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Everything posted by Alshain

  1. This is one I uploaded a while back. I've made so many changes trying to get it to work, I can't even remember which version it was. Nothing has ever worked anyway. GoSlash27 got it working by moving the front gear back to the Center of Mass, of course that made it impossible to land without doing a nose dive into the concrete.
  2. This is an absolutely absurd workaround IMO. That slider shouldn't even be in the game. Seriously SQUAD, you gave us a slider to alter the laws of physics... in stock? What's next? Stock HyperEdit?
  3. Read the last page. Nathan knows, it's exactly backward from what it should be.
  4. In my case however, yaw and steering are not on the same controls like they are with default keyboard controls. I just realized we are still in the ALG thread, we really ought to take stock landing gear discussion elsewhere.
  5. As much as I want a workable 1.1, if I were in their developers shoes I would want a vacation too. They worked through Christmas with very little time off guys. As @stupid_chris said, they put a lot of work into this version. Did they release it too early? Probably, but they still needed and deserved the time off. A few weeks without KSP (or with 1.0.5) isn't killing anyone. Just be patient.
  6. My experience has been the deployable gear don't suffer the wobble problem, but they still don't drive straight, so you have to build over-winged planes capable of taking off at speeds under 40m/s or you will be in the grass next to the runway exploding.
  7. Done. FYI the Ant engine already has this turned on, it is only needed for the Ion engine.
  8. Nice, You shouldn't need the NEEDS for Squad, KSP shouldn't exist without the Squad folder, unless you really mess something up. FINAL just means your patch loads after any other mods, it's ideal for what we are doing here. If it's allright with you I can make those changes and put it in the main post.
  9. Hmm, well I don't know what to say. The button appears on the engine, but it isn't functional. (the engine always stays in the staging diagram)
  10. I'm aware of all of that, I've been building planes for a VERY long time in this game. It's nothing to do with building, the wheels are just broken. Some of these planes weren't even built in 1.1 and worked fine in previous versions.
  11. That's true, that part was intended, but there are other issues with gear as well. Several people are either putting too much mass over the gear, or are landing at a high vertical speed, but I know I'm not and I still can't get off the ground. The fact they won't even drive straight down the runway is a big problem.
  12. Any change you make, all parts in symmetry will change. It's the same for all part types. Your best solution right now is a mod called StripSymmetry. There is a recompile at the end of the thread.
  13. You are going to have a hard time finding any updated mod that involves wheels right now.
  14. It hasn't been updated yet.
  15. I'm going to go with Minecraft. KSP is niche, there is no denying that. Those interested in space travel will gravitate to it, but the rest probably will not. Minecraft is simple enough for anyone to jump right in and has no specific interest associated with it. So yeah, Minecraft is going to go down in history as being much more popular than KSP, but that's ok. KSP doesn't have to beat Minecraft. They have that. It's called StarMade. Although, really it's probably closer to Elite Dangerous than KSP.
  16. Cool, I love ScanSat, but one of the things I hate about it is it's maps, I've always wished it could somehow overlay them in the KSP map instead of a separate window.
  17. That looks like an interesting mod. For your planned features, the body occlusion/graininess, you should consider integrating that with ScanSat's topographical scans if you can.
