk1-2 Command Pod Transforms: 11 [LOG 00:27:48.819] Part: Mk1-2 Command Pod Transforms: 11 [LOG 00:27:48.820] FAR Raycast mask: 557059 557063 [LOG 00:27:53.752] Part: AIES Superior-V3 Fuel Tank Transforms: 3 [LOG 00:27:53.753] Part: AIES Superior-V3 Fuel Tank Transforms: 3 [LOG 00:27:54.082] fuelTanksuperior3(Clone) added to ship - part count: 2 [LOG 00:27:54.084] stage count is: 0 [LOG 00:27:57.246] deleting part fuelTanksuperior3(Clone) [LOG 00:27:58.986] Part: AIES MR1 vr2 Fuel Tank Transforms: 3 [LOG 00:27:58.986] Part: AIES MR1 vr2 Fuel Tank Transforms: 3 [LOG 00:27:59.350] fuelTankmr1(Clone) added to ship - part count: 2 [LOG 00:27:59.351] stage count is: 0 [LOG 00:28:01.620] deleting part fuelTankmr1(Clone) [LOG 00:28:23.013] Part: OX-4W 2x3 Photovoltaic Panels Transforms: 11 [LOG 00:28:23.014] Part: OX-4W 2x3 Photovoltaic Panels Transforms: 11 [LOG 00:28:23.477] solarPanels3(Clone) added to ship - part count: 2 [LOG 00:28:23.477] stage count is: 0 [LOG 00:28:26.410] deleting part solarPanels3(Clone) [LOG 00:28:37.116] Powered Hinge: Choosing up axis for FAR drag model. [LOG 00:28:37.116] Part: Powered Hinge Transforms: 3 [LOG 00:28:37.117] Powered Hinge: Choosing up axis for FAR drag model. [LOG 00:28:37.117] Part: Powered Hinge Transforms: 3 [LOG 00:28:37.662] IRHingeTallScaleable(Clone) added to ship - part count: 2 [LOG 00:28:37.664] stage count is: 0 [ERR 00:28:38.110] ItemPrefab for control type 'UI_FloatEdit' not found. [ERR 00:28:38.110] ItemPrefab for control type 'UI_FloatEdit' not found. [ERR 00:28:38.111] ItemPrefab for control type 'UI_ChooseOption' not found. [ERR 00:28:38.125] ItemPrefab for control type 'UI_FloatEdit' not found. [ERR 00:28:38.125] ItemPrefab for control type 'UI_FloatEdit' not found. [ERR 00:28:38.125] ItemPrefab for control type 'UI_ChooseOption' not found. [LOG 00:29:37.272] Part: KW Rocketry SA-1 LFT Transforms: 4 [LOG 00:29:37.273] Part: KW Rocketry SA-1 LFT Transforms: 4 [LOG 00:29:37.453] Look rotation viewing vector is zero [LOG 00:29:37.469] Look rotation viewing vector is zero [LOG 00:29:37.486] Look rotation viewing vector is zero [LOG 00:29:37.502] Look rotation viewing vector is zero [LOG 00:29:38.514] KW1mtankL1(Clone) added to ship - part count: 3 [LOG 00:29:38.515] stage count is: 0 [LOG 00:30:03.639] Part: FL-T200 Fuel Tank Transforms: 4 [LOG 00:30:03.640] Part: FL-T200 Fuel Tank Transforms: 4 [LOG 00:30:06.637] KW1mtankL1(Clone) added to ship - part count: 3 [LOG 00:30:06.638] stage count is: 0 [LOG 00:30:07.996] fuelTankSmall(Clone) added to ship - part count: 4 Will crosspost to IR, I have no clue how to actually debug deeper conflicts and I have a ton of mods installed under x64
  2. Thank you for the quick and hard work! Will test if it works in the x64 as it just didn`t show at all
  3. Growing pains of a version update Now I understand where all my issues are coming from, Tweakscale, little patience won`t kill us
  4. Make KSP pretteh! http://imgur.com/gallery/GvrAv
  5. I have to say that it has a few quirks now and then, but I doubt that is due to being 64 as we are ramping up the mod list and graphics to the max and some conflicts might arise I think it`s best to answer next week when all modders have been able to update and find conflicts here and there to fix Modlist I used for the visuals: Texture Replacer as basis: http://tinyurl.com/kxuau79 EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements for city lights and clouds:http://tinyurl.com/optb7wa Green Skull MEGA texture pack for backdrop and new suits:http://tinyurl.com/px4smrx Distant Object Enhancement so planets and moons are visible:http://tinyurl.com/ph3yhef As last install Better Atmospheres: http://tinyurl.com/kpxwkjm High res packs and ofcourse max res in ksp settings. Just watchout with installing as some distribute old dll`s with their mods and you will have to get the updated RealSolarSystem dll.
