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    Lunatic Artist

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  1. Hadn't expected to ever return to the forum, but my email notification brought me here. Anyway, nice to see it back in action. Thanks for maintaining the mod.
  2. Hi, there. As mentioned, the original files were on my old computer but this is what I could find: I don't think it's the latest version but includes the source: http://www.mediafire.com/file/qttk50fa5b8y83u/cctv.zip The base models in case you need them to rebuild it: http://www.mediafire.com/file/i3ya56wvox9uia1/cctv_cam_antenna.zip Updated maps of the bent monitor(others just need to be aligned a bit)for the Unity 5 PBR metal/roughness shader in case Squad changed their shaders (I have no clue how it is now): http://www.mediafire.com/file/r2mvn516h1al59u/cctv-monitor-bent2-updated-maps.zip or download here https://sketchfab.com/models/2187b9ff235542dca4ac415e93b79bb6# I wrote Tuareg, maybe he has some newer files.
  3. I got an answer for Tuareg today and he'll look into it. As always, I can't tell how likely it is. I'd estimate 50-60%. It's being made compatible at best. I thought about creating a new asset or at least retexturing it, but with the current KSP shaders, it just doesn't make sense.
  4. Hi, sry for the late response. I'll ask Tuareg if he can do it, but I honestly can't tell right now.
  5. This was created out of boredom. I painted over the old maps. I can't guarantee that this mod is being updated for 1.1 but if you send me the hearts your children...maybe... Cctv-monitor-bent2 updated maps by ximrm on Sketchfab Now how the hell does one insert a sketchfab model in this forum? test
  6. Thank you guys, I'll tell him that.
  7. Hey there, It was not the first time that my son Alex(7) saw me playing KSP. He seemed to develop more and more interest over the time. He even asked me to teach him how to play the game! (I almost lost a tear in that moment) I told him lots of things about the game and space in general, even though i doubt, he understood everything. This evening after coming home from a long work day, he surprised me. First, I was about to send him to bed. (How dare he stay up so late?) My wife calmed me down and told me to wait. He took out a large piece of paper, he had rolled up behind his back. It was a watercolor painting he did in school, titled "Alex and Pa together on Dune" (I think he meant Duna). I almost cried, Never been so proud. I'll certainly spend more time with him now. I'll have to switch some shifts and maybe do one or two extra, but spending time with my son, see him grow, see him develop an interest in science, that is just priceless. Here it is: He's planting the flag, while I'm landing with my spacecraft.
  8. Hi, Thank you and everyone who used the mod. I hope you had fun with it. I enjoyed and shared your videos. The deer was originally intended to move big packages and reach the speed of light.(some's gotta deliver the presents!) You should have seen the first clones, they were wild and less aerodynamic. We were able to incorporate SAS-nanites and sedatives into the deer's bloodstream. I wish we could've delivered more, but we were pretty late through losing one man on our team. However thank you all and merry x-mas, k-mas or whatever you're going to celebrate.
  9. Hi. Well I don't think it's going to be finished. I created it last year but we both had problems importing the part,even as a tank with the simplest dummy featues. It was our first mod and it's likely to i krakened up somehow. Currently none of us has the time or interest in modding KSP. I just fixed a few things and uploaded it this time earlier cause I had the feeling, that I owed it to the community. If someone is interested in fixing the sled, I can give you all those files. btw, really nice "vessel"
  10. Update is up. Should last until major ksp upgrade. Merry X-Mas
  11. If someone is interested to finally finish it, I'd give away my old heatshield project. IIRC the Animation and UV mapping is done. Only textures and Unity import needs to be done. Link: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/95260-WIP-Opening-Closing-reusable-Heatshield%28now-less-obstructive-still-wip%29 Just msg me for the files.
  12. Now that is pretty exotic. It might be possible, but not without modifying the mod. I'm afraid you'll have to do it yourself or ask for some help. The source code is provided maybe you can find a programmer to do that. We're out of KSP.
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