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    Engicraft Spacineer

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  1. I would imagine they're quite busy at the moment. US holiday mere days after a major update - servers are probably getting pounded! I'm not even playing the game until 1.1 and I've already downloaded around 20 mods from the site; imagine what everyone else here is doing...
  2. You're correct that it doesn't need to be in that folder. Your setup is totally fine, it was a lazy regex that didn't account for some windows formatting in your persistent.sfs. I uploaded a quick bug fix - https://github.com/Amorymeltzer/ksp/archive/v0.97.3.zip - which should work!
  3. Hey oab2, sorry it's not running right! It should work just fine on 1.0.4 so can you upload your files so I can take a look at what might be happening? At the very least I'd like to check your persistent.sfs and ScienceDefs.cfg, but it wouldn't hurt to have the others as well. Thanks so much.
  4. If you want to use git, you could simply automate this - a rudimentary bash script could take care of all the the adding and committing. Personally, I just backup persistent.sfs after I quit, placed into dropbox with the time and date. Simple script, run it when I'm done, no thinking. Here's the source, also copied below: #!/usr/bin/env bash # ksp_backup_files.sh by Amory Meltzer # Simply copy pilot files to a save directory dateandtime=$(date +%Y.%m.%d_%H%M%S) folderpath='/Users/Amory/Dropbox/KSPstuff/pilot_backups/'$dateandtime ksppath='/Applications/KSP_osx' userlist=$(ls -1 $ksppath'/saves' | grep -v scenarios | grep -v training) mkdir "$folderpath" for i in $userlist do cp "$ksppath/saves/$i/persistent.sfs" "$folderpath/$i.persistent.sfs" done ls -lFGh "$folderpath/"
  5. Minor tweak - have the SCAN agency only offer scanning contracts. Rescuing Kerbals seems outside their stated purview...
  6. Awesome update! Psyched about the contracts integration, I know you've were super helpful enabling them in the first place. What will happen to those of us using his contract pack already, will it all switch over nicely, or should we grab some new contracts for already-scanned planets?
  7. Everyone has summed it up pretty well here. I use both because I like MJ for some and KER for others --> porquenolosdos.jpg
  8. Gonna be honest, the one time that happened I didn't even think about that. Pod + Flea + Crash = No longer on roster. Reputation is for suckers.
  9. You should use the Tree Toppler mod. I get the same effect in the F12 menu, which is kind of disappointing. Maybe you should change the subject category, but I'm on a Mac so it's probably system-neutral.
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