  6. It did require a little debugging with mods as we`re all in update mode, but after starting a new career, I am speechless! Trying my hand for the first time with recording as mission log instead of screenies and it looks 10 times better! Thank you Squad for releasing the 64bit and modding community! xD THIS is how I imagined my ksp to look when I first got it along time ago
  7. My Kerbals got depressed due to the lack of explosions
  8. Issue is described in 2 simple points: 1: Opt-out 2: Lack of info I put my though in a previous post that would fix most of the problems because it is distributed with different mods: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/81764-ModStatistics-1-0-3-Anonymous-mod-usage-statistics-Now-for-public-distribution%21?p=1286136&viewfull=1#post1286136 We update mods we have been using for awhile, some directly from github or forum. No one expects that their favorite mod started to include a statistic gathering sub mod and a little line on the mod`s post with all the info is easily missed and you have to come here to read the actual functionality. With the popup explaining more with a few words would calm the storm and a simple yes/no along the auto update ticker will nullify the issue. Yes, it will still install itself on first run when included in other mods that makes me go abit , but so be it, aslong as we get atleast the option to simply say "no". That`s all I will say about the matter as I do not wish to be part of a possible mod war Thank you Majiir for all your work with Kethane&KAS! /out
  9. Thank you for the feedback Majiir. The main problem is that it is distributed with other mods and the user has no control or clue that it is coming along and get a suprise popup wondering "what the hell!", I did In the first run popup you get there is no information what so ever about the functioning of the mod, who created it or runs it and because it is not a manual install, we have no idea what just happend when it installs itself into the data dir. I am not against helping improve mods with sending back statistics, but the way and lack of info ticked me off. I would recommend doing it the same way as Squad is doing it, on the first run popup: Mod Statistics is created and maintained by Majiir [Kethane & KAS] Please help by allowing statistiscs to be collected about installed mods and gameplay so that we may try to improve your gaming expirience! All stats are sent to a private server at http://stats.majiir.net/ [radio check enabled] Allow stats collection? [radio check enabled] Allow automatic update? If no, it writes that disabled code to the config. Such a small text addition to the popup explaining would have made a world of difference for me as I didn`t install manually but packed with another mod. I doubt anyone looks at the url and goes "stats.majiir.net" and makes the link directly, I sure didn`t
  10. Downloaded it and when KAS gets updated, it will be sent with every exploration ship Awsome looking buggy
  11. Satellites need to be in range of KSC or have relay access through another satellite that has a direct line of sight with KSC. I`ve made that mistake 100 times aswell
  12. No, there is no information what is actually collected, you can`t click "decline" for it to remove itself and who is collecting the data and more is done with it. If that popup ingame would be explaining alot more and tell who created it, it would really leave alot less of a disgusting taste behind. Only after wondering and figuring what the heck it was and how it "infested" my KSP suddently, I learned that it was from Majiir, but to be honest, can`t get that taste washed away regarding the mod.