  18. @Eskandare's Remote Tech config was pretty far out of date, it was missing several sites entirely, so I took the liberty of making a new configuration. While it wouldn't be as good as a direct integration like you guys are talking about, it's still a bit better. I tried to balance the dish ranges based on the size of the model as well as the existing RemoteTech metagame. You are of course welcome to change them, but I felt like the design of RT intended for Ground Stations to mostly stay in Kerbin's SOI and you would have to build new ones to go further and fill in the gaps. (Though Arakebo does go to Moho) Dish Type 10 - 500km (LKO Only) Tracking Center 2/KSC2 - 3,000km (Sync Orbit) Tracking Center 1/Mission Control - 20,000km (Mun) Dish Type 1 - 50,000km (Minmus) Dish Type 2 - 75,000km (Outer Kerbin SOI) Dish Type 11 - 90,000km (Just Beyond Kerbin SOI) Arakebo - 20,000,000km (Moho) GroundStations { STATION { Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc488 Name = Mission Control Latitude = -0.131331503391266 Longitude = -74.594841003418 Height = 75 Body = 1 Antennas { ANTENNA { Omni = 2.0E+07 } } } STATION { Guid = 1693E145-BECE-4235-B26B-5B6114B4281A Name = Kerbal Space Center 2 Latitude = 20.6575 Longitude = -146.420556 Height = 75 Body = 1 Antennas { ANTENNA { Omni = 3.0E+06 } } } STATION { Guid = EE78F306-0ED4-4865-8C13-10DDEAA9483F Name = Arakebo Latitude = 8.419714 Longitude = 179.6987 Height = 1519.066 Body = 1 Antennas { ANTENNA { Omni = 2.0E+10 } } } STATION { Guid = 699D89AC-FD47-484F-AECC-379B77725913 Name = Brownrock Latitude = 3.33 Longitude = 322.85 Height = 2230.51 Body = 1 Antennas { ANTENNA { Omni = 9.0E+07 } } } STATION { Guid = 308A33EC-2460-4814-BC10-B5B8D72839A1 Name = Central Lakes Tracking Center Latitude = -15.30997 Longitude = 91.32384 Height = 20.5704 Body = 1 Antennas { ANTENNA { Omni = 2.0E+07 } } } STATION { Guid = AAC33C5B-630D-473D-B1E9-4C2A68F52F6C Name = Coaler Crater Latitude = 35.34896 Longitude = 261.1127 Height = 30.52464 Body = 1 Antennas { ANTENNA { Omni = 9.0E+07 } } } STATION { Guid = 9190BB07-3925-4CB4-849E-1A21810E3CB8 Name = Deadkerbal Pit Latitude = 14.73 Longitude = 232.98 Height = 2999.188 Body = 1 Antennas { ANTENNA { Omni = 9.0E+07 } } } STATION { Guid = AA2D359C-9B49-42A7-BF85-C1F988DF5F2C Name = Goldpool Latitude = -1.157747 Longitude = 17.39211 Height = 10.96307 Body = 1 Antennas { ANTENNA { Omni = 5.0E+07 } } } STATION { Guid = 53065D36-B712-4F96-A2E1-0982864D69EC Name = Green Coast Latitude = -3.47 Longitude = 179.18 Height = 230.57 Body = 1 Antennas { ANTENNA { Omni = 5.0E+07 } } } STATION { Guid = 695093D0-47DB-4C33-A550-712A9CAB1D93 Name = Guardians Basin 1 Latitude = 42.63991 Longitude = 309.1047 Height = 719.8522 Body = 1 Antennas { ANTENNA { Omni = 5.0E+05 } } } STATION { Guid = 7787A4EC-AEC4-4CAE-A3D2-7CCE3B015990 Name = Guardians Basin 2 Latitude = 41.76225 Longitude = 309.7187 Height = 3079.852 Body = 1 Antennas { ANTENNA { Omni = 9.0E+07 } } } STATION { Guid = 4BA75A6D-7398-4564-8491-913F504B3656 Name = Hanbert Cape Tracking Center Latitude = -22.63785 Longitude = 219.7502 Height = 14.61615 Body = 1 Antennas { ANTENNA { Omni = 3.0E+06 } } } STATION { Guid = B1EFC379-E229-4ABE-A782-F6CBF18CE7F9 Name = Jeb's Retreat Latitude = 5.59 Longitude = 298.70 Height = 1409.326 Body = 1 Antennas { ANTENNA { Omni = 9.0E+07 } } } STATION { Guid = 7C9AAEB2-511E-4027-8236-72051CBA9843 Name = Kerbin's Bottom Latitude = -50.47 Longitude = 170.57 Height = 101.0482 Body = 1 Antennas { ANTENNA { Omni = 7.5E+07 } } } STATION { Guid = 42A9C4BC-581C-440D-944E-C66FD67FD6E2 Name = KKVLA Latitude = 10.63 Longitude = 227.71 Height = 405.639 Body = 1 Antennas { ANTENNA { Omni = 7.5E+07 } } } STATION { Guid = 5356DDB8-6F2D-4899-9011-78B59AD1E5A5 Name = Lodnie Isles Latitude = 29.45 Longitude = 13.09 Height = 1811.631 Body = 1 Antennas { ANTENNA { Omni = 9.0E+07 } } } STATION { Guid = D070C006-80BD-4B9C-B0BD-5D16FD0898F5 Name = Lushlands Latitude = 2.17 Longitude = 26.59 Height = 