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Everything posted by Dire_Squid

  1. YES, because it's SO mush easier than merely transmitting data, or doing a weak-fly-by... oh wait... NO IT ISN'T!!! I'm kidding. Nothing but love for you
  2. After finally and successfully landing on the Mun, I'm contemplating what to spend my 243 Science Points on (not enough for the both a 160 point node and the one remaining 90-point Science Venue; Advanced Flight Control... but more than enough for one 160 Point One... but cannot decided on Heavier Rocketry [bigger, more powerful non-solid fuel rockets and boosters, plus potentially more efficient tanks], Specialized Control [that Lander Can, 3-Kerbal command pod, and that big SAS stabilizer... my rockets steer like boulders, when in space, even WITH RCS Monoprepalant], Specialized Construction [Docking ports for building bigger rockets WHILE in space DOES seem promising], Supersonic Flight [better/faster jets/spaceplanes and better rocket flight], Precision Engineering [minute maneuvers AND probe/rover-work... plus softer planetary/moon landings], or Advance Landing [better surviving the fall/crash?]) I need help. Thanks in advance.
  3. Yesterday, I FINALLY Landed on the Mun, in Career Mode, and made a half-decent Solar Plane (kinda better than Yogcast Duncan's) in Sandbox Mode. Today... Contemplating what to spend my 243 Science Points on (not enough for the one remaining 90-point Science Venue... but more than enough for one 160 Point One... but cannot decided on Heavier Rocketry [bigger, more powerful non-solid fuel rockets and boosters], Specialized Control [that Lander Can, command pod and that big SAS stabilizer], Specialized Construction [Docking ports for building bigger rockets WHILE in space DOES seem promising], Supersonic Flight [better jets/spaceplanes and better rocket flight], Precision Engineering [minute maneuvers AND probe/rover-work... plus softer planetary/moon landings], or Advance Landing [better surviving the fall/crash?])
  4. I just hope they fix that cripplingly-large transmit penalty for reports and sciences (my 70 Science for Mun reports gets brought down to 20, to transmit it?! WHAT?!).
  5. AH! In that case, I suggest "XD", or "X3"
  6. Sounds good. I found an amusing song for entering Eve's atmosphere on Incompetech called "The Complex" (sadly, it's not terribly vanilla, but it does, to me, sort of emphasize both "The Beauty" [purple world] and "The Beast" [the intense gravitational pull] when entering, as proot once called it, "The Candy-colored Hell"): http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1300025 I suppose I was confused when you used ">_<", since that, when I've seen it, is used as a frustration emoticon. Anyways, I kinda see the humor in it now.
  7. Ok, without using ANY known movie/tv/book worlds/moons... I present to you (in Kerbal fashion). Worlds: Fleegl Farkul Gurmen Kuffy Tris Floov Moons: Quig Gub-gub Mully Ixol Mung Steve (or Bob) I'll probably add more (and data for current ones) when I can think up more. Funny, not-so-obvious names for Kerbal-ish worlds aren't as easy as you think
  8. ... are you trying to undermine me (especially since I'm NOT trying to promote music that HAS royalties for this group.. only personal)?
  9. Welp, uploaded the Kethane mod, and, so far, no big issues. I can't wait to deploy my kethane-converting jet, to stress-test this "horse" (aka this mod), for myself. lol
  10. I'm sorry, LameLefty. You mentioned clicking on them, and that they were grayed, but I didn't see you mentioning anything about not needing more science to unlock them again. I was confused about it. REGARDLESS, thank you, LameLefty and ExplorerKlatt, for answering my queries. I appreciate it from you both.
  11. Waaaaait... so: If there's a part in a node I've already unlocked, and it's grayed... does this mean I have to spend ANOTHER 90/160/more science to unlock them? If so: UGH! (If I'm wrong, kindly explain what does happen, please?)
  12. NICE! So, would I have to start a new Career Mode to access those particular parts on tech tree nodes I've already unlocked, or are they "plug-and-play" enough that they're automatically added to the nodes I've already unlocked? Also, I figured the Kethane scanners wouldn't add science points. Thanks for letting me know.
  13. This looks like a fun mod, pizzaoverhead. I haven't downloaded it, yet... but I was curious if you have, or are working on the capability for certain songs to play at certain moments (e.g. I'd LOVE to hear "Martian Cowboy" ONLY when I reach Dunian soil... ad not because the song had "Martian" in it, but RATHER portrays a feel of distant, cold lonliness... something befitting for a desolate dry planet like Duna. In my head, I see myself also downloading the Antarctica theme from the Transformers: Armada game for the PS2, because it portrays a similar feel; Myself, mind you, not for the public, as I'm sure that music is not royalty free)? If you do, maybe I can find some more royalty-free music that can be used for certain scenes (like entering Eve's atmosphere/landing/walking on Eve, or flying to/walking on Laythe, or flying to the Sun/Kerbol, etc), to help out.
  14. Before I upload this Mod (which does seem to look pretty fun, btw, from what I've seen on Let's Plays), and I'm sure it's been asked multiple times (didn't look because... well you look through over 460 pages, lol)... but does Kethane work with Career Mode (access to the parts, mostly... I'm sure it's not part of the science point branches... unless it is?)?
  15. I'm enjoying this game, a lot, and I was, yesterday, able to finally fly a manned rocket to the Mun (granted, not LAND on it.... more like crash into it). I also see some good mods that'll help enhance my gameplay experience. I'll start posting when something comes up that I either can't figure out on my own, when I want to leave feedback/ideas, or update on a... sort of "Nuzlock" I do with my Kerbals on Career Mode. Thank you.
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