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Everything posted by FennexFox

  1. Really thanks.I'm gonna check that as soon as possible.
  2. Really? I found my RT2 works weirdly. Antennas are not deployed (it works though) and a antenna has three identical toggling buttons.
  3. Sorry but I couldn`t find any note so I`m asking: Is this .24 compatible?
  4. Are there some mods like 'Mechjeb embedded' which embed KOS function to all command pod?
  5. Are there some mods like 'Mechjeb embedded' which embed Jebnix function to all command pod?
  6. Are there some mods like 'Mechjeb embedded' which embed Jebnix function to all command pod?
  7. I think I have a trouble with your latest update. * Simulation worked weird: it doesn`t calculate time spent on simulation. * Simulation revert didn`t work: Revert button doesn`t work. After them, I re-installed this mod and now I can not get into my VAB. Edit: It`s KCT simulation backup file that makes problem. I delete that and everything works fine.
  8. How could I update this mod with all the progression I made? Where are save files? Edit: Okay, I found it, but it`s clearly unacceptable that I`m not notified where it is before doing update. It`s not very hard to kindly point that out, right?
  9. Oh, that`s very fascinating. I`m gonna install it right now.
  10. So, is it compatible with Kerbal Construntion Time? KCT replaces launch sequence, so KerbTown didin`t worked.
  11. Sorry for being noob but I have to ask this: is there any way to shield wings? I think it's pretty crucial to make shuttle-like reentry, but I couldn't do so. (I KNOW ways to make reentry without shielded wings, making a good steep AoA.) Edit: I found a way to make parts heat shielded, but it tweaks cfg...is there no way to do so in game or parts specific? I don't want to make all wings shielded.
  12. Wow, I felt in love with that ship! Is that stock and parts-clipping free? Could it fly well with FAR mod installed?
  13. Without intaker spam, parts clipping, op mod parts, but make a real-ish ssto as I can. Fully FAR compatible. (I build this under FAR condition) It`s my first time SSTO, modifying a fabulous work of ssTALONps, ARX-3. What I did is only making wings broader and replace engines with RAPIERs, and Talon approved me saying and publishing this craft as my own work. What a generosity! Using FAR and being noob make it super hard to build and fly SSTO, but a few days with agony I made it stable! and it could deliver slightly more than 10t payload to LKO! (Fuel pod on the picture is not components but payloads.) Here`s question: is RAPIER op in FAR? I don`t understand why this engine doesn`t flame out in so low air intaker. (indicator read 0.00)
  14. Should I keep eyes on Kethane scanning satellite, or could leave the satellite and do my own business like ScanSat?
  15. I`m trying this mod, but have a simple question: what about modular engineering, which makes crafts share a significant fraction of their structure but not exactly same? Playing career mod, I recently unified almost every rocket into same design and only replace payloads for specialized purpose but have much structure in common between them. It feels me a good time-saving and economic way to build crafts. However that was before I met your amazing mod. I wonder how your mod treat my modular engineered crafts. If your mod doesn`t treat my ship as partially common, do I have to build the components separately and scrap those components to be stored in inventory to reduce building time?
  16. Oh, thank you for kind reply. I understand the low maxtemp of wedges now, a blazing-hot-durable oxygen tank should be very funny. Anyway I think the science bays should have proper heat durability, because that`s why we`re storing something in bay of spaceship! I gonna modify .cfg files.
  17. Oh, thank you so much, and a little bit embarrassed lol Since this kind of "Forum" web page is not general in my country, so I feeling a good amount of confusion. Most of them should be solved by myself for sure, but I have a simple question here: How can I search a post within a specific forum? Oh, never mind. I found them lol
  18. It`s nice to meet you again. I don`t sure where my first post has gone... Anyway, flying space is really fun and great, right? I love this game. To introduce myself, I`m from South Korea, and attending a business school here, but love science since my childhood and admire space flight. Thank you for welcome me, and fly safe!
  19. Excuse me, I have a question. Your parts are pretty useful, but have some weird parameters. Costs are incredibly high, maxtemp is unacceptably low. Are there any reasons? For say, some realistic feature? I`m having some trouble with Mission Control Extension which make a budget thing serious, and with Deadly Re-Entry which make re-entry sequence make considerable amount of heat.
  20. What a helluva freaking awesome thing. I`m really surprised and astound. I gonna check this video 3 times everyday.
  21. I just joined this forum, only a week of playing KSP. Here`s a lot to learn! Science, Technics, and even a gameplay itself. By the way I`m from S.Korea, where people don`t use English, so my English may be awkward and laggish, but I`ll do my best effort to learn English too. (Oh, not my nickname! it`s just a typo.) Once again, Greetings everyone!
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