780.591 Body = 1 Antennas { ANTENNA { Omni = 9.0E+07 } } } STATION { Guid = 4454E7B7-8A21-454B-BE06-E3CBE935AA8C Name = Mount Snowey Latitude = 20.45 Longitude = 281.91 Height = 3684.544 Body = 1 Antennas { ANTENNA { Omni = 9.0E+07 } } } STATION { Guid = 58322622-7537-4509-80E2-1AD1DB9E9F3F Name = North Pole Latitude = 79.48 Longitude = 282.57 Height = 37.92135 Body = 1 Antennas { ANTENNA { Omni = 5.0E+05 } } } STATION { Guid = 09D18862-9F19-47E7-B947-E05F7B0EB5FB Name = Sea's End Latitude = -34.14 Longitude = 79.77 Height = 0.2 Body = 1 Antennas { ANTENNA { Omni = 3.0E+06 } } } STATION { Guid = 2D47EC2F-2474-4623-8A2E-B6202397EF9D Name = South Point Latitude = -17.86 Longitude = 166.43 Height = 222.7742 Body = 1 Antennas { ANTENNA { Omni = 5.0E+05 } } } STATION { Guid = 61AE9C36-E14B-4F55-9E0F-241C2EA96D41 Name = Twin Peaks Latitude = 16.04 Longitude = 203.14 Height = 4704.547 Body = 1 Antennas { ANTENNA { Omni = 9.0E+07 } } } STATION { Guid = B9CB2739-0384-4232-8949-62647E9AE3C1 Name = Zebedee Latitude = 78.61 Longitude = 147.49 Height = 2817.584 Body = 1 Antennas { ANTENNA { Omni = 9.0E+07 } } } }
  19. Yes and No. From what I can tell ModuleEngines does not implement this function correctly, but ModuleEnginesFX does. So any engine implementing ModuleEnginesFX will work, this is only the Jet engines. I don't know that this is true, but I suspect EnginesFX is a newer class designed for the jet engine lighting recently introduced. It's possible that if the parts are redone, all the engines may eventually move to use this class (which actually inherits ModuleEngines). @NathanKell might be able to elaborate, if he is willing, I think he was the one that implemented it. In the meantime I have posted the script for the jet engines and that is the best I can do for now. EDIT: It looks like it isn't just the Jet engines, it also works for the Ant, Spider, Puff, and Twitch engines as well as the SRBs and the twin boar.
  20. Squad made the PluginData folder to be ignored by not only other mods but KSP itself. It's best to put local resources in there anyway.
  21. Well if it is just me it's not that big an issue for me, Snark added the same functionality to Better Burn Time and I like that stock alike appearance a lot more. I still use KER for a lot of other information, which is all working as far as I can tell, but a stock alike method of shortening my KER HUD is always welcome It could just be a mod conflict anyway, I'm running more mods than I ever have before. Speaking of shortening my KER HUD, a slight suggestion. If an auto-hiding field (like Burn Time or Impact Biome) in the HUD would cause a separator to be the last entry visible on the HUD, it would be nice if that separator would hide as well so it isn't just a line at the bottom for some reason. You could also apply the same logic if two separators would be displayed in a row because all the content between them is hidden, just hide one of them for a nice seamless look. This is really just my personal OCD talking, if it is a lot of trouble, I can deal with it.
  22. Wow, speedy service. Thank you so much @Snark! I need to put some spaces in the format strings, but I love it!
  23. By request of @Streetwind I have recompiled PartUpgrade for use in 1.1. It should function as it did in previous versions. I really don't plan on maintaining this mod myself, hopefully I'm not feeding a stray cat here Download Here Change Notes: Attached KSPUtil.dll to references and recompiled. Disabled version checker script as it was causing an exception and isn't a critical function. Known Issues: While Testing I found an issue where the plugin ignores initial buy in costs if they are enabled. The upgrades are unlocked the moment the tech tree node is unlocked, whether you purchase it or not. I believe this issue to have always been present (not a result of 1.1) and fixing it would require a bigger overhaul than I want to try and tackle myself.
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