  13. The problem is not sending stats about certain mods. Look at the source code, it collects alot more info var platform = Environment.OSVersion.Platform; if (platform == PlatformID.Unix) { if (Directory.Exists("/Applications") && Directory.Exists("/Users") && Directory.Exists("/Volumes") && Directory.Exists("/System")) { return Platform.Mac; } else { return Platform.Linux; } } else if (platform == PlatformID.MacOSX) { return Platform.Mac; } else { return Platform.Windows; } }private static Platform getRunningPlatform() { private static bool installedWithSteam() { var path = KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath; return path.Contains(@"SteamApps\common") || path.Contains(@"SteamApps/common"); } started = started, finished = sceneStarted, crashed = crashed, statisticsVersion = version, platform = getRunningPlatform(), id = id.ToString("N"), installedWithSteam = installedWithSteam(), gameVersion = new { build = Versioning.BuildID, major = Versioning.version_major, minor = Versioning.version_minor, revision = Versioning.Revision, experimental = Versioning.Experimental, isBeta = Versioning.isBeta, isSteam = Versioning.IsSteam, is64 = IntPtr.Size == 8, }, scenes = sceneTimes.OrderBy(p => p.Key).ToDictionary(p => p.Key.ToString().ToLower(), p => p.Value.TotalMilliseconds), systemInfo = new { cpus = SystemInfo.processorCount, gpuMemory = SystemInfo.graphicsMemorySize, gpuVendorId = SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceVendorID, systemMemory = SystemInfo.systemMemorySize, }, assemblies = assembliesInfo, };var report = new { I have to add that I have great fun because of mods, especially Kethane from Majiir so I have respect and I hope that what I say will not be seen as an attack, just a big issue with this particular mod.
  14. Besides the above, when people include it as a sub mod then ala... but why the hell would I want/allow a mod that installs itself into my GameData directory on itself? I trust other mods that do read/write to files outside of their mod directory to stick to files for persistent storage, like ScanSat, Toolbar etc. Not to download or clone itself with sending data, we have enough real world examples to cover that topic. As was also stated, people including other mods in their own is unbelievable frustrating as they keep distributing old versions! Today alone I had a headache with Firespitter, download the new .24 version but every ones adds the older one, same with ModuleManager. If mod developers really want to use this for their mods then they should make it a required mod, so it won`t work without it or they simply put a big red box asking us. Also I am not quite sure why you would want our hardware, OS, 32/64bit and if it`s a steam install. Using our IP`s to generate a localization chart? I will stick with only allowing squad to receive my data. var platform = Environment.OSVersion.Platform; if (platform == PlatformID.Unix) { if (Directory.Exists("/Applications") && Directory.Exists("/Users") && Directory.Exists("/Volumes") && Directory.Exists("/System")) { return Platform.Mac; } else { return Platform.Linux; } } else if (platform == PlatformID.MacOSX) { return Platform.Mac; } else { return Platform.Windows; } }private static Platform getRunningPlatform() { private static bool installedWithSteam() { var path = KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath; return path.Contains(@"SteamApps\common") || path.Contains(@"SteamApps/common"); } started = started, finished = sceneStarted, crashed = crashed, statisticsVersion = version, platform = getRunningPlatform(), id = id.ToString("N"), installedWithSteam = installedWithSteam(), gameVersion = new { build = Versioning.BuildID, major = Versioning.version_major, minor = Versioning.version_minor, revision = Versioning.Revision, experimental = Versioning.Experimental, isBeta = Versioning.isBeta, isSteam = Versioning.IsSteam, is64 = IntPtr.Size == 8, }, scenes = sceneTimes.OrderBy(p => p.Key).ToDictionary(p => p.Key.ToString().ToLower(), p => p.Value.TotalMilliseconds), systemInfo = new { cpus = SystemInfo.processorCount, gpuMemory = SystemInfo.graphicsMemorySize, gpuVendorId = SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceVendorID, systemMemory = SystemInfo.systemMemorySize, }, assemblies = assembliesInfo, };var report = new {
