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Everything posted by Alshain

  1. I know, right? I want to buy it at the grocery store. If I can't buy it there, I don't want to play it.
  2. Tweakscale. It was mentioned in the first post. Speaking of inflatable parts, I loved the Ballutes idea in this mod. They are beautiful, they are practical, they are pretty realistic, and they really don't have an exact analog in the game already. Personally, if the mod author is willing, I think they should just do a straight integration of the mod.
  3. Spaceplane Plus != Mk2. Those Porkjet parts are SPP, not Mk2. SPP parts were not symmetrical and thus they would need to be recreated, they can't just simply add them. Also, the Essentials pack is not quite the quality of PorkJets parts. They don't quite look good together. They too would have to be redone to match. The science Jr fits inside a cargo bay and is more versatile as a single part. There isn't a reason to duplicate its function as you can already do that. The MPL function is intended to be used as a base or station, not a plane. The Mk3 crew cabin is the Mk3 version of the Hitchhiker
  4. There used to be a mod called Enhanced NavBall for this but much of it was implemented into stock, and unfortunately the mod developer hasn't been seen in a while. I tried to get it running myself with just the one remaining non-stock feature but sadly I was unable to. There is no stock way to get what you want, it would seem NavHud is the only active mod solution. It's not ideal though as it's very 'intrusive' depending on your personal definition of what breaks immersion.
  5. No, not really a lifespan issue, it's more of a non function issue in this case. Helicopters and planes can't fly through duststorms (or volcanic ash) because they wouldn't last 5 minutes. Their engines would clog, Duna is in theory one big dust storm. I believe that would be no different for a propeller based electric generator. If it adds gameplay value, my opinion is and always will be that comes before realism. But if it doesn't add significant gameplay value then we should try to be somewhat realistic, and since we have so many other electric producers that do work just fine, I don't see how this would add a significant gameplay value, and it would be unrealistic anywhere but Kerbin and Laythe.
  6. They are both perfectly fine programs guys. They mostly provide the exact same info. The only reason I use KER is because I don't need autopilot and I like the UI better, but that's just my personal experience.
  7. KSP Streamers use this, it was made for that purpose:
  8. I don't find it all that strange. They should be contacting the affected customers, why would they advertise it on their website for people who are not affected?
  9. I'm still playing 1.0.5 and waiting on a stable release (1.2 I hope!)
  10. But you can go off and do other things while you wait on a mission to arrive at Jool. I've not been able to leave the Ore mining and do other things. I'm not trying to say your play style is wrong either. But the question was "Is Mining worth it?" I said no, and then got asked to clarify my position. The whole thread topic is an opinion I am perfectly content to keep using Kethane, as long as it keeps getting developed, and if it ever does stop getting developed, I'd rather just haul the fuel I need with me than use Stock ISRU in it's current state. The things I'm saying should be done, I don't necessarily mean the must be done, I'm just saying that is what would have to be done if I were to play with stock ISRU. (It's just a discussion, not a development suggestion)
  11. But that's just the issue there. It's not challenging to sit and wait, nor is it fun. It takes the same amount of effort and skill to land a mining vehicle using Kethane as it does using Stock. The only real difference is the waiting.
  12. That's great, you can fly the Mars Direct missions, I want play KSP. I expect a full tank overnight, and I don't think that is an unrealistic expectation for a game.
  13. Well, the last time I tried it was in 1.0.5, and leaving the craft and going back to the space center produced 0 ore. So, bugged maybe, but it didn't work. Based on what KerikBalm said, it sounds more likely the biggest issue was not having an engineer. If I was getting less than 3% because of that, I'm sorry but that is a complete and absolute deal-breaker. I'm not even going to try it again. Maybe if someone made a mod to remove the engineer restriction, I could possibly salvage the system. However, as it seems it is now, there really isn't a point in discussing it, as I said... the stock system is too complicated, tedious, and boring. EDIT: Just took a peek at the drill, this may be doable through ModuleManager. There is a "UseSpecialistBonus = true". The only question is, if I were to set that to false, would I always get the bonus, or never get the bonus? Or is that not even what I think it is? Anyone ever try this? If I need 8 large drills for one tank of ore, the system is over complicated and needs simplification and/or better balancing..
