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Everything posted by Alshain

  1. I agree. Subnautica has the best bug reporting format of all.
  2. I've found re-usability in KSP really isn't worth it unless your playing hard mode or have lowered the funds sliders. Money is not really something that is difficult to get, and if you build cost efficient, re-usability is just wasted effort, unless you just enjoy that sort of thing. Size 1 the basic fin is all you need. Size 2, the cheapest option is the Structural Wing Type D, and Size 3 is debateable, you could use a small delta which is cheap, but also of interest is the Big-S Strake for added fuel. Winglets are over priced. I have no idea why kickbacks would mean you can't use vectored thrust. I use vectored thrust all the time with kickbacks, of course my TWR isn't 3.
  3. Gilly is also a lot easier to get to. Moho moves so quickly and has such a small sphere of influence, not to mention it's inclination.
  4. Fixed that for you. EDIT: Nevermind, you made that #3. It was just kind of weird to mention it twice.
  5. I just want to point out, none of the distributions have DRM, and all of them can be seen discounted from time to time, usually all of them at the same time.
  6. @Keniamin FYI, your 1.1 release renamed the folder from 'KerbinSideGAP' to 'Kerbin Side GAP', this broke the flags. I suggest renaming it back.
  7. Apples and oranges, my lifters all go to 100 km, you just barely made orbit. You would have to add even more fuel, which would only lower your TWR.
  8. I think he is more referencing the Minecraft paradigm than a micro-transaction game format (even though he called it microtransactions). However, it's a silly comparison. Just because some servers choose to do that to pay for the server cost doesn't mean there aren't thousands of other people hosting private servers for their friends.
  9. There is no difference in the game itself KSP Store: -Servers tend to get overloaded when a release is made. -Theoretically, all of the money goes to Squad and none to Valve, or so they say, though with server costs to maintain the store download, I really doubt it matters. Steam: -Automatically updates whether you want it to or not (you can copy it out of the Steam installation folder though) -Severs are very reliable, no wait to download. -Only known way to obtain pre-release versions, this may or may not change in the future. GoG: -Unknown
  10. I use mods, the mod breaks something, that must be KSP's fault. KSP has plenty of issues, don't get me wrong, but the bouncing is a well known issue of connecting parts with KAS, lets be real here.
  11. I would prefer the devs hadn't wasted time on the building destruction we have, let alone on more building destruction.
  12. The poodle does not have enough TWR. Not at that range. I use the poodle by itself on the 30 ton lifter, anything more and I have to use either a skipper or augment the poodle.
  13. Scott Manley did some time ago.
  14. Well, I disagree. Apart from a few games that will inevitably really excel at it, it will remain about as niche as TrackIR has. TrackIR is really awesome, and I enjoy it a lot but it is still niche. VR will be much of the same, maybe 10-15% of the PC gaming community will own one. 25% if you are really lucky. The problem is simply that people don't want to spend that much for a gadget like that. The really hardcore gamers will do it, the casual gamers will not and those in between more than likely will not.
  15. It's normal for a game to increase in price after release. In most cases it is because when you buy into early access you accept that the game is buggy and under developed so you pay a lower price for the early access and pay more for the fully developed game. In KSP's case, that fact hasn't really changed, it's certainly better than it was in 0.1x and 0.2x, but still buggy and underdeveloped, and you still get to pay more buying it now.
  16. I don't have pedals, but I have a similar setup. My throttle has an analog on the back of it that use for steering, and then I use the stick for yaw.
  17. No, the issue is more or less having to use yaw at high speed to correct your plane on the runway because the wheels in 1.1 veer off every which way. Actual aircraft wouldn't have to make huge corrections just to stay on the runway like we do in 1.1. In 1.0.5 steering cut off COMPLETELY at around 35-40 m/s, you could only use yaw after that. In 1.1 it does not, so while using yaw to stay on the runway, you are also using steering and that is way too sensitive.
  18. One of the issues with steering is in the past in 1.0.5 or earlier it would cut off after the craft reached a certain speed so you could only use yaw. In 1.1 it does not, steering is active at all speeds, and to make matters worse, by default Yaw and Steering are assigned to the same controls. So you attempt to yaw and get steering too. I believe this to be a bug personally, but Squad probably sees it as a feature request. You can mitigate this by reassigning your steering keys to something that isn't Yaw also.
  19. I just think it's still very niche (and really I don't think VR will ever be anything BUT niche). Is it really worth the devs time to spend it on something so few people will use? I would say unless that Unity update made it incredibly easy, then I doubt it is worth the time at this point.
  20. Well, that one is a little hard to answer because we don't know the location of KSC at any given moment in someone elses game play. The best way to accomplish this is extend your Ap out to KEO, Then if KSC is 'behind' you then make your Pe a little bigger than KEO so KSC will catch up. If KSC is 'in front' of you, make your orbit a little lower than KEO so you will be traveling faster than the rotation of the planet. Once you are in position, circularize your orbit at 6 hour orbital period. Of course 'in front' and 'behind' are relative since KSC will always be both in front of and behind, but of course I mean where it is closer. Remember, if your orbit is larger than KEO you are traveling slower than the rotation of the planet.
  21. Yes there is. It's in the settings, under Input, under Game. They kinda had to add that for the impending console versions.
  22. The character from Donald Bellosario's J.A.G. (the show NCIS was spun off of) was a pilot and a lawyer, he was named Harmon but everyone on the show called him Harm.
  23. Any "top space games" list without Evochron Mercenary is questionable at best. It is simply one of the greatest Space SciFi games there is.
  24. In my experience, YouTube KSP videos need one of two things: 1. Entertainment, this usually means something hilarious, or an interesting person streaming (you typically have to talk) 2. Education. This can take many forms but the most obvious is education in how to play the game. I looked at the beginning of your Ore Refinery video and watched you do a launch that was beyond beginner. I don't mean for you to take offense at that, but most people can play the game better than that. So education is kind of out in that case. Those two points are inclusive or exclusive, you can be terrible at the game and be incredibly entertaining or you can be great at the game and maybe a little less entertaining. I guess what I'm saying is I see videos of you playing KSP but, without you discussing your projects or teaching something, what draw is there for me to watch? You need to find a niche that brings viewers to your channel. Aside from that, YouTube is a cutthroat world and growing a channel is a slow and arduous task. Don't expect a million subscribers overnight. Also, I don't make a lot of videos, but I use OBS too. I really need to look into that one, I just upgraded my GPU to a 950. My old 560Ti couldn't do shadowplay.
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