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Everything posted by LordFerret

  1. News without being news. We get such fires nearly every year, such is life living in and around forests. I got to drive through this one (sort of) late Saturday afternoon, coming west out of Barnegat on 72 just before the police closed the highway. The smoke and ash carried northeast on the winds, was raining down on the car for miles as we traveled in the same direction. https://www.nj.com/burlington/2019/04/forest-fire-that-burned-11k-acres-in-nj-pine-barrens-started-in-area-known-for-illegal-bonfires.html
  2. Audacity is a great tool, I've used it (relied on it) many times. It's bundled with AV Linux, which is awesome.
  3. Eventually, we all get to deal with this to one degree or another. My cousin got their 2nd star (Major General) inside the Women's Memorial, I was there for it. To stroll though Arlington.......... it is quite a place.
  4. I'm to understand that, back in 2015, Embry Riddle held some kind of contest. I had asked my cousin if his son had attended, but was told he was too busy with classes to be playing 'games'. All things considered, I agreed. https://connection.erau.edu/event/787365
  5. Oh not this again. I'm getting tired of this ya know. Happy now?
  6. Ponderings: There are several hundred million base pairs in each chromosome strand in human DNA. Using the method for data storage/retrieval defined in the article, applied to a music format or digital image format, I'm wondering what each of us would sound and look like. Just for ha-ha's mind you. With all of these genetic discovery services now being offered these days, perhaps a YouMusic could become a novelty.
  7. @Cassel I fail to understand your issue with the terminology used. "Junk DNA" has a history to its definition and meaning. For all intent of purpose, one could consider it a simple label for a placeholder; It easily could have been called WhoKnowsWhat, or WhatEver, or Bob instead. It doesn't matter the branch of science being discussed, pick any you wish, they are full of terms alien (mismatched) to common language and meaning... and to think about that, it's not limited to 'science'. Because it's handy, from Wikipedia: - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-coding_DNA
  8. Here's a term I like in Cosmology (for example) ... "uncertainties". We have an entire science based on this (pretty much).
  9. Yes, but does it have "Moon Milk" ??? https://eatfeelfresh.com/moon-milk/ Edit: On second thought, the only thing that worries me and gives me the creeps about this is... " plant based milk ".
  10. Nonsense! I can read and drink milk at the same time. When texting, I can drink milk while waiting for a reply. And for that, I'm going to put extra cream into my coffee, just because I can.
  11. @Cassel @mikegarrison I'm aware of that. The term is in legitimate use however, for quite some time now. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/what-is-junk-dna-and-what/
  12. I pity those who are lactose intolerant. They need to drink more milk.
  13. Considering it's been said our DNA contains a lot of 'junk', as in segments not used, I can't help but wonder if the idea of incorporating such data DNA into ones own will be looked at. As in, you'll become your own storage device.
  14. The soundtrack from Smash Hit, a game I've got on my phone. must... put... phone... down.....
  15. Bell Labs was working on that a long time ago, perhaps even pre-1970's? A one-inch square cube, Quartz?, dropped into a device that used a laser to read/write data. Don't know what happened to that, but the memory boards featured (in 2001 A Space Odyssey) for HAL's brain were supposedly based on such a technology. This same technology became reality for a short while, I remember seeing this device in use for video recording; https://www.technologyreview.com/s/404603/holographic-memory/ Edit: Turns out this idea is still under development. Google 'microsoft project silica'.
  16. Yup... sure will! An acquired taste too. lol
  17. I ran across this yesterday. Very interesting stuff. Considering the advances made on this already, I see a viable technology made available for use just around the corner - as in soon. Investment-wise, I'm waiting and watching to see who picks up the mantle. With a 'hello,' researchers demonstrate first fully automated DNA data storage
  18. Going out on an emergency call just after brewing a fresh pot, returning hours later to all but an inch of coffee left in the pot (evaporation, old reliable "Mr.Coffee"). Sludge. You don't know what you're missing.
  19. I can't understand why anyone would want a Facebook account. No thank you. What do you think of those Keurig machines? My wife keeps hinting she wants one. I keep vetoing it... for the amount of coffee we drink here, I think that machine is a waste.
  20. Riches! I'm going to be rich! Some fellow from Nigeria is sending me $500,000,000 ... all I need do is send some 'basic' identity information along with an authorizing signature so that the two agents I sent can pick up the money for me. Two agents I sent? Ok! Sure! We'll roll with that. James Veitch will be proud of me. When the money comes in I'm going to share it with all of you. Been a long time since I've received one of those screwball emails. Couldn't resist ... and yes, I did reply to it.
  21. Somewhere, I still have a copy of LINPACK ... MATLAB's grandpa.
  22. Yes, but if you push hard enough the pins (that don't align with a hole) will collapse in. Seen it.
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