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Everything posted by Joshwoo70

  1. Rock chair Ps. Students like to do this and fall.
  2. Which is on retail. The building is a HDB.... (google)
  3. *launches a rocket which builds a space tourism side of the asteroid* I will give my asteroid to the next postah.
  4. "BSD-2 clause"AFAIK it allows for redistribution. I will upload it to spacedock when I get home.
  5. Mhm... $400? Uh... I will spend it on upgrading my computer rig. Next poster recieve a....*insert drumroll* $1 of alien currency!
  6. Ahhh... blowfish.. I ment uskng the art style of the old textures and redo it to fit the new ones
  7. EDIT: from what one said. i will take down ALL downloads uploaded by me on box and on Spacedock. (*sigh* people...)
  8. uhhh i mean use the old texture to repleace the new ones.
  9. Possible to make textures to replace new ones? I know that they are in legacy but still...
  10. Is there any where I can get the older clean textures? I miss them.
  11. Totally agreed. people should stop complaining about what squad is doing and deal with it.
  12. Explain cantab? EDIT:Meaning that licenses were revoked?
  13. For people out there who does not want to download the torrent, I will be hosting a github pages real soon. That contains the zips to the various mods. EDIT: 700 posts?!
  14. *gets a model rocket from jebs junkyard* Next poster gets.....a gtx titan X and 1 wad of putty and 10 singapore dollars.
  15. *uses planet buster* My shattered earth
  16. Granted... but it is baked and burnt all over. I wish for a copy of minecraft.
  17. Vending machine gives a frown and spits out a can of coke. (Gee thanks!) Insert no coins.
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