  14. That latter part of your post explains a few things I saw but it still doesn't account for how long it takes to mine (the maximum I found was 11%). It took me "weeks" of timewarp to get one large tank full of ore with 2 large drills. And no at that time it did not mine ore while you were not on the craft. Again, don't know if that was a bug, but it kept shutting off and it had plenty of radiator. I was using an unmanned mining vessel, if I have to have an engineer to get a decent amount of ore, the whole system is fault IMO, and I will not use it regardless of what other problems or advantages it has. That's an unnecessary complication right there.
  15. There is little feedback that a screenshot has been taken but you should be able to find them in the screenshots folder in your installation directory.
  16. I'd rather win a copy for the Wii U I too would love to enter but I don't own either console. Good luck to everyone though!
  17. It does not. Though you could probably request it, @cybutek is pretty good about adding stuff like that and it's really a pretty straight forward calculation. MaxQ only gained relevance in 1.0 (without FAR) so it's something that hasn't quite found its way into KER yet.
  18. I apologize I just realized I did in fact confuse this discussion with another. You said " thus using the word friction for the slider is not so inaccurate ", that was the strawman. I never said the friction slider wasn't altering friction or that its name was incorrect, I said friction shouldn't be a setting. But I disagree with you on traction and friction being the same thing. They are very closely related, but they are two separate things, which is evidenced by the fact that on rover wheels they are two separate sliders. Imagine the spiked bike wheels you posted earlier. Those work great on dirt and sand, but on concrete very little of that tire would actually touch the pavement making less gripping surface. The friction coefficient remains the same, there is just less traction to create friction. These consequences of altering the wheels do not exist in KSP, so it's really only a poorly implemented overpowered slider. So anyone trying to relate the slider to altering the rubber or tread materials is incorrect. It's in fact nothing like that, it's just god mode. So anyway, I know I said I was done, but I did want to apologize for my mistake there. It's still a strawman though
  19. So, I say renaming friction to traction is incorrect and you say that I'm wrong because friction should not be renamed to traction. That's actually agreeing with me, except you made it sound like I said the opposite. That's a strawman, very plain and simply. That's the last I'm saying on the matter. I've made my point pretty clear here, if you don't understand it, then you won't ever understand it.
  20. You forgot "spend forever looking for a drilling site" and "timewarp for Kerbal weeks to gain resources". The issue in my experience, I guess you could say it's the scanning, but the several times I tried it I spent a very long time looking for the highest resource concentration I could (using a combination of satellites and rovers) and that was still incredibly low. So low I had to timewarp for a very long time to get one full load of ore, to make matters worse at the time it kept shutting down completely if it ran out of power rather than picking back up again when the sun came up. (I think that was a bug, not sure if it was ever fixed). I'm sorry, but stock ISRU is like using a Ford F-150 to put a nail in a wall. I like ScanSat, but really if Kethane had an option to scan while not focused on the scanning sattelite (like ScanSat does) it would simply be the perfect system. Simple, easy to use, not ridiculously complicated.
  21. Probably because it was broken. It's never really worked right since the forum downgrade, but it recently got worse where it was cutting off the embedded 'app' and you could only see a very small portion of the image anyway. So in the end it was no different than posting a link because you had to navigate to imgur to see the images anyway. FYI: This inquiry is the sort of thing that belongs in the 'Network' forum. 'Suggestions and Dev Discussion" are for the game, not the forum.
  22. What I'm complaining about is that something has changed very poorly and should either not have been changed, or change better. Having a friction and traction slider without the proper mechanics and the usual consequences is overpowered, so they either shouldn't have put it there or they should have made it better. " thus using the word friction for the slider is not so inaccurate. " <- I never said it was inaccurate, so it's a strawman. You are rebutting an argument I did not make.
  23. KER does record the maximum G Force and has a reset button, it's kind of like a Trip Odometer in your car. I'm not trying to get into the MJ vs KER argument (I really don't care), I just wanted to clarify that it does have that much data logging.
  24. The rover wheels do, the landing gear do not, but it's not an actual traction implementation. Dirt, Grass, Concrete, and Regolith might as well be the same substance. Simply renaming the Friction slider to Traction is NOT what should happen. Implementing traction based on surface is what should happen and then friction should no longer be a setting. Then @Red Iron Crown's self adjusting wheels could be an advanced part late in the tech tree. If you think about it, most of the leg work is done. Biomes essentially already define surface type. So without truly having seen the Vehicle Physics Pro implementation, I would expect you would be able to send a different traction setting to the mod based on the biome you are currently in with some logic. The only edge case is Shores, which is usually sand, except around KSC.
  25. That is actually a very good point. I guess if you are base building, rather than doing a mining ship then that does make sense.
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