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Everything posted by AlbertKermin

  1. Also, @CobaltWolf- just shoot me a message next time we're both on Steam at the same time. Age of Empires II HD is eating way too much of my time these days
  2. Just had a few seconds to mess around with these (curse you, real life!) but they seem to be pretty great- I really like the fact they have wells for missile storage! However, it does seem to me that the scale for some of the masts-particularly the air intake one- is a little smaller than it should be- is this a bug, or am I just using the wrong size mast?
  3. It's possible we could use an animation of the weather balloon flying off to infinity from the weather balloon launcher, and then run the experiment on the balloon tracker?
  4. I am really looking forward to the challenge of landing on a Duna that doesn't have a surface that doubles as a night-light! If I could throw in a few suggestions, though- Ike- Since real-life Phobos is starting to get torn apart by tidal interactions as it approaches the Roche limit, I think it'd be really neat to see similar grooved terrain on the Duna- facing side of Ike. Dres- I'm really looking forward to landing on your modified version, but- is there any chance you could keep it as more Ceres analogue, and add a separate Vesta equivalent (or maybe even add 2 Pallas and 10 Hygiea equivalents too) ? Please? I really want to fly a Dawn-alike probe using an ion engine to multiple different asteroid belt objects!
  5. Actually, I wrote the files in the note app on my iPod, e-mailed them to myself, and then ran them through a word processor to spell-check before making the final changes in Notepad. It's not at all surprising some strange characters crept in
  6. BTW, I have the science defs for the gravity experiment mostly done. Just need to get them off my iPod and spell check them. I also got a GitHub account set up, but I have no clue how to use that site yet, so how do you want me to send you the files? Or do you want me to just integrate them before I upload to Spacedock, or did you want to do that?
  7. There will hopefully be a 1.1 version coming out soon, with some of the inprovements Cobalt and I have made to it since.
  8. Are you using 1.0.5 or 1.1? Because the mod downloads with Dmagic's 1.0.5 plugin right now, and a different version of it is needed for 1.1.
  9. I've not really seen that bug before- what versions of KAS/KIS are you running?
  10. Do you have the Dmagic Orbital Sciences plugin installed? Because that sounds like a problem with it. Also, welcome to the forums!
  11. I just bumped into this mod on spacedock and may i say- it's epic!
  12. This post consists of nothing. As a matter of fact, I didn't make it. And it certainly wasn't me making myself look foolish.
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