  15. Great mod (wonder why I only discoverd it now) Worked with .24 64bit on a couple hundred parts
  16. Thanks, at this rate, this is going to be my most stupid day so far, if only we had a kerbal facepalm smiley...
  17. Now you make me feel kind of stupid Moved to "Nereid" folder and it works like a charm lol Shame on my on trying to keep my data dir relatively overseeable Thanks for the help from a stupid user and sorry to let you think something got broke Back to stuffing in more mods xD
  18. Full log: http://nfogel.nl/KSP.log I did remove custom astroids but that didn`t matter, otherwise I have no clue if it`s a conflict with another mod :/ Looking through that log it appears that tweakscale also has an issue, bah
  19. Just had this issue aswell and narrowed it to FF, using the 64 version. To add to Montyben: In the main game window where the option is to open/resume saved games, the saved games popup doesn`t appears at all. You can click it 100 times with nothing happening. You are allowed to create a new game (popup) but after accepting nothing happens again and you remain in the screen and the menu doesn`t work at all to go back. Last entries of the log: [LOG 16:27:16.183] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'FinalFrontier' from assembly 'FinalFrontier'[LOG 16:27:16.184] FF: log level is INFO [LOG 16:27:16.184] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'CompatibilityChecker' from assembly 'Firespitter' [LOG 16:27:16.184] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'FSversionCheck' from assembly 'Firespitter' [LOG 16:27:16.185] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'CompatibilityChecker' from assembly 'MechJeb2' [LOG 16:27:16.186] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'InstallChecker' from assembly 'MechJeb2' [LOG 16:27:16.186] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'InstallChecker' from assembly 'Kethane' [LOG 16:27:16.187] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'MapOverlay' from assembly 'Kethane' [LOG 16:27:16.187] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'MuMechGUI' from assembly 'InfernalRobotics' [LOG 16:27:16.189] Parsing rect [LOG 16:27:16.189] Parsing rect [LOG 16:27:16.189] Parsing rect [LOG 16:27:16.189] Parsing rect [LOG 16:27:16.190] [IR GUI] awake [LOG 16:27:16.192] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'RTDebugUnit' from assembly 'RemoteTech2' [LOG 16:27:16.192] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'SCANversions' from assembly 'SCANsat' [LOG 16:27:16.193] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'Debug_AutoLoadPersistentSaveOnStartup' from assembly 'SCANsat' [LOG 16:27:16.193] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'ShipManifestBehaviour' from assembly 'ShipManifest' [LOG 16:27:16.195] Parsing rect [LOG 16:27:16.195] Parsing rect [LOG 16:27:16.195] Parsing rect [LOG 16:27:16.195] Parsing rect [LOG 16:27:16.195] Parsing rect [LOG 16:27:16.196] Parsing rect [LOG 16:27:16.196] Parsing bool [LOG 16:27:16.196] Parsing bool [LOG 16:27:16.196] Parsing bool [LOG 16:27:16.197] Parsing bool [LOG 16:27:16.197] Parsing bool [LOG 16:27:16.197] Parsing double [LOG 16:27:16.197] Parsing double [LOG 16:27:16.197] Parsing double [LOG 16:27:16.198] Parsing double [LOG 16:27:16.198] Parsing string [LOG 16:27:16.198] Parsing string [LOG 16:27:16.198] Parsing string [LOG 16:27:16.198] Parsing double [LOG 16:27:16.199] Parsing string [LOG 16:27:16.199] Parsing string [LOG 16:27:16.199] Parsing string [LOG 16:27:16.199] Parsing double [LOG 16:27:16.199] Parsing string [LOG 16:27:16.200] Parsing string [LOG 16:27:16.200] Parsing string [LOG 16:27:16.200] Parsing bool [LOG 16:27:16.200] Parsing bool [LOG 16:27:16.200] Parsing bool
  20. Great mod and thank you for the continious support for it! But could you please add a note that mod statistic is distributed with it on the front page please?
  21. I just delete it from every mod, no no need to boycott but it`s frigging annoying to find it in more and more places. Updating all my mods for 24 and check that it`s not included like with some 23.5mods, I now keep getting it is installed by default while there is no trace or mentioned on the mod pages. Looks like ScanSat added it into their